

 The_Creator 2016-02-06







elimination of metaphysics

Epistemology, philosophy of language,metaphysics

Aslogan of logicalpositivism, representing the culminationof the anti-metaphysical tradition in the history of Western philosophy. Hume wanted to burn all books whose contents cannot bechecked by our experience or by abstract reasoning concerning quantity ornumber. Kantcriticized traditional metaphysicson the grounds of his examination of the nature and limits of knowledge. Theattack by logical positivism, on the other hand, was based on a theory oflanguage that was partly inherited from Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. Logical positivists claim that there are only two kindsof meaningful propositions: formal propositions, which are logical and mathematicalprinciples, and factual propositions, which are empirically verifiable.Metaphysical propositions, which are about such things as the absolute, essences,transcendententities, and fate, are literally nonsensical or meaningless, because they contain pseudo-words or because theyare pseudostatements, with an arrangement of words violating the rules of logical syntax, and lack any criteria of application. Thus, metaphysicsbreaks the rules that any utterance must satisfy if it is to be literallysignificant. All metaphysical questions and answers are irreconcilable withlogic and scientific thinking. The root of the problem is that metaphysicsestablishes an impossible task for itself, that is, to discover a kind ofknowledge that is beyond experience. Yet if something is beyond any possibleexperience, it could be neither said nor thought nor asked. Hence, according tological positivists, metaphysics, though it has poetic merit and emotionalvalue, does not contribute to knowledge. If philosophy wants to be a genuinebranch of knowledge, it must emancipate itself from metaphysics. This positionof the ViennaCircle isitself criticized, in part because its division between two kinds of meaningfulpropositions is not exhaustive. Furthermore, its attack ignores the detailedanalysis of various metaphysical arguments, some of which have every appearanceof being meaningful. The elimination of metaphysics is a major theme in thework of Heideggerand Derrida, but these authors have found their successiveattempts to exclude metaphysics from their work to have failed.

“Logicalanalysis yields the negative result that the alleged statements in this domainare entirely meaningless. Therewith a radical elimination of metaphysics isattained, which was not yet possible from the earlier anti-metaphysicalstandpoints.”

—— Carnap, “The Elimination of MetaphysicsThrough Logical Analysis of Language,” in Ayer(ed.), LogicalPositivism




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