

 昵称2530266 2015-12-14


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1.Is he Li Ming?

肯定回答:__________ 否定回答:_______

2.Are they Jane and Maria ?

肯定回答:__________ 否定回答:_______

3.Are you in Class 1?

肯定回答:__________ 否定回答:_______

( )4.Is the boy Tom?

A.Yes, the boy is. B.No, he is

C.Yes,he is

( )5.Is the girl Jane?

A.Yes, she’s B. No, the girl isn’t

C.No,she isn’t

( )6.Are the students happy?

A.No, they are. B.Yes, they are.

C.Yes,they aren’t

( )7.Are you Jane?

A.Yes, I am B. No, I am

C.Yes, I am not

( )8.Are the boys from theUSA?

A. No, they are B. Yes, the boys are

C.Yes,they are

9.---Is this a pen? ---________

A.Yes, this is B. No, that is

C.No,it isn’t

10.---Is that an egg? ---_________

A.No, that isn’t B.Yes, it is.

C.Yes,that is.

11.---______ that? That’s Nancy.

A.Who B. Who’s C.How old

12.What’s this in English? ---______

A.This is a book. B.It’s an egg

C.That’s a map

13.What’s that in English? ---______

A.This is a book. B.It’s an egg

C.That’s a map

14.---Are these pens? --- _______

A.Yes, they are B. Yes, these are

C.No,those aren’t.

15.---Are those eggs? ---_________

A.No, those aren’t B.No, they aren’t.

C.Yes,those are.

16.---Are the students from Beijing? ---___

A.Yes, it is. B.Yes,they are.

C.Yes,he is.

17.What are these in English? ---______

A.These are books. B.Those are eggs

C.They are maps.

2. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

3. Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

4--10 CCBAC CB 11-17 BBBABBC

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