

 奥林国际英语 2016-01-20

sad adj. 1.悲伤的,难过的:I'm sad about[at, for, over] his death. 我为他的死而感到悲伤。/ He is sad to hear the news. 听到这个消息他很难过。2.令人悲伤的,令人难过的:We were sad at the sad news. 听到这个令人伤心的消息我们都很难过。/ It is sad that you've been ill for such a long time. 你病了这么久真叫人难受。

sadly adv. 1. 悲哀地,难过地:He looked at her sadly. 他难过地看着她。2. 令人遗憾地,不幸地:Sadly, our plan failed. 我们的计划不幸失败了。/ Sadly, we have no more money. 可惜我们没有钱了。

safe adj.安全的,牢靠的:Don’t cry, you are safe now. 不要哭,你现在不会有危险了。/ She wished them a safe journey. 她祝他们一路平安。/ Do you think the water is safe to drink? 你认为这水喝起来安全吗? / Is the rope safe? 这绳子牢靠吗?

safety n.[U]安全,保险:safety belt 安全带 / safety lock安全锁 / safety glass 安全玻璃 / safety match 安全火柴 / Safety first. (标语等)安全第一。/ Don't worry about his safety. 别为他的安全担心。/ They ran to safety, away from the fire.他们跑到安全的地方,远离了大火。

【短语】in safety 安全地:He crossed the road in safety. 他安全地穿过了马路。/ We are now in safety. 现在我们安全了。

sale n. 1.[U,C]卖,出售:The sail of his old house made him sad. 卖掉老房子使他很难过。/ I hope I'll make a sale today. 我希望今天能做笔生意。 2.[C]销量,销售额:Sales of cars have increased. 汽车销售量增加了。

【短语】1. for sale 待售,出售的:The car is for sale. 此车出售。2. on sale 出售,削价出售:Summer wear is on sale. 夏季衣服已在出售。

salesgirl n.[C]女售货员:I know the salesgirl. 我认识这个女售货员。

salt n.[U]盐:salt lake 盐湖 / salt water 盐水 / The vegetables need more salt. 这些蔬菜要多加点盐。/ The soup needs more salt. 这汤还要放点盐。/ Please pass me the salt. 请把盐递给我。

same pron.同样的事()All the newspapers say the same. 所有报纸都那样报道。adj.同样的,同一的:We met again at the same place. 我们在同一个地方再次相见。/ They are the same size. 它们同样大小。/ She asked whether we came from the same city. 她问我们是不是同乡。/ He made the same mistake again and again. 他反复犯同样的错误。

【考点】1.其前通常要用定冠词,但在个别口语表达中有时可省略the"Merry Christmas." "Same to you." “祝圣诞快乐。”“也祝你圣诞快乐。2.要表示一样,要用 the same as,不能想当然地用as same asthe same with[like]Is this book the same as that one? 这本书与那本书是一样的吗?

【短语】1. all the same 尽管如此(仍然),无所谓:Thank you all the same. (不管怎样)我还是要谢谢你。/ Do whatever you want, it's all the same to me. 你想干啥就干啥,我无所谓。2. (the) same to you 你也一样:“Have a good weekend.” “The same to you.” “周末愉快。”“也祝你愉快。

San Francisco n.旧金山:Have you been to San Francisco? 你去过旧金山?

sand n. 1.[U]沙,沙子:The floor was covered with sand. 地板上尽是沙。2. (常用复)沙滩,沙地:The children were playing on the sand(s). 孩子们在沙滩上玩。/ The ship struck the sands. 船搁浅在沙滩上。

【用法】play in the sand  play on the sand(s)的含义稍有不同:前者表示在一堆沙子上玩或玩沙子,后者表示在沙滩上玩(=play by the seashore)

sandwich n.[C]三明治:He offered me a sandwich. 他拿给我一份三明治。/ I made a chicken sandwich. 我做了个鸡肉三明治。/ Mother made us some sandwiches. 母亲给我们做了些三明治。

【背景】指一种夹心面包,即在两块面包(通常先涂黄油)之间夹入某种食物(通常为冷食),如果酱(jam)、干酪(cheese)、火腿(ham)、烤牛肉(roast beef)等,并分别叫做果酱三明治(jam sandwich)、干酪三明治(cheese sandwich)、火腿三明治(ham sandwich)、烤牛肉三明治(roast beef sandwich)等。

SAR n.特别行政区:Hong Kong is an SAR. 香港是一个特别行政区。

satellite n. 1.[C]卫星:communication satellite 通信卫星 / man-made satellite 人造卫星 / A satellite moves round a planet. 卫星绕着行星转。/ They receive television pictures by satellite. 他们通过人造卫星接收电视图像。

Saturday n.[C,U]星期六:Today is Saturday. 今天是星期六。/ He will arrive (on) Saturday morning. 他将在星期六上午到。/ She doesn't have to work on Saturdays. 星期六她不需去工作。

save v. 1.救,挽救:He saved her life. 他救了她的命。/ Who saved my son? 是谁救了我儿子2.节省,节约:Children should learn to save. 小孩子应该学会节约。/ Machines save labor. 机械节省劳力。3.免去,省去:That will save us a lot of trouble. 那将省去我们许多麻烦。/ If you buy this one, it will save you $2. 你如果买这一个,可以省2美元。

say v. 1.说,讲:What did he say? 他说什么了? / He said (that) she was ill in bed. 他说她卧病在床。/ He said nothing about it. 他对此什么也没有说。/ He said sorry to me. 他向我道歉。/ Say it in English. 用英语说它。

【用法】1.通常为及物动词(其后应有宾语),但在个别表达中也可用不及物动词It’s hard to say. 很难说。/ I can't say. 我说不准(我不知道)2.注意常用句型It's said that...(据说)It's said that he stole the money. 据说是他偷了这笔钱。

