
为爱起舞 为梦想启航

 朱圣勤 2016-03-11

为爱起舞 为梦想启航





16. Leave Me Not                       古别离


You wish to go, and yet, your robe I hold,  欲去牵郎衣,

Where are you going-tell me dear today?  郎今到何处?

Your late returning does not anger me,    不恨归来迟,

But that another steal your heart away.    莫向临邛去!


17. A Corna Poppy                                  虞美人

As a young man, listening girls sing in a tower,      少年听雨歌楼上,

I heard the sound of the rain.                    红蜡昏罗帐。

While the red candle burned in the damp air,       壮年听雨客舟中,

In middle age, travelling by boat on a river,        江南云低,

I listened the rain falling, falling,                断雁叫西风。

The river was wide and clouds drifted above,     

I heard the solitary cry of a teal borne in the west wind.


And now in a cloister cell I hear the rain again,       而今听雨僧寮下,

My hair is grey and sparse; Sadness and happiness,    鬓已萧萧也。

Separation and reunion, seem all one.               悲欢离合总无情,

They move no more. L et the rain drop all night on the 一任阶前,

Deserted pavement till the day dawns.              点滴到天明。


18. A Leaf Boat                                 树叶船                         

An ant                                      一只蚂蚁

Falls in a leaf                                 落在了树叶上

The leaf floats down                           树叶飘走了

Onto the vast blue sea                          下面是辽阔的蔚蓝色大海


Thus, into this world                           于是,

The finest boat is born                         世界上有了一条最小的船

Inside sits the tinest sailor                      上面坐着一位最小的水手

Setting sail on the long voyage of life             开始了生命的远


The sea is so quiet                            大海很静很静

I fear the wund may rouse waves                我担心风会卷起波浪

The sea is so clear                           大海很清很清

I fear fishmen may cast nets                   我担心渔民撒网


The leaf boat                               树叶船

Floats away                               深情地飘走了

As the sailor                              水手走进了

Falls into a sweet, sweet dream               甜甜的梦乡


19. While Journeying                                      客中行

The delicious wine of Lanling is golden hue and flavors.    兰陵美酒郁金香,

Come, fill my precious glass, and let it glow in amber!     玉碗盛来琥珀光。

If you can make me drunk, my host, it is enough,         但使主人能醉客,

No longer shall I know the sorrow of a strange land.      不知何处是他乡。

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