

 君临天下129 2016-01-12

181. It won't happen again.下不為例。
182. It won't take much time.不會發很多時間的。
183. It won't work.行不通。
184. It's nice meeting you.很高興認識你。
185. It's a deal.一言為定。
186. It's a long story.真是一言難盡。
187. It's a nice day today.今天天氣很好。
188. It's a once in a lifetime chance.這是一生難得的機會。
189. It's a pain in the neck.這真是苦不堪言。
190. It's a piece of cake.這很容易。
191. It's a small world.這世界真小。
192. It's a waste of time.這是浪費時間。
193. It's about time.時間差不多了/是時候了。
194. It's all my fault.都是我的錯。
195. It's awesome.棒極了。
196. It's awful.真糟糕。
197. It's been a long time.好久不見。
198. It's better than nothing.總比沒有好。
199. It's essential.這是必要的。
200. It's hard to say.很難說。
201. It's incredible.令人難以置信/不可思議。
202. It's just what I had in mind.這正是我想要的。
203. It's my pleasure.這是我的榮幸。
204. It's no big deal.這沒什麼大不了的。
205. It's not your fault.不是你的錯。
206. It's nothing.小事情/不足掛齒。
207. It's only a matter of time.這只是時間問題。
208. It's out of the question.這是不可能的。
209. It's time for dinner.該吃晚飯了。
210. It's up in the air.尚未決定。
211. It's up to date.這個很時興。
212. It's up to you.一切由你決定。
213. It's very popular.他很受歡迎。
214. It's worth seeing.它絕對值得一看。
215. Just let it be.就這樣吧。
216. Just to be on the safe side.為安全起見。
217. Keep the change.不用找了。
218. Keep up the good work.再接再厲。
219. Keep your fingers crossed.為成功祈禱吧。
220. Kill two birds with one stone.一舉兩得。
221. Let me get back to you.我過一會兒打給你吧。
222. Let me guess.讓我猜一猜。
223. Let me put it this way.讓我這麼說吧。
224. Let me see.讓我想一想。
225. Let's call it a day.我們今天就到這兒吧。
226. Let's celebrate! 讓我們好好慶祝一下吧!
227. Let's find out.我們去問一下吧。
228. Let's get to the point.讓我們言歸正傳。
229. Let's get together sometime.有時間我們聚一下吧。
230. Let's hope for the best.讓我們往好處想吧。
231. Let's keep in touch.讓我們保持聯繫。
232. Let's make up.讓我們言歸於好吧。
233. Let's go visit them.讓我們去拜訪他們吧。
234. Let's talk over dinner.我們邊吃邊談吧。
235. Long time no see.好久不見。
236. Look before you leap.三思而後行。
237. May I ask you a question? 我可以問一個問題嗎?
238. May I have a receipt? 我可以要一張收據嗎?
239. May I have your name, please? 請問你叫什麼名字?
240. May I pay by credit card? 我可以用信用卡付款嗎?

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