【辨析】speak, talk, tellsay的区别,参见speak

scenery n.[U]风景:What beautiful scenery! 真是风景如画! / The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful. 山里的景色非常美。/ The driver stopped now and again so that we could enjoy the scenery. 司机不时地把车子停下来,以便让我们欣赏风景。/ The scenery is too beautiful for words.风景美得无法言传。

 school n. 1.[C]学校:primary schools 小学 / middle schools 中学 / evening schools 夜校 / This is our school. 这是我们学校。/ English is taught in most schools. 大多数学校都教英语。2.[U]上学,学业,上课:I go to school from Monday to Friday. 从星期一到星期五我要去上学。/ School begins at eight o'clock. 八点钟开始上课。/ I go to night school. 我上夜校。/ Is she still at school, or has she left? 她仍在上学还是已经毕业?/ There will be no school tomorrow. 明日学校放假。

【考点】表示具体的某所学校时,它是可数名词,根据情况其前可用冠词;表示上学上课等与学校有关的活动时,它是不可数名词,其前通常不用冠词。比较:He goes to school every day. 他每天都去上学(读书)/ He goes to the school every day. 他每天都去这所学校。/ He likes school. 他喜欢上学。/ He likes the school. 他喜欢这所学校。

schoolbag n.[C]书包:Where is my schoolbag? 我的书包在哪儿?

school-boy n.[C](中小学的)男学生

schoolmate n.[C]同校同学:We were schoolmates twenty years ago. 20年前我们是同学。

schoolyard n.[C]校园,(学校)运动场

science n.[U]1.(统称)科学,科学研究:He is interested in science. 他对科学感兴趣。/ Science means honest, solid knowledge. 科学是老老实实的学问。2.[C,U](一门)科学,学科:Biology is a science. 生物是一门科学。/ He studies computer science. 他研究计算机科学。/ He is interested in the science of medicine. 他对医学感兴趣。3.[U](统称)自然科学,理科:There’s a need for more science teachers. 需要更多的理科教师。/ Is science harder than English? 自然科学比英语难学吗?

【用法】1.表示统称或泛指意义的科学,为不可数名词,且其前不用冠词;表示一门科学,则为可数名词2.类似以下表达通常不用冠词,因为虽然指明了某门科学,但是其含义仍然较泛:computer science(计算机科学)economic science(经济学)medical science(医学) life science(生命科学)political science(政治学)等,但若用the science of这样的形式,则用冠词 the science of history(历史学)the science of physics(物理学)the science of language(语言科学)

scientist n.[C]科学家: Einstein was a great scientist. 爱因斯坦是一位伟大的科学家。

scissors n. (复数)剪刀,剪子:She had a pair of scissors in her hand. 她手上拿着一把剪刀。/ These scissors aren’t very sharp. 这剪刀不太锋利。/ First cut along the dotted line with a pair of scissors. 先用剪刀沿虚线剪开。

score n.[C]1.(比赛或考试中所得的)分数:My score on the test was 95. 我考试的成绩是95分。/ The score of the game is 5 to 3. 比赛结果是53/ What’s the score? 比分是多少2.[C]二十:a score of people 二十人 v. 1.(在游戏、比赛中)给人评分,记分:Will you score for us when we play? 我们打球时你给我们记分好吗?/ Who will score for this match? 谁来给这场比赛记分?

【用法】1.表示二十时,其复数形式通常不加词尾-s,且其后一般不接介词 oftwo score eggs 40 只鸡蛋 / three score men 60个人 2. 当其后的名词前有the, these, those 等表示特指的限定词修饰时,或当其后接的是us, them, you 等人称代词时,score 后必须有介词ofthree score of these eggs 这些鸡蛋中的60 3. scores of是习语,其意为许多大量几十I have been there scores of times. 我曾去过那儿许多次。/ Scores of people died in the accident. 在这次事故中死了许多人。

Scotland n.苏格兰:Her uncle is in Scotland. 她叔叔在苏格兰。


screen n.[C]银幕,荧光屏:a television screen 电视屏幕 2.[C]屏,帘:He puts screen around him when he writes. 他写东西时总是把帘子拉上。

scuba n.[C]水肺(潜水者用的水下呼吸器)

sea n.[U]海,海洋:He lives by the sea. 他住在海边。/ Boats sail on the sea.船在海上航行。/ We cannot drink sea water. 海水不能喝。/ The river flows into the sea. 这条河流入大海。/ My love for you is deeper than the sea. 我对你的爱比海深。

【用法】构成专有名词时,其前通常要用定冠词the Black Sea 黑海 / the South China Sea 南海 / the Dead Sea 死海 / the Sea of Japan 日本海

seafood n.[U]海鲜,海产品:a seafood restaurant海鲜餐厅

 search n. 1.[C,U]搜索,搜寻:After a long search, they found the lost child. 经过很长时间的寻找,他们发现了这个走失的小孩。/ The search for the missing men was given up. 搜寻失踪者的行动已经放弃了。v.搜寻,搜查:All night they searched for her. 整夜他们在搜找她。/ The police searched the city. 警察搜遍了全城。/ He searched the boys one by one. 他一个一个地搜了这些男孩子的身。/ The police searched for the thief. 警察搜找那个小偷。/ The police searched the city for the thief. 警察为了找到那个小偷搜遍了全城。

【短语】in search of 搜找:They started at once in search of the missing child. 他们马上开始寻找这个失踪的孩子。

【用法】比较以下用法:search sb=搜某人(指搜身)search a place=搜某地方(在某地方搜)search for sb=搜找某人(搜的目的是要找到某人)search a place for sb=为了找到某人而搜某个地方。

season n.[C]季,季节:There are four seasons in a year. 一年有四季。/ Spring is a lovely season. 春天是怡人的季节。/ Spring and autumn are my favorite seasons. 春季和秋季是我最喜欢的季节。

seat n.[C]座位:Please take a seat. 请坐。/ Let's change seats. 我们换个座位吧。/ Excuse me, is this seat taken? 请问这座位有人坐吗? / Do you have any seat for tonight’s show? 还有今晚表演的票吗?vt. 1.使就座:Seat the boy next to his brother. 让那个孩子坐在他哥哥旁边。/ He seated himself near the window. 他在窗户边坐下。2.能容纳人:The cinema can seat 1000 people. 这个电影院能容纳1000 人。

