
Children Utopia / Peng Architect | 谷德设计网

 chimoxue 2015-12-20

来自Peng Architect张朋千建筑设计谘询(上海)有限公司对gooood的分享。

作品名称:「CHILDREN UTOPIA」2015乌克兰国际竞图 Child-friendly public space 首奖
建筑师/设计者: PENG ARCHITECT 张朋千建筑设计谘询(上海)有限公司
设计团队: 张朋千Peng Chien Chang,黄紫渲 Zi Xuan Huang, 陈佩汝Pei Ru Chen





Historically, as for inception of Ivano-Frankivsk city, a famous Stanislaviv fortress has been established to block the foreign invasion. Later, it has been expanded in order to enhance fortification. After the war, the non-functioning fortress has been demolished, with the city expanded outward and developed to the present scale of historic preservation. With the advent of the industrial era, the constructed railway is the city's external main transport hub, stimulating the rapid development of cities, thus urban areas is spread and pervaded along the railway to the west edge. Now, Ivano-Frankivsk's vision is to become the center of cooperative culture, art and tourism of western Ukraine. Therefore, the design of public spaces for children is the thinking and reshaping of urban space based on the new angle, so that the city has the opportunity achieve major development for the third time in a new way to make the city open and friendly.





To build a good public space for children needs a healthy and orderly urban environment. Ivano-Frankivsk is faced with numerous urban problems. In the public spaces, they are distributed scatteredly, being lack in space of outdoor recreation activities, aggregation, rest and safety stop. In terms of traffic, it has more mixed multiple streamlines and strained transport, lack of parking space. In urban activities, there are space requirements for festivals and people flow, as well as for spontaneous trading (flea market) seasonally and in holiday. In aspect of the facilities, cultural and recreational facilities in urban areas are concentrated in the old town, with insufficient public services, green landscape and garbage collection zones. For children, the city is lacking in space for Children’s activity and exchange and secure recreational facilities, and the mixing of Children’s spatial streamline with other people flows cannot meet the needs of the activities for children of all ages.








Children’s "friendly" space is not only the kind for children, but also for citizens and the city. That is, it is a space that children and citizens can be safely and easily accessible in a comfortable distance. It can meet activity need in different goals for children of different ages, and also blend into the urban environment so as to complement public function of urban areas. Children’s age is defined to be from 0-12 years old, with respective characteristics in each age for them. For children from 0-2 years old, they need adults' support activities, with strong perception. For children from 3-5 years old, they carry out activities under the nursing of the adult, and enjoy imitation and experience. For children from 6-7 years old, they conduct activity of their own within sight of adults, with strong individual expression. For children from 8-12 years, they can perform activity independently so as to accumulate cultural information. Thus, children of all ages have different behavior characteristics and needs, and through combination with location of the urban surroundings, a variety of child-friendly spaces can be generated.







We connect distinctive parks in a friendly and accessible way, so that children can not only experience various parks, but also a whole can be formed for new and old community. The city cultural facilities are linked together so that resources dispersed throughout the city can be shared, and can be easily accessible. At the same time, such development has made that the services of public space can be not only radiated outward from the parks but from the whole series of space. Urban space as series-wound transportation can be activated, thus contributing to the development of the city. Application of friendly-space series-wound mode is not limited to the current five bases, also in other urban fields, thereby linked together to form a network. The spread of this model promotes and stimulate s urban development, making the history of Ivano-Frankivsk move towards a new stage.









团队简介 Team Profile

Peng Architects (张朋千建筑设计咨询) 成立于2010年美国芝加哥,至今在上海、台北、文莱都设有办公室。公司内部聚集多个专业的创意人才,服务与设计相关的建筑、规划、景观、研究领域。目前所参与过的项目散布北美,亚洲,东南亚,及中东地区。

我们相信大自然中,所有的物质都是相消而相长,但最终都得以达到动态的平衡而存在。城市及建筑形成的过程,也会受到不同外来的力量冲击。这些影响可能随着时间地点不同而改变,包括从经济,社会文化,当地气候,政府,开发商,或其他方面来的条件与限制。这些力量需要完整的分析出来,且不以正面或负面来对待。 以其自身的特性发挥,达到平衡融合的状态,并自然的反射出来,形态也因此而生成(相由心生)。城市与建筑的面貌形成,应该不是设计师筛选后的结果,或是单纯美化表面,而是内外兼容,相辅相成,而且是多元的。


MORE:  Peng Architect张朋千建筑设计谘询(上海)有限公司

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