

 只是近黃昏 2016-03-20

南楼,位于开平市赤坎镇腾蛟村,南临潭江,北靠东 龙公路,扼三埠至赤坎水陆交通之要冲,地势险要。1912年,司徒氏人为防盗贼而建此楼。楼高7层19米,占地面积29平方米,钢筋混凝土结构,每层设有长方形枪眼,第六层为瞭望台,设有机枪和探照灯。抗战时期,司徒氏四乡自卫队队部就设在这里。1945年7月16日,日寇为了打通南路干线以便撤退,从三埠分兵三路直扑赤坎镇,国民堂军队闻风而逃。司徒氏四乡自卫队的勇士们凭据南楼抗打击日军,给敌人以沉重打击。 17日赤坎沦陷。是日晚,日军从陆路包围南楼。由于敌我力量悬殊,又无援军,自卫队部分队员在激战中突围出去,留下司徒煦、司徒旋、司徒遇、司徒昌、司徒耀、司徒浓、司徒炳等7名队员坚守南楼,战斗7天7夜,重创日军。在弹专粮绝的情况下,七勇士把枪支砸毁,在墙上定下遗言:誓与南楼共存亡。日军久攻不下,调来迫击炮等重型武器进行轰击,但因楼房坚固,不能奏效。最后,灭绝人性的日寇向南楼施放了毒气弹,七壮士昏厥后被捕,敌人把他们押赴赤坎司徒氏图馆的日军大本营,施以酷刑后残暴杀害,并将烈士遗体斩成数段抛入江中。 抗战胜利后,开平人民在赤坎镇召开追悼会,开、恩、台、新四邑3万多人参加了大会,足见烈士的英勇事迹深得人心。南楼,因抗日七烈士的英勇杀敌事迹而名垂千古,成为后人驻足凭吊的胜景。1983年3月,开平县人民政府公布南楼为县文物保护单位。1999年3月,开平市人民政府筹资300多万元,在原址与建南楼纪念公园,增设纪念馆、雕像、牌楼等景致,把它建成风景迷人的旅游景点和爱国主义教育基地。

South tower, is located in the city of Kaiping Chikan town Tengjiao village, south of Tanjiang River, north by East long highway, choke three port to Chikan land and water transportation hub, strategically located and difficult terrain. In 1912, Stuart artificially built the thief. Building height 7 19 meters, covers an area of 29 square meters, the reinforced concrete structure, each layer is provided with rectangular loophole, the sixth layer to the observatory, with machine guns and searchlights. During the Anti Japanese War, Stuart Township self-defense team headquarters is located here. On July 16, 1945, the Japanese in order to open up the main road to retreat, from San Bu divide three Zhipu Chikan town national church forces fled. Stuart township of the SDF warriors Nanlou anti credentials against the Japanese, with a heavy blow to the enemy. 17 days of the fall of Chikan. That evening, the Japanese land surrounded by south. Because of the disparity between the strength of the enemy and no reinforcements, the defensive team in the battle to break out, the south tower to adhere to the seven members of the left Szeto Xu, situ rotation, Stuart, Situ Chang, Situ Yao, Situ Nong, Situ Bing etc., fighting for seven days and seven nights, hit the Japanese. In the case of special food bombs, guns and seven men smashed on the wall, under oath and the last words: nanlou. For a long time, the Japanese army to attack the mortar and other heavy weapons to bombardment, but because the building is strong, can not work. Finally, inhuman and the Japanese aggressors into the South Tower cast gas bomb, was arrested seven heroes after fainting, the enemy they marched to the Japanese stronghold of Chikan Stuart Shitu Museum, torture after brutally murdered, and the bodies of the martyrs cut into segment number thrown into the river. After the victory of the war of resistance against Japan, people of Kaiping Chikan town held a memorial service,, grace, and Taiwan, new Siyi over 30000 people attended the rally and demonstration of the martyrs of the heroic deeds of the seductive. The south tower, seven due to the Anti Japanese martyrs and heroic deeds to go down in history, people become the scenery of stop and pay tribute. In March 1983, Kaiping County People's government announced the south tower for the county cultural relics protection units. In March 1999, Kaiping City People's government funding more than 300 million yuan, in situ and Jian Nan Lou Memorial Park, adding memorial hall, statues, decorated archway, scenery, to build the charming scenery of the tourist attractions and patriotism education bases.

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