【用法】用作动词时,是及物动词,其后应有宾语或用被动结构,如不能说Please seat,但可说Please seat yourself. / Please be seated. 请坐。

Seattle n.西雅图:I have some friends in Seattle. 我西雅图有些朋友。

second n. 1.[C]秒:There are 60 seconds in a minute. 1分钟有60秒。/ Every second counts. 一寸光阴一寸金(分秒必争)2.[C]片刻:I can’t do without it for a second. 我一刻也离不开它。/ I shall be ready in a second or two. 一会儿我就会准备好。

second adj. 1.第二,第二的:February is the second month of the year. 二月是一年的第二个月份。/ It's the second time this has happened. 是第二次发生这样的事了。2.再一的,又一的:We need a second pair of shoes. 我们还需要另一双鞋。adv.第二:The Yellow River is China's second longest river. 黄河是中国第二大河。pron.第二个人()He is the second to come. 他是第二个来的人。

secondhand adj.二手货,旧货:It's a secondhand shop. 是个旧货店。adv.当旧货地:I got this camera secondhand. 我买的这部相机是二手货。

secret n. 1.[C]秘密:The secret is out. 机密泄漏了。/ We must keep it a secret. 我们必须对此保密。/ It's a secret. 这是秘密。2.[C]奥秘:the secrets of nature 自然的奥秘 3.[C]秘诀,窍门:The secret of his success was hard work. 他成功的秘诀是勤勉工作。adj. 秘密的:It's a secret talk. 那是一次秘密谈话。

see v.1.看见,看到:He looked but saw nothing. 他看了看,但什么也没看见。/ Have you seen my bag? 你看到我的手提包了吗? / I saw him cross the street. 我看见他横越马路。2.领会,明白:You see? ()明白吗?/ Oh, I see. 哦,我明白了。/ I don't see what you mean. 我不懂你的意思。3.看望,拜会:I'll go and see her. 我要去看看她。4.查看,检查:Go and see who it is. 去看看是谁。5.观看(电影),参观:I didn't see the film. 我没有看这部电影。/ He saw the sight of Hong Kong. 他游览了香港。6.陪送,送别:You should see her home. 你应该送她回家。/ She saw me to the gate and said goodbye. 她把我送到门口就说了声再见。7.想想,看看:Let me see. 让我想想看。

【考点】1.后接不定式作宾语补足语时,不定式不带toHe saw her go into a shop. 我看见她进了一家商店。但在被动语态中,不定式要带toHe was seen to go into shop. 有人看见走进一家商店。2. see sb do sthsee sb doing sth:前者表示看见某人做了某事(强调动作的全过程),后者表示看见某人正在做某事(强调动作在进行)I saw her play the piano. 我看她弹了钢琴。/ I saw her playing the piano. 我看见她正在弹钢琴。

seem vi.似乎,好像:It seems (to be) a good idea. 那似乎是个好主意。/ He seems (to be) quite happy. 他似乎很高兴。/ It seems (as if ) it’s going to rain. 天好像要下雨。/ She seemed a little tired. 她似乎有点累。

【考点】1.后接不定式to be时,to be通常可以省略2.比较以下同义句:He seems (to be) ill.=It seems that he is ill. 他似乎病了。/ He seems to know everything.= It seems that he knows everything. 他好像什么都知道。

 seldom adv.很少,不常:She is seldom ill. 她很少生病。/ I seldom eat meat. 我很少吃肉。/ It seldom snows here. 这儿很少下雪。

【用法】1.在句中的位置一般是紧靠动词,有时也放在句末(尤其是受very, quite等修饰时)She goes to the cinema very seldom. 她极少去看电影。2.在正式的文体中,可放在句首,并引出倒装句:Seldom does he see a film. 他很少看电影。3.含有seldom的句子在变反意问句时,疑问部分要用肯定式:She seldom goes there, does she? 她很少去那儿,是吗?

self n.[U,C] 自己,自我,自身:Self do, self have. 自作自受。/ He always thinks first of self. 他总是首先想到自己。

self-respect n.[U]自尊,自重:What you said hurt his self-respect. 你说的话伤了他的自尊。

sell v. 1.卖:I won’t sell to a stranger. 我不卖给生人。/ He sold me his car.=He sold his car to me. 他把汽车卖给了我。/ He sold his house at a low price. 他低价卖掉了他的房子。2.被出售,有销路:The book sold well. 这本书畅销。/ Will such a long novel sell? 这么长的小说有人买吗?

seller n.[C]卖者,售货员:a newspaper seller 卖报者,报童

send v. 1送,寄:She sent me a present. 她送了我一件礼物。/ We'd better send him to hospital at once. 我们最好马上送他到医院就诊。2.派:She sent for the doctor. 她派人去请医生。/ We can send a car over to fetch you. 我们可以派车来接你。3.使变得,使得:This noise will send me mad. 这吵声会使我发疯。4.发信,寄信:Please send me a card. 请寄一张明信片来。

【用法】1.表示,一般是指通过他人或通过某种手段间接地去送,而不是指自己亲自去送。2. send sbsend for sb (sth)不同,前者表示派遣某人,后者表示派人去请某人或找某物We must send him to repair the machine. 我们必须派他去修理机器。/ We must send for him to repair the machine. 我们必须派人去请他来修理机器。

sentence n. 1.[C]句子:Write three sentences with this word. 用这个词造三个句子。2.[C]判刑:He received a heavy sentence. 他被重判。vt. 宣判,判决:He was sentenced to death. 他被判死刑。/ He was sentenced to three years in prison. 他被判处3年徒刑。

