

 溜溜哒哒的猫 2016-05-20


Kicking 蛙泳腿  

The kicking aspect of breaststroke is the most important aspect.
That is where you are gonna maintain the long line with a lot power behind you.
The stronger you kick, the longer you are gonna be able to stay that position.

The anchoring of the kick, to me, would make sense that you want to force water backwards.

对我来说, 脚向外翻掌的意义就是要能锚定并抓住水, 如此向後蹬夹水时才能得到最大的推进力

There is a mistake with a lot of breaststrokers in their kick.
They think that breaststroke is a squeeze pattern that you are gonna drop you knees out and you are gonna squeeze the water together behind you.

他们认为蹬夹腿产生的动力主要是来自夹水这个动作上, 所以他们收翻腿时的动作总是曲髋并向外沉膝

But scientifically, it will make sense to me that
you will bring your legs up, and wanna push the water backwards,
because all your force will be in the opposite direction.

但以科学的角度来看, 对我而言腿的收翻蹬夹该是这麽做的
将脚踝向处於高水位的臀部上提做收脚动作, 接着我希望翻掌向後对着最多的水, 最後把它们朝我的後方直接蹬推出去

That is an aspect that I think, I've developed and applied to my stroke, which has allow me to stay that long line position.
这是我的观点, 我这麽培养并运用在我的竞泳上, 这技术让我在超直状态下能滑行的更远

The unique part about the breaststroke kick is ... it's the combination of flexibility and the combination of strength.
You will not have successful breaststroke kick if you have one without the other.
I think both of them are needed.

如果你只具备一样, 你蛙泳可能不会游的很成功

To achieve this, you have to have maximal ankle flexibility for a good catch and good knee flexion to maintain the range of motions.
With the combination of those to our goal is to have maximal flexion, maximal ankle catch, and the force backwards that's directly perpendicular to the stroke.
And what that's gonna allow is a huge force forward, allowing your body to continue moving forward in that line, rather than up and down.

为了达成这点, 你需要极佳的脚踝柔软度好在翻掌时抓到最多的水, 而良好的弯曲膝盖收腿能力对於後续大范围的蹬夹水亦是必须的
有了这些你就能更好的去完成向外翻掌并蹬夹水, 把力量完全发挥在朝向後方推水上

When I am kicking, and I am kicking at my best.
My philosophy is that I am trying to force my ankle faster than my feet; so what that will allow would be maximal ankle flexion.

我的观点是腿在收翻蹬夹的过程中, 要让我的脚踝比我的脚掌还快, 这样我的脚掌就能最大程度地外翻抓水

But putting pressure on the outside of my feet,
it would slow down the outside of my feet and allow my heels to move faster than the outside of my feet.
And that will force a kick catch

当向後蹬夹时,会使脚掌外缘直面正後方的水墙 ,
水的反作用力会使脚掌外缘慢下来, 使我的脚跟移动的比脚掌外缘更快 ,
在脚跟快速向後蹬夹的带动下, 如此脚掌将能推到更多的水

上面这一段脚踝与脚掌的部分可能有些不太好理解, 可以参照莫昭奴版主的帖子 '蛙泳脚的秘密花园' 13, 14楼的文章一起阅读
摩西这段谈的与莫版帖子中的 '足跟' , '内踝向後' 应该是同一回事


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