
【卫报】八个揭示英语核心的单词 | 取经号

 圆角望 2016-02-03


前有为了争取政治上的投票权的女权运动,后有赫敏女神艾玛在联合国发起He For She 的讲话,女权运动的发展之路并不平坦,但是女性在各领域的地位越来越高也让人们听到了女性的声音。然而,根深蒂固的思想观念真的就此消失了么?



Eight words that reveal the sexism at the heart of the English language


As Oxford Dictionaries comes under fire for sexist definitions, the history of terms that refer to women shows how deep negative attitudes go

‘I am a gentil womman and no wenche’: from Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Merchant’s Tale, c1386. Photograph: AlamyWednesday 27 January 2016 11.44 GMTLast modified on Wednesday 27 January 2016 11.51 GMT
“我是一个有教养的女性”出自杰弗里·乔叟The Merchant’s Tale, c1386。


Linguists call it collocation: the likelihood of two words occurring together. If I say “pop”, your mental rolodex will begin whirring away, coming up with candidates for what might follow. “Music”, “song” or “star”, are highly likely. “Sensation” or “diva” a little less so. “Snorkel” very unlikely indeed.



What do you think of when I say the word “rabid”? One option, according to the dictionary publisher Oxford Dictionaries, is “feminist”. The publisher has been criticised for a sexist bias in its illustrations of how certain words are used. “Nagging” is followed by “wife”. “Grating” and “shrill” appear in sentences describing women’s voices, not men’s.



One of the points of Oxford Dictionaries, part of Oxford University Press (OUP), is to show how words are used in the real world. And that is their response to allegations of sexism. “The example sentences we use are taken from a huge variety of different sources and do not represent the views or opinions of Oxford University Press,” they said in a statement.


In other words, it’s not the dictionary that’s sexist, it’s the English-speaking world. Why choose “feminist” over, say, “rightwinger”, “communist” or “fan”, though? As if not quite convinced by its own explanation, the OUP is now “reviewing the example sentence for ‘rabid’ to ensure that it reflects current usage”.



That can only be a good thing. But a word of warning: it might not deliver the answer you’d hope for. Perhaps “rabid” is collocated with “feminist” more often than with those other words (if the data the OUP uses includes online discussions, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case). Sexist assumptions find their way into speech and writing for the simple reason that society is still sexist.


Language, as the medium through which we conduct almost all relationships, public and private, bears the precise imprint of our cultural attitudes. The history of language, then, is like a fossil record of how those attitudes have evolved, or how stubbornly they have stayed the same.


When it comes to women, the message is a depressing one. The denigration of half of the population has embedded itself in the language in ways you may not even be aware of. Often this takes the form of “pejoration”: when the meaning of the word “gets worse” over time. Linguists have long observed that words referring to women undergo this process more often than those referring to men. Here are eight examples:



The female equivalent of “master”, and thus, “a woman having control or authority” – in particular one who employs servants or attendants. It came into English with this meaning from French after the Norman conquest. From the 17th century onwards, it was used to mean “a woman other than his wife with whom a man has a long-lasting sexual relationship”.




This once neutral term meant the female head of a household. Hussy is a contraction of 13th-century husewif – a word cognate with modern “housewife”. From the 17th century onwards, however, it began to mean “a disreputable woman of improper behaviour”. That’s now its only meaning.



The female equivalent of “sir”, a woman of high rank, is still used in formal contexts as a mode of address. From the late 18th century it was also used to mean “a conceited or precocious girl or young woman; a hussy, a minx”, alternatively, a kept mistress or prostitute, and finally, from the late 19th century, the female manager of a brothel.




From the 15th century onwards, “a woman who holds or exercises authority over a place, institution, or group of people”. Compare it with “governor”. Over time it drastically narrowed in scope and fell in status, coming to mean “a woman responsible for the care, supervision, or direction of a person, typically a child or young lady”.




This occupational term originally meant simply someone, usually a woman but possibly a man, who spun yarn or thread. Since a woman without a husband might have to rely on spinning as a source of income, the term became associated with unmarried women, eventually becoming the legal way to refer to one. The more loaded use of it to refer to “a woman still unmarried; esp. one beyond the usual age for marriage, an old maid” begins in the early 18th century.


Spinster originally meant simply someone who spun yarn or thread.
Photograph: Alamy 摄影师:阿兰密


One of the most dramatic shifts in meaning, from the female equivalent of “courtier” – someone who attends the court of a monarch – to a form of prostitute, which is now its only meaning.



A 13th-century word meaning a female infant or a young unmarried woman quickly acquired negative connotations: from the late 14th century, in Langland and Chaucer it is used to mean “a wanton woman; a mistress”.



Collins dictionary says that this is a 19th-century contraction of “sweetheart”, a term of endearment, particularly to women. From 1887, however, it is attested as meaning “a female of immoral character; a prostitute”.



Thinking about the male equivalents of some of these words throws their sexism into sharp relief. Master for mistress; sir for madam; governor for governess; bachelor for spinster; courtier for courtesan – whereas the male list speaks of power and high status, the female list has a very different set of connotations. These are of either subordinate status or sexual service to men. The crucial thing to remember is that at one time, they were simply equivalents.



These eight words show how social conditions leave their mark on the language. The process of pejoration may take place below the level of consciousness, but in historical perspective, the direction of travel is obvious. Have the achievements of the feminist movement percolated down through the many layers of our language? The Oxford Dictionaries controversy suggests not. Can the words we use to describe women avoid the fate of hussy, mistress and courtesan? There’s hope, but only time will tell.




《卫报》是英国的全国性综合内容日报, 是一张自由民主派的报纸,代表左翼,读者多是知识界和年轻人。在欧洲知识界,《卫报》的影响力超过了任何一张报纸。







1. Sensation:n.1.a feeling that you get when something affects your body
            2. the ability to feel through your sense of touch
            3.a general feeling or impression that is difficult to explain; an experience or a memory
            4.very great surprise, excitement, or interest among a lot of people; the person or the thing that causes this surprise

2. Diva:n. 1.a famous woman singer, especially an opera singer
        2.an attractive and famous woman, especially a performer or singer

3. Rightwinger: n. 1.a person on the right wing of a political party
             2.a person who plays on the right side of the field in a sports game

4. Fossil: n. 1.the remains of an animal or a plant that have become hard and turned into rock
        2.(informal)an old person, especially one who is unable to accept new ideas or adapt to changes

5. contraction  n. a shortened form of a word or words 缩写

6. cognate with    与......同词源

7. disreputable  adj. Lacking respectability in character or behavior or appearance   声名狼藉的,可耻的,不光彩的

8. conceited   adj. If you say that someone is conceited, you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they are far too proud of their abilities or achievements.  自负的,自大的

9. precocious  adj. A precocious child is very clever, mature or good at something, often in a way that you usually only expect to find in an adult.早熟的

10. prostitute  n. A person, usually a woman,who has sex with men in exchange for money.妓女



11. brothel  n. A building where men can go to pay to have sex with prostitutes.妓院

12. infant   n. a very young child(birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk 婴儿,幼儿

13. wanton adj. If someone describes a woman as wanton, he or she disapproves of her because she clearly enjoys sex or has sex with a lot of men.淫荡的,淫乱的

14. subordinate  n. If someone is your subordinate, he or she has less important position than you in the organization that you both work for. 下级 adj. Lower in rank or importance次要的,从属的

15. controversy  n.discussion and argument about something, often involving strong feelings of anger or disapproval.争议,争论






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