September n.九月:School begins in September. 九月开学。/ September is the ninth month of the year. 9月是一年的第9个月。/ He was born in September, 1988. 他出生在19889月。/ September 10 is Teachers' Day. 910是教师节。

serious adj. 1.严肃的,认真的:I want to have a serious talk with you.我想认真地同你谈一谈。/ Are you serious? 你当真吗? / Marriage is a very serious thing. 婚姻是严肃的。/ Never mind him, he is not serious. 不要介意,他是说着玩的。2.严重的:It's a serious mistake. 那是一个严重的错误。/ He has a serious illness. 他病得很厉害。

serve vt. 1.招待,接待:Are you being served? 有人接待你吗?/ Dinner is now served. 现在开饭了。/ Serve the guests first. 先给客人盛饭()2.服务:We should serve the people. 我们必须为人民服务。


service n. 1.[U,C]服务:Service First. 服务第一。/ We must try to improve our service. 我们必须设法提高服务质量。/ Do you need the services of a doctor (a lawyer)? 你需要医生诊治(律师帮忙)? / They offer their services free. 他们主动提供免费服务。

set n. 1.[C]装备,设备:I bought a new TV set. 我买一台新电视机。2.[C]一套,一副:a set of gardening tools 一套园艺工具

set v.1.(太阳等)下落:The sun rises in the ease and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。/ The moon is setting. 月亮正在落下。2摆设,放置:I set the flowers on the table. 我把花放在桌子上。/ I set the table for dinner. 我在桌上摆好餐具准备开饭。3.使,致使:We set the children to clean the windows. 我们叫孩子们擦窗子。/ What he said set me thinking. 他的话使我思考。/ He can't set the machine going. 他不会开动这台机器。

【短语】1. set about 开始,着手:I don't know how to set about this job. 我不知道怎样着手这项工作。2. set out 动身,出发;开始,着手:When shall we set out? 我们什么时候出发? / They succeeded in what they set out to do. 他们想要做的事做成了。

【用法】1.表示下落时,一般不与down连用。2. set sb to do sth  set sb (sth) doing sth不同,前者表示使某人做某事,后者表示使某人()开始做某事或处于做某事的状态He set me to do it. 他要我去做这事。/ What he said set her crying. 他说的话使她哭了起来。

seven num. 七:He had seven children. 他有7个小孩。

seventeen num. 十七:She is seventeen. 17岁。

seventh num. 第七:The seventh lesson is easy. 第七课很容易。

seventy num. 七十:He was born in the seventies. 他生于70年代。

 several pron. 几个,数个:Several of you need to work harder. 你们有几个人还需要努力。/ I already have several. 我已经有几个了。adj.若干:I have several letters to write today. 我今天有好几封信要写。/ He lived there for several years. 他在那儿住过几年。/ Several people saw the accident, not just you. 几个人看到了事故,不仅是你。

【考点】一般不与only连用,遇此情况可改用 a fewI have only a few friends. 我只有几个朋友。(不说I have only several friends.)

shake v.1.摇动,震动:Shake the bottle before taking the medicine. 服用此药前请先摇晃瓶子。/ The trees are shaking in the wind. 风吹得树枝摇动。/ He was much shaken at[by, with] the news. 听到这个消息他非常震动。/ We felt the house shake. 我们感到房子在摇晃。2.()If you agree, let's shake on it. 如果你同意,我们就握手确定。/ He shook hands with me.= He shook my hand. 他同我握了手。

shall v. aux. 1.将要,会:We’ll know the result tomorrow.. 明天就会知道结果了。/ I'm afraid I shan't be able to come. 我恐怕不能来。/ What shall we have for breakfast? 我们早饭吃什么? / I shall try again. 我还要试。2.要不要,好吗:Shall I open the window? 要我把窗子打开吗?/ Shall I get you a chair? 要不要我给你拿把椅子来?

【考点】1.用于构成将来时态,表示单纯的未来,主要用于第一人称。2.用于疑问句征求对方意见,也主要用于第一人称,其意为要不要Shall I get you a chair? 要不要我给你拿把椅子来?

shame n. 1.[U]羞耻,耻辱:He has no shame. 他毫无羞耻心。/ He put her to shame. 他使她羞愧。2.[C]可耻的事,遗憾的事:What a shame! 真不像话(真遗憾)! / It's a great shame to treat him like that. 这样对待他太不像话了。/ It's a shame (that) he didn't come. 很遗憾他没来。

shape n.[C,U]形状,外形:What shape is it? 它们什么形状? / The picture is round in shape. 这幅画是圆形的。/ It wears well and keeps its shape. 它耐穿而且不走样。

share v. 1.分配,分发:He shared (out) $100 among[between] the five men. 他把100美元分给了这5个人。2.分享,分担,共用:We share a small room between us. 我们俩共用一个小房间。/ I will share (in) the cost with you. 我将与你分担费用。/ Children should learn to share. 小孩应该学会与人分享东西。n.[C]份额,一份:Where is my share? 我的一份呢?

shark n.[C]鲨鱼:The largest of the dangerous sharks is the great white or man-eater. 危险的鲨鱼中最大的是大白鲨或称杀人鲨。

sharp adj.锋利的,尖的:Be careful of the sharp knife. 当心这锋利的小刀。

sharpen v.锐利,削尖:Sharpen a pencil with a knife.用刀子削铅笔。

sharpener n削尖用的器具:pencil sharpener 转笔刀

she pron. 她:She is beautiful. 她很美。/ She likes English. 她喜欢英语。

【考点】是主格,用作主语;若用作宾语,要用宾格herI like her. 我喜欢她。

sheep n.[C]绵羊:I saw five sheep. 我看见5只绵羊。/ Sheep are grazing. 羊在吃草。/ We keep more than 30 sheep. 我们养了30多只羊。

