

 雪明月 2015-11-20
1.ecology 生态学

2.take stronger and harsher measures 采取更强有力的措施

3.pass regulations 通过立法

4.intensify environmental management 加强环境管理

5.supervision and management of enterprise environment 企业环境监督河管理

6.environmental standard 环境基准

7.achieve high efficiency 取得高效率

8.fine 罚款

9.enforce penalties 实施处罚

10.conservation 保护

11.reconstruct 重建

12.sanitary 卫生的,清洁的

13.healthful 有益健康的

14.preventive 防御的

15.convert 转变的

16.financial incentive 经济鼓励

17.arouse people’s awareness of environmental protection 换起公众的环保意识

18.conscious preserver 自觉得环保者

19.increase energy efficiency 提高能源利用率

20.disaster 灾难

21.restriction 限制

22.plant trees 植树

23.reforestation 重新造林

24.forbid the blowing of car horns 禁止鸣笛

25.forbid construction during the night 机制晚间施工

26.limit the business time of entertainment enterprises 限制娱乐行业的营业时间

27.Air Pollution Control Ordinance <空气污染管制条例>

28.work out better ways to purify the air 找出更好的方法净化空气

29.limit the number of cars running the street 限制路上的汽车数量

30.sewage purification 污水净化

31.sewage treatment 污水处理

32.equipment to purify the waste water 废水净化设备

33.dispose of 处理

34.cost of disposal 处理成本

35.purify waters in rivers and lakes净化河流和湖泊里的水

36.recycle 再循环

37.reuse 再使用

38.incinerate 焚化

39.nonrenewable 不可再生的

40.discard 丢弃

41.illegal dumpling 非法倾倒垃圾

42.develop a modern waste disposal technology 开发现代垃圾处理技术

43.waste management law 垃圾管理条例

44.decomposition 分解,腐烂

45.classify 分类

46.environmentally friendly material 环保材料

47.clean-up 清除

48.disposable packaging and item 一次性的包装和用品

1. I  would like to choose …as my pet because…

2.The thing that also strikes you about the…is the …

3.We must acknowledgment that the number of wildlife in China has been declining for years now.

4.People hunt animals for their fur, to eat or to use in medicine.

5.We need to focus on sustainable development, rather than…

6.There are three main types of environmental pollution : air pollution, water pollution and sound pollution.

7.I think right now China is facing very severe environmental problems.

8.There are several things people can do as individuals to protect the environment.

9.To solve the problem, we should first…,and in the meantime, we should…

10.There is a growing public awareness of environmental protection.

11.There are many causes for the…pollution.

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