

 奥林国际英语 2016-01-16

 jacket n.[C]短上衣,夹克衫:a brown jacket and grey trousers褐夹克及灰长裤 / There are hairs on your jacket. 你的上衣上有几根头发。/ He wore a blue jacket. 他穿一件蓝色的夹克(或西装上衣)


January n.[C]一月:in January 在一月 / on the first of January = on January 1st 11(在元旦) / I was born on January 5. 我生于元月五日。

Japan n.[U]日本:the Sea of Japan日本海 / Have you been to Japan? 你去过日本吗? / .Japan is an island country. 日本是一个岛国。

Japanese adj. 日本的,日本人的,日语的:She was dressed in Japanese clothes. 她穿着日本服装。/ About 300 Japanese young people visited our school. 大约三百名日本青年参观了我们学校。n. 日本人,日语:My neighbor is a Japanese. 我的邻居是日本人。/ I can write in Japanese. 我可以用日语写作。

jeep n.[C]吉普车:He has a jeep. 他有一辆吉普车。/ We crossed the desert by jeep. 我们乘吉普车越过沙漠。

job n.工作:He is out of a job. 他失业了。/ It's becoming more and more difficult to find a job. 找工作越来越困难了。/ I'm glad about your new job. 我为你的新工作感到高兴。

join v. 1.参加,加入:He joined the army. 他参军了。/ Everyone joined in the game. 每个人都参加了游戏。2.连接,结合:Join the two ends of the rope together. 把绳子的两头打个结接起来。

【考点】是终止性动词,不与一段时间状语连用,如不说He has joined the Party for 10 years,可改说He has been in the Party for 10 yearsHe joined the Party 10 years ago

joke n.[C]笑话:That’s nothing but a joke. 这只不过是笑话。/ I laughed at his joke. 听了他的笑话我大笑起来。/ She told some very funny jokes. 她说了一些很好笑的笑话。

【短语】play a joke on sb 拿某人取笑,戏弄某人:They played a joke on their teacher — they hid his books. 他们跟老师开个玩笑——把他的书藏起来。

journalist n.[C]记者,新闻工作者:He is a sports journalist. 他是体育记者。/ The journalists asked a lot of questions. 记者们问了很多问题。/ A group of journalists gathered at the airport. 一群新闻记者聚集在机场。

journey n. 1.[C]旅行:I wish you a good journey! 祝你一路顺风。/ They have gone[set out] on a journey. 他们去旅行了。/ He is making[going on] a long journey. 他准备去作一次长途旅行。2.[C]路程:It's about an hour's journey. 大约有一个钟头的路程。

【辨析】travel, tripjourney的区别,见travel

joy n. 1.[U]欢乐,高兴,乐趣:There was great joy in the city. 城内一片欢腾。/ To our joy, he passed the exam. 我们高兴的是他通过了考试。2.[C]令人快乐的人或事物:My children are a great joy to me. 我的孩子是我的一大喜悦。

juice n.[C,U]汁,果汁:One tomato juice and one soup, please. 请来一份番茄汁和一份汤。/ He poured himself a glass of orange juice from the jug. 他从壶里给自己倒了一杯橙汁。

July n. 七月:He was born in July 18. 他生于718

jump n.[C] 跳,跳跃,跳动:The jump was a very difficult one. 这一跳很不容易。/ With one jump, the horse was over the fence. 马一下子就跳过了篱笆。v.跳,跳动:He jumped off the horse. 他从马上跳下来。/ He jumped for joy. 他高兴得跳了起来。/ He jumped out of the window. 他从窗户跳了出去。/ The horse jumped (over) the fence. 马跳过篱笆。

jumper n.[C]跳跃者

June n. 六月:School finishes on June 24. 学期624结束。

just ad. 1.刚才,刚刚:He has just come. 他才来。/ Jim isn’t here — he’s just gone out.吉姆不在这里——他刚出去。2.正好,恰好:He came just as I was leaving. 他来的时候我正好要走。/ You’ve come just in time. 你来得正好。/ That’s just what I wanted. 这恰好是我想要的。3.不过,仅:That’s just an idea of hers. 这仅仅是她的一个想法而已。/ She is not just a singer. 她不仅是一位歌唱家。

【短语】1. just now 刚才:He was here just now. 他刚才还在这儿。/ Just now he told me his mother was ill. 他刚才告诉我他妈病了。2. just then 正在那时:Just then he heard someone calling for help. 就在那时他听到有人呼救。

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