【考点】1.复数同形。2.不要从字面理解a black sheep,它的意思是害群之马败家子,而不是一只黑色的绵羊

shelf n.[C]架子,搁板:I put up a shelf in the kitchen. 我在厨房内搭了一个架子。/ The plates are on the shelf in the kitchen. 盘子放在厨房的架子上。/ I keep my books on the shelves in my room. 我把书放在我房间里的架子上。/ Put the book back on the shelf when you have read it. 阅后请把书放回架上。

shellfish n.[C,U]贝类,甲壳类水生物:Shellfish is good to eat. 水生贝壳类动物很好吃。


shepherd n.[C]牧羊人,牧童

shine v.1.1.发光,发亮:The light shone in. 光线照射进来。/ The sun shone bright(ly). 阳光明媚。/ His face shone with pleasure. 他脸上高兴得发光。/ Her eyes shone with excitement. 她两眼兴奋得闪光。2.使(灯等)照射:He shone a light in[into]my eyes (face). 他用手电光照我的眼睛()/ Please shine your flashlight over here. 请把手电筒往这边照。3.擦亮:Go and shine your shoes. 去把你的皮鞋擦亮。

ship n.[C]船,轮船:What a nice ship! 多漂亮的船呀!/ We decided to go by ship. 我们决定坐船去。/ TheTitanic was the largest ship at that time. 泰坦尼克号是当时最大的船。

【辨析】ship  boat的区别,见 boat

 shirt n.[C]衬衫:This is my shirt and hers is over there. 这是我的衬衫,她的衬衫在那边。/ That shirt is dirty, here is a clean one. 那件衬衣脏了,这里有件干净的。

shoe n.[C]鞋:He needs a new pair of shoes. 他需要一双新鞋。/ He put[got] on his shoes and went out. 他穿好鞋就出去了。/ Please lace up your shoes. 请系好你的鞋带。/ The man took off his shoes and got into bed. 这个人把鞋脱掉后就上了床。

shoot v.1.开枪,射击:He shot a gun. 他开枪了。/ He shoot at the bird, but missed it.他对着鸟开枪,但没有打中。2.射中,打死:He shoot a bird and killed it. 他打中那只鸟把它打死了。/ He was shot three times in the leg. 他的腿中了三枪。3.投球:Tom shot a goal. 汤姆踢进了一个球。

【用法】比较:shoot at sb=向某人开枪(不一定打中)shoot sb=打中某人。

shop n.[C]商店:shop assistant 店员 / shop boy[girl] 店员 / shop hours 营业时间 / There is a shop near our school. 我们学校附近有家商店。/ All the shops were shut. 所有商店都关门了。/ The shop stays open till seven o'clock. 商店一直开到七点。vi.买东西:We usually shop on Sundays. 我们常在星期天去商店买东西。/ I like shopping for clothes. 我喜欢买衣服。/ She went shopping. 她买东西了。

shopkeeper n.[C]店主,零售商人:Who is the shopkeeper? 店主是谁?

shopping n.[U]买东西:She did a lot of shopping yesterday. 她昨天买了许多东西。/ I've got some shopping to do. 我要买些东西。/ My husband always does the shopping. 买东西的事都由我丈夫做。

short adj. 1.短的:My shirt is too short. 我的衬衫太短了。/ He had a short stay here. 他曾在这里短期停留过。/ Mr Smith wrote some short stories. 史密斯先生写过一些短篇小说。2.矮的:Jane is shorter than her. 简比她矮。/ I don’t like him; he is too short. 我不喜欢他,他太矮了。3.不足的,短缺的:We are short of money. 我们缺钱。

【短语】1.in short 总之:In short, we don't like him. 总之,我们不喜欢他。2. for short 为了简短,简称:Jonathan is called Jon for short. 乔纳森被简称为乔。

shot n. 1.[C]射击,开炮,射击声:We heard shots in the distence. 我们听到远处有枪声。/ There was a shot, and the bird fell dead. 一声枪响,鸟落下死了。2.[C]射门,投篮,击球:His shot went wide. 他没射进球门。3.[U]子弹:The gun is out of shot. 这支枪的子弹快用完了。/ The shot wounded his arm. 子弹打伤了他的胳膊。

should v.aux. 1.将,会:I told him I should get up early. 我告诉他我会早起。2.应当,应该:You should study hard. 你应该努力学习。/ We should help him. 我们应该帮助他。/ Teachers should be kind to their students 老师应该对学生友好。/ The police should do something about it. 警察应就那件事采取一点行动。3.可能:They should be there by now, I think. 我想他们现在应该到那里去了。

shout v.叫喊,高声呼喊:The girl shouted for help. 这个女孩大声呼救。/ He started to shout and sing. 他开始叫嚷并唱歌。/ He was too far away and I had to shouted to him. 他太远,我只好大声喊他。/ She heard someone shouting her name. 她听见有人在大声喊她的名字。/ John shouted that he was safe. 约翰大声喊,他安然无恙。n.[C]叫声,呼喊:I can hear the children's shouts of joy. 我可以听到孩子们的欢呼声。/ Suddenly I heard a shout. 突然我听到喊叫声。

【用法】比较下面两句,所用介词不同,含义不同:He shouted at me. 他对我吼叫。(意在训人) / He shouted to me. 他朝着我大声喊。(无训人之意)

show n. 1.[C]展示,展览()Have you been to the flower show? 你去参观花卉展了没有2.[C]演出 Both of us are going to the show. 我们两人都准备去看演出。/ The show lasted two hours. 演出持续了两小时。v. 1.看,出示:Show me some others. 再拿一些给我看。/ Show me what you've bought. 把你买的东西拿给我看看。2.引导,带领:Show the gentleman in. 请带那位先生进来。/ Show him to his room. 把他带到他房间去。/ They were shown round the city. 他们被带着在城里观光。3.告诉,解释:Show me where your leg hurts. 告诉我你的腿什么地方疼。/ Let me show you how to do it. 我来告诉你怎样做。4.说明,表明:That shows how little you know. 这表明你多么无知。5.上映,演出:What’s showing at the cinema? 电影院现在上映什么片子?/ Where is the film showing? 电影在哪里放映?

