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Woolwich Squares / Gustafson Porter | 谷德设计网。Gustafson Porter’s proposal for Woolwich Squares, encompassing Beresford Square, Greens End and General Gordon Square (approx 1ha), signifies the consolidation of a fragmented Woolwich Town Centre, rejuvenating its public spaces, and bringing people back into the hear...
艺术家用30吨彩砂创造“梦想城市”互动艺术艺术家用30吨彩砂创造“梦想城市”互动艺术 发布日期:2015-11-19 来源:中国公共艺术网专稿 编辑:Cae 分享到:0.
飘扬在慕尼黑街头的梦幻冬日蒲公英?中国公共艺术网 、中国公共雕塑网由中城雕艺术设计院主办,是中国公共艺术第一门户网站 , 为促进全球公共艺术文化信息流通 、城市雕塑审美艺术理性化而不懈努力。2013 中国公共艺术网<a href="http://www.linezing.com"><img src="http://img.tongji.line...
A Former Coal Mine Has Been Transformed Into An Artistic Landscape | CONTEMPORIST.Crawick Multiverse is a major land restoration and art project in Dumfries &Galloway, utilising landscape art to transform a former open cast coal mine into an outdoor space that can be enjoyed by future generations.
Gerry Judah Completes A New Sculpture For The Porsche Museum In Stuttgart | CONTEMPORIST.Artist Gerry Judah has sent us his recently completed sculptural piece for the Porsche museum in Stuttgart, Germany, that features 3 real cars, measures 82 feet high.
A twisted trefoil knot sculpture has arrived in this urban park | CONTEMPORIST.The basic geometry started from a trefoil knot, which consists of three M?The pipes were twisted accurately and structured by triangular sections with transforming sizes and angles along the base geometry.
丹尼尔里伯斯金为意大利著名陶瓷公司Casalgrande Padana设计的多面体雕塑 丹尼尔里伯斯金为意大利著名陶瓷公司Casalgrande Padana设计的多面体雕塑 2015-11-12 作者:未知 来源:中国建筑学会 浏览:78 分享。里伯斯金与Casalgrande Padana的合作渊源已久,在米兰世博会时万科馆的设计师就是丹尼尔里伯斯金,而万科馆那令人印象深刻的蜿蜒的红...
Children Utopia / Peng Architect | 谷德设计网。作品名称:「CHILDREN UTOPIA」2015乌克兰国际竞图 Child-friendly public space 首奖作品位置:乌克兰Ivano-Frankivsk建筑师/设计者: PENG ARCHITECT 张朋千建筑设计谘询(上海)有限公司设计团队: 张朋千Peng Chien Chang,黄紫渲 Zi Xuan Huang, 陈佩汝Pei Ru Chen.在公共空间上,它们分布分...
Children Utopia / Peng Architect | 谷德设计网。作品名称:「CHILDREN UTOPIA」2015乌克兰国际竞图 Child-friendly public space 首奖作品位置:乌克兰Ivano-Frankivsk建筑师/设计者: PENG ARCHITECT 张朋千建筑设计谘询(上海)有限公司设计团队: 张朋千Peng Chien Chang,黄紫渲 Zi Xuan Huang, 陈佩汝Pei Ru Chen.在公共空间上,它们分布分...
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