

 昵称2530266 2016-01-10

1.The least successful Harry Potter film mad $90 million more than the most successful Twilight movie. (Sorry,Edward and Bella, you cannot be compared to Harry , Ron, and Hermione.)


2.Every Harry Potter movie is on the list of top 50 highest grossing films of all time.(And the fact is not surprising for anyone.)


3.Moaning Mrytle, in the Harry Potter series is actually a 46-year-old woman! The actress Shirley Henderson who played the ghost in the bathroom was actually 46 in real life.


4.Harry Potter is now 34 years old .Good news: in an upcoming story of J.K.Rowling the beloved 34-year-old characters reunite to win new evil.


5.J.K .Rowling says the idea of Harry Potter just 'strolled into her head'during a four-hour train delay. That's why be grateful for any moments of your life even those when you have to wait.


6.J.K.Rowling worte an alternative ending to the Harry Potter series. The author herself wanted Harry Potter to be together with Hermione in the end of the story.


7.Daniel Radcliffe broke more than 80 wands while filming the Harry Potter movies because he would use them as drumsticks.(Well, he could buy all the wands of the universe to replace them after all.)

丹尼尔·雷德克里夫在拍摄这部电影期间用坏了80多跟魔杖,因为他把魔杖当鼓槌玩。 (好吧,他想买下全宇宙的魔杖也是可以的。)

8.Daniel Radcliffer was nicknamed 'Harry Puffer'bu his 'Harry Potter' co-stars for having the so-called '20-a-day cigarette 'habit.


9.Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagal) battled cancer while filming the last Harry Potter movie because she didn't want to disappoint fans.(She was battling breast cancer,luckily she made a full recovery.)


10.The dementors in Harry Potter were meant to symbolize J.K.Rowling's depression. Depressive mood was rather inspiring for Harry Potter's creator.


(source from : hujiang)

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