【用法】1.表示拿某物给人看,可带双宾语,若双宾语易位,要用介词to引出间接宾语: He showed me his new watch.=He showed his new watch to me. 他给我看了他的新表。2.表示告诉某人做某事,其实是指通过做示范教某人做某事,此时可后接宾语+疑问词+不定式,但一般不直接用宾语+不定式,如下面一句中不定式前的how就不能省略He showed me how to make a cake. 他教我做蛋糕。3. show sb (a)round 的意思是陪某人参观带某人到处看看,它通常不再与visiteverywhere之类的词连用,以免构成用词重复:He showed us round the farm. 他带我们参观了农场。

shower n. 1.[C]阵雨:It looks like a shower. 看起来要下阵雨了。/ A shower of rain doesn't last long. 阵雨不会持续很久。/ Some showers are expected this afternoon. 今天下午有阵雨。2.[C]淋浴:He had a shower after the tennis match. 网球比赛后他冲了个淋浴。/ I was having a shower at that time. 那时我正冲澡。vi. 1.下阵雨:It’s started to shower. 开始下阵雨了。2.淋浴:He showered quickly before he got dressed. 他很快地洗了个淋浴,然后穿好衣服。

showery adj.多阵雨的,阵雨()

 shut v.关闭,关上:Shut your eyes. 闭上你的眼睛。/ Will you shut the door? 你把门关上好吗? / All the shops were shut. 商店都关门了。/ The door won't shut. 这门关不上。

【用法】要表示关灯、关电视、关水龙头、关煤气等,不宜用shut,但可用shut off,如不说Please shut the light,但可说Please shut off[turn off] the light(请关灯)

shy adj.害羞的:She gave him a shy smile. 她对他羞怯地笑了笑。/ The children was shy and hid behind his mother. 这孩子很害羞,躲在妈妈后面。/ He was shy with women. 他和女人在一起时怕羞。

sick adj. 1.有病的,患病的:He's sick in bed. 他卧病在床。/ He fell sick. 他生病了。/ He is sick with the flu. 他患了流感。2.()呕吐的,恶心的:The long train ride made him sick. 长时间坐车使他想呕吐。3.厌烦的,讨厌的:John is sick of his job. 约翰讨厌他的工作。

【辨析】sickill1.两者均表示有病的,但ill只用作表语,而sick既可用作定语,也可用作表语。2.表示病人们,用the sick,不用the illThey have come to see the sick.他们已来看望过病人。

side n. 1.[C]边,旁边:There are trees on both sides of the road. 路的两边都种有树。/ He lives on the west side of town. 他住在城的西边。/ She sat down on the side of the bed. 她在床边坐下。2.[C]面,侧面:The front door is locked;we'll have to go round to the side. 前门是锁上的,我们只好绕到侧面。/ He painted all four sides of the box.他把箱子的四面都漆了。/ Write on both sides of the paper. 纸的两面都要写。/ She was lying on her side. 她侧身躺着。

sight n.1.[U]视力:He had good sight./ His sight was good. 他的视力好。/ Birds have better sight than dogs. 鸟的视力比狗好。/ He lost his sight at the age of three. 3岁时失明。2.[U]看见:He fell in love with her at first sight. 他对她一见钟情。/ The sight of blood made her sick. 她一看见血就想呕。/ It was his first sight of an elephant. 这是他第一次看见大象。3.[U]视野:Keep out of my sight. 别让我再看见你。/ There was not a ship in sight. 看不到一艘船。/The plane is now out of sight. 飞机现在看不见了。4.[C]情景,风景:What a beautiful sight those rose make. 那些玫瑰构成多么美丽的景象啊?

sign n. 1.[C]符号,标记:A red flag was placed there as a sign of danger. 那里插了一面红旗表示有危险。2.[C]手势:He made a sign to me to sit down. 他向我打了个手势,叫我坐下。3.[C]标志牌,指示牌:The sign reads “No smoking”. 那牌子上写着禁止抽烟 / We hung a sign on the door. 我们在门上挂了一个招牌。/ Can you see what the sign says? 你能看清招牌上写的是什么吗4.[C]迹象,征兆:There are no signs of life about the house. 这房子没有有人住的迹象。/ A red sky at sunset is a sign of good weather. 日落时的晚霞是好天气的前兆。/ She saw no signs that he would change his mind. 她没看到他任何改变主意的迹象。v. 1签名:Sign here,please. 请在这里签字。/ You must get her to sign that. 你必须让她在这上边签字。/ The papers are ready to be signed. 这些文件已准备好可以签字了。2.打手势:He signed me to be quiet. 他做手势要我安静。

【用法】表示做手势要某人做某事或示意某人做某事,可用sign sb to do sth,也可用sign to[for] sb to do sthThe policeman signed (to, for) me to stop. 警察打手势(示意)叫我停下。

signal n.[C]信号,暗号:A green light is a signal to go. 绿灯是可以通行的信号。/ The railway signal showed that the train could pass. 铁路的信号标志显示火车可以通过。v. 发信号,用信号或动作表示:He signalled to her to keep away. 他示意她不要靠近。/The teacher signalled to the boy to begin. 老师向那个男孩做手势,叫他开始。/ We signalled the taxi driver to comel over. 我们招呼出租车司机把车开过来。

silent adj. 1.不讲话的,沉默的:You’d better be silent about what happened. 你最好对所发生的事默不作声。/ Hearing this everyone fell silent.听到这话大家都沉默下来。/ The class was silent when the teacher explained the exam rules. 当老师解释考试规则时,全班学生都安安静静的。/ He is a silent man. 他是个沉默寡言的人。2.寂静的:It was a silent, moonless night. 那是一个寂静、没有月亮的夜晚。/ All is silent. 万籁俱寂。

silently adv.安静地,沉默地:He silently went out of the room. 他默然走出房间。/ She prayed silently. 她默默地祈祷。/ The teacher told us to read silently. 老师叫我们默读。

 silk n.[U]丝绸:Is it made of silk? 它是丝绸做的吗? / How much are the silk stockings? 这长统丝袜多少钱? / He deals in silk goods. 他经营丝织品。/ Silk feels soft and smooth. 绸缎摸起来柔软光滑。

silly adj.愚蠢的,糊涂的,傻的:It sounds silly. 这话听起来很愚蠢。/ Don't be silly, child. 别发傻了,孩子。/ It was silly to believe him. 相信他的话是愚蠢的。/ It was silly of you to believe him. 你相信他真是太蠢了。

