
Why do we interview? | Undergraduate Study

 我想你也想知道 2015-11-25

There's no blueprint for an ideal Cambridge student. We assess everyone individually, which means we look at – and for – different things in different people for different courses. Consequently, there's no magic formula that will guarantee you're offered a place.

All Admissions Tutors are looking for the students who they believe have the most academic ability and potential, are best suited to the course applied for, and who will benefit from what we have to offer.

Almost all of our applicants are predicted top grades so it's difficult to select fairly based on the UCAS application alone. Therefore, interviewing:

  • contributes to our assessment of applicants’ academic potential and suitability for the course chosen – whether they have the potential to study it to a very high level, engage with new ideas and think conceptually, and how they will respond to the teaching methods used at Cambridge.
  • gives applicants the opportunity to expand on the written elements of their application and show us how they think about their subject; and to demonstrate their passion for and commitment to their subject, and their ability to think critically and independently.

If you have any specific learning difficulties, a disability/impairment or other particular need, the Colleges will make every effort to meet your requirements, but make sure you tell them well in advance of your interview.

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