【辨析】stupid, foolishsilly的区别,见foolish

simple adj. 1.简单的,简易的:The question is simple. 这个问题很简单。/ The book is written in simple language. 这本书是用简易语言写的。2.简朴的,单纯的:The doctor lived a simple life. 医生过着简朴的生活。/ The simple speech moved us deeply. 这个朴实无华的演讲深深地感动了我们。3.头脑简单的:He's so simple that he'll believe anything you tell him. 他头脑简单,你说什么他都信。

since conj. 1.以来,以后:We have known each other since we were children. 我们从小就认识。/ It's a long time since I met you last. 从上次见到你,已有很长时间了。/ I haven't heard from him since he left. 他走之后我还没接到过他的信。/ They've moved twice since they got married. 他们结婚后已搬了两次家。2.由于,既然:Since you are goingI will go too. 既然你去,我也去。/ Since we are young, we shouldn’t be too afraid of making mistakes. 因为我们还年轻,所以不应该太害怕犯错误。prep.以来:The works have been closed since January. 一月份以来这些厂就关闭了。/ She has been here since Monday. 从星期一起她一直在这里。ad从此以后:He left two years ago, and we haven't met since. 他两年前离开的,此后我们再也没有见面。

【考点】1.不管用作介词、连词还是副词,句子(主句)谓语通常都与完成时态连用。有一个常见的例外是,在“Itbe+一段时间+since从句中,主句通常用It is代替It has beenIt’s three years since he left. 他已离开3年了。2.当用作连词且所引导的从句谓语为延续性动词时,翻译时要从该延续性动词结束时算起(或从其反面翻译)I haven't heard from him since he lived in Beijing. 自从他离开北京以来,我一直未收到他的信(“住在北京的结束,即离开北京”)/ He has never come to see me since I was ill. 我病愈之后他还没来看过我(“生病的结束,病愈”)。这类用法的例外情况是…since we were young, …since I was a child这类表达,通常仍译为自从我们年轻时开始自从我小时候开始等。

sing v.唱,唱歌:She taught me to sing. 她教我唱歌。/ Listen to the birds singing. 听那些鸟儿歌唱。/ She sings better than me. 她比我唱得好。/ She was often heard to sing this song. 人们常常听见她唱这支歌。

【用法】可接双宾语,双宾语易位时,通常用介词 for(有时也用to)引出间接宾语:She sang us anEnglish song. =She sang an English song for us. 她给我们唱了首英语歌。

singer n.[C]歌唱家,歌手:She married a singer. 她嫁给了一个歌唱家。/ She is the worst singer I know. 她是我知道的最差的歌手。

single adj. 1.惟一的,一个的:There wasn't a single person in the street.. 街上一个人都没有。/ There is a single name on the blackboard — whose is it? 黑板上只有一个名字,是谁的名字?2.各个的,单个的:Thereis no need to write down every single word I say. 没有必要把我说的每一个词都写下来。/ We examined each single piece. 我们逐件一一地作了检查。3.单人用的:A single bed is made for one person. 单人床是为一个人(睡觉)制做的。/ They need two single rooms and one double. 他们需要两个单人房间和一个双人房间。4.单程的(=one-way)I'd like a single ticket. 我想要一张单程票。5.单身的(=unmarried)She decided to remain. 她决定独身。/ Are you married or single? 你结婚了还是单身? / He's leading a single life. 他过着单身生活。

sink vi1.下沉:The ship is sinking. 这船正在下沉。/ Several ships sank in the storm. 暴风雨中有几艘船沉没了。/ The sun is sinking in the west. 日落西山。2.倒下:She sank to the ground. 她瘫倒在地上。/ She sank into his arms. 她倒在他怀里。3.(数目、价格等)下降:The wind has sunk down. 风势已弱。/ The price of eggs sinks in summer. 蛋价在夏季下跌。

sir n. 先生:Can I help you, sir? 先生,你要什么? / Sorry, sir. Lady first. 对不起,先生,请让女士先来。/ How much did you want to spend, sir? 先生,您打算花多少钱?/ Don't forget your hat, sir. 先生,别忘了您的帽子。


sister n.[C]姐,妹:Mary is my sister. 玛丽是我妹妹。/ My little sister is five this year. 我的小妹今年5岁。/ My sister is going to have a baby. 我姐姐要生孩子了。

sister-in-law n. 嫂,弟媳:My sister-in-law is kind to me. 我的嫂子对我很好。

sit vi. 1.坐:Please sit here. 请坐这儿。/ Shall we sit over there? 我们坐那边好吗? / Let's sit under this tree. 咱们坐在这棵树下吧。2.坐落,位于:The village sits on a small river. 村庄位于小河边。

 situation n. 1.[C]形势,情况:The situation of the county is very serious. 该国的形势十分严峻。2.[C]处境,状况:The situation is very difficult. 处境很困难。/ Such a situation could be changed. 这种状况可以改变。3.[C]位置,场所:It is the best situation for a school. 那是建学校的最佳位置。

six num. 六:He had six children. 他有6个小孩。

sixth num. 第六:The sixth lesson is very easy. 第六课很容易。

sixty num.六十:He was born in the sixties. 他生于60年代。

sixteen num. 十六:He is sixteen years old. 16岁。

sixteenth num. 第十六:Today is my sixteenth birthday. 今天是我16岁生日。

size n.[C,U]尺寸,大小,号码:They are the same size. 它们同样大小。/ They're twice the size of chickens. 它们比鸡大一倍。/ Those shoes are just right in size. 那双鞋子大小正合适。/ What's the size of your garden? 你的花园有多大? / It is equal in size to a book. 它的大小与一本书相同。/ My shoes are size 9. 我穿9号鞋。/ What size shoes do you take[wear]? 你穿几号鞋?

skate vi. 溜冰,滑冰:He skated across the lake. 他滑冰穿过湖面。/ I'm going skating. 我要去滑冰。/ He loves skating. 他喜爱滑冰。/ Skiing is more exciting than skating. 滑雪比溜冰更有刺激性。

ski vi.滑雪:I’m learning to ski. 我在学滑雪。/ He's good at skiing. 他善于滑雪。/ My favourite sport is skiing. 我最喜欢的运动是滑雪。

skirt n.[C]裙子:This is my skirt. 这是我的裙子。/ She wore her sister's skirt. 她穿着她姐姐的裙子。/ You can’t wear that skirt to school. 你不可以穿那条裙子去上学。

sky n.[C,U]天,天空:What colour is the sky? 天空是什么颜色的? / There were little white clouds high in the blue sky. 高高的蓝天上浮着朵朵小白云。/ What a beautiful sky! 多美的天空呀! / Look at the sky! It's going to rain. 瞧天上,就要下雨了。

sleep n. 1.[U]睡觉,睡眠:You'd better get some sleep. 你最好去睡一会儿。/ The mother sang her baby to sleep. 母亲唱歌哄孩子睡觉。/ Sleep is necessary to[for] health. 睡眠对健康是必要的。2.(只用单)一段睡眠:I had a short sleep after lunch. 中饭后我睡了一会儿。/ I had a good sleep last night. 我昨晚睡得很好。vi. 睡觉:She is still sleeping. 她还在睡觉。/ Did you sleep well? 你睡得好吗? / Let's sleep in the garden. 咱们睡在花园里吧。/ I usually sleep late on Sundays. 星期天我通常睡懒觉。

【短语】go to sleep 入睡,睡着:He got into bed and soon went to sleep. 他上床后不久就睡着了。/ Now go to sleep and stop worrying about it. 快睡吧,别再为此担心了。

sleepy adj.想睡的,困倦的:He felt sleepy. 他感到昏昏欲睡。/ I was too sleepy to hear the end of his talk. 我太困了,没有听完他的话。

slipper n. (常用复)拖鞋:He bought a pair of slippers. 他买了一双拖鞋。

slow adj.1.慢的:It was slow but very safe. 这样很慢,但是很安全。/ My watch is five minutes slow.我的表慢5分钟。2.迟缓,迟钝:He was slow to make his mind. 他迟迟不能拿定主意。/ He is slow in understanding. 他理解迟钝。ad. 慢慢地,缓慢地:He walked very slow. 他走得很慢。/ Can you drive a bit slower?你可以开慢一点吗?


slowly adv.慢慢地:Please drive more slowly. 请开得慢一点。/ Read it slowly and clearly. 慢慢念,念清楚。/ You must do it slowly and carefully. 你必须慢慢细心地做。/ She slowly opened the door. 她慢慢地把门打开。

【辨析】slowslowly():前者可用作形容词和副词,用作副词时通常只用于少数动词(go, drive, pass, climb),且通常要置于动词后;后者只用作副词,其位置比较灵活,可置于动词之前或之后。

small adj.小的:It's a small box. 那是个小盒子。/ The bag is too small. Have you a larger one? 这个袋子太小,你有大些的吗? / My room is smaller than yours. 我的房间比你的小。/ He lives in a small town. 他住在一座小镇上。

【辨析】smalllittle:两者都可表示面积和体积的,但small只是作客观地描述,而 little 则通常带有一定的感情色彩(如高兴满意同情等)I wouldn't like to live in such a small house. 我不想住在那样小的房子里面。/ I'd like to have a little house of my own. 我想拥有属于自己的小房子。另外,这样用的 little 通常用作定语,很少用作表语,同时也很少用于比较级或受very, rather, too等副词的修饰,而small则完全无此限制。

 smell n. 1.[C,U]气味,香味:There is a smell of gas. 有一股煤气味。/ What a pleasant smell! 这气味真好闻! / This flower hasn't much smell. 这种花没有多大香味。2.[U]嗅觉:It has a fine sense of smell. 它的嗅觉很好。/ Smell is one of the five senses. 嗅觉是五种感觉之一。3.(连用a)闻,嗅:Have a smell of this wine: does it seem all right? 闻一闻这酒,没问题吧? / Take[Have] a smell at this egg and tell me whether it is good. 闻一闻这只鸡蛋,看是否是好的。v. 1.闻到,嗅到:I think I smell gas! 我想我闻到了汽油味。/ I smell something burning. 我闻到什么东西烧焦的气味。2.闻,闻起来:I have got a cold and I can not smell. 我感冒了,闻不出味道。/ The flowers smell good. 这些花闻起来很香。/ Babies smell of milk.婴儿都有股乳香味。

【考点】表示闻起来有什么味道,其后接形容词作表语(不用副词),且此时smell不能按汉语意思用被动语态,如不说The flowers smell well,也不说The flowers are smelt good

smile n.[C]微笑:He told her the good news with a smile. 他微笑着告诉她好消息。/ She gave a shy smile. 她腼腆地笑一笑。vi. 微笑:He looked at me and smiled. 他望着我笑了。/ He smiled when he saw us. 他看到我们时露出微笑。/ Mark and Mandy smiled at each other. 马克和曼迪冲彼此笑了笑。/ He asked her what she was smiling at. 他问她笑什么。

smog n.[U]烟雾:A heavy smog was hanging low over the city. 浓雾低低地笼罩在该市的上空。/ Some big cities have a problem with smog.有些大城市有烟雾的问题。


smoke n.[U]烟:The room was full of smoke. 满屋都是烟。/ I saw some smoke in the distance. 我看到远处有些烟。2.[C]抽烟:I like to have a smoke after dinner. 我喜欢饭后抽一支烟。v. 1.冒烟:The chimney is ornamental and never smokes. 那个烟囱是个装饰品,从来不冒烟。2.抽烟:He smokes a lot. 他抽烟很多。/ I never drink or smoke. 我从不喝酒抽烟。/ You can't smoke here. 你不能在这里抽烟。(本文摘自英语词汇网)

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