

 zxw5587 2016-06-02

2009年,乔纳斯开始拍摄“Big melt(大消融)”,这个故事向我们展现青藏高原地区不断消融的冰川,以及它如何影响周边社群不断向下流迁徙。这是个庞大的选题,但整体的逻辑和条理性并未因为这个“大”题材而受到影响。很多摄影师会在操作长线“大”选题时有“越拍越散”的问题。身边有个好图编给你提醒固然重要,更重要的是自己在拍摄前期对选题的背景知识研究和拍摄过程中画面元素的控制。


NEPAL. Sagarmatha National Park. 2009. Aerial overlooking the glaciated mountains near Mt. Everest.
CHINA. Yunnan province. 2009. Mingyong Glacier, the fastest retreating glacier in China. It has receded about 1km in the last 10 years.
CHINA. Qinghai province. 2009. In the Yellow Rivers headwaters area, about 40 minutes drive from Madoi town, towards Yushu. Sand dunes show the increasing desertification of the Tibetan plateau.
CHINA. Xinghai. 2009. Near the vilage of Muri, tibetan nomad A Hen Ru rides his horse near their camp. He was preparing for a local horse race the next day.
CHINA. Qinghai province. 2009. In the Yellow Rivers headwaters area. At the first bridge over the Yellow River, buddhists from Madoi town (about 10m away) hanging prayer flags in and by the river. The ceremony was led by a 'living Buddha,' the man in a yellow jacket and megaphone.
CHINA. Qinghai province. 2009. In the Yellow Rivers headwaters area. In the increasing arid and derertified grasslands of the Tibetan plateau, Zhuo Ma and her daughter Hua Cong milk their family yaks at dawn.
China. Qinghai province. 2009. At a tibetan nomads' camp near the village of Muri, Cai Lan DORJIE fetches water from a stream, loading it into water buckets on a yak.
CHINA. Qinghai province. 2009. In the Yellow Rivers headwaters area. Dong Zhu (6-year-boy), is seen playing with a toy motorcycle, outside the window of his house. The simple concrete structures of the resettlement camp is seen in the background.
China. Qinghai province. 2009. In the Yellow Rivers headwaters area. Gang Ri (old man, patriarch) La Zun (his wife, old woman) Dong Zhu (6y boy) Gong Qiu (young woman, with tea kettle) Dang Zhen (in bed, monk), Man with glasses (visitor).
China. Qinghai province. 2009. In the Yellow Rivers headwaters area. Just outside Hua Shi Xia, a settlement for resettled nomads. The chinese government as resettled over half of Xinghai's 200,000 nomads into urban settlements. The traditional nomadic lifestyle is coming to an end through this program. San Ji LAMO (in yellow-striped sports jacket), walks among the snowed-down resettlement houses.
CHINA. Luo Huang. 2009. In the industrial Yangtze town of Luo Huang, in the Chongqing district (about 30km upstream from the city center), farmer Ms HUANG, tending her corn crops on the outskirts of town. The older woman is her sister-in-law, and her 4-year old daughter. The coal-fired Chongqing Luo Huang Hua Neng power station's smokestacks rise behind the apartment blocks.
CHINA. City of Chongqing. 2009. Workers building the new Chongqing Jianji Bei Theatre, a new super-sized and futuristic looking building. By the Jialing river, near the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers, overlooking the Chao Tian Men, the tip of the Chongqing peninsula.
CHINA. City of Chongqing. 2009. Opposite the Chongqing Iron and Steel Factory on the bank of the Yangtze River, a family who were attending a wedding in the opposite neighborhood of Xian Fing Village, relaxes with a blow-up dingy and swimming. The Yangtze is heavily polluted at this point in its course.
CHINA. Luo Huang. 2009. In the industrial Yangtze town of Luo Huang, in the Chongqing district (about 30km from the city center), a husband and wife fishing in the river with the coal-fired Chongqing Luo Huang Hua Neng power station's smokestacks rising in the background.
CHINA. City of Chongqing. 2009. View of the Chongqing Iron and Steel factory along the Yangtze river.
TAJIKISTAN. 2009. In the outskirts of Kurgan-teppa, boys swimming an playing around an irrigation canal (deriving from the Vakhsh river).
TAJIKISTAN. 2009. In the outskirts of Kurgan-teppa, boys swimming an playing around an irrigation canal (deriving from the Vakhsh).
TAJIKISTAN. 2009. At the cotton gin and processing plant in Kurgan-teppa, workers distributing the cotton around large heaps (up to 10 meters tall) by hand. The cotton piles are built using the conveyor belt in the background. Saoudali RAKHIMOV taking a mid-work nap in the soft bed of the cotton, while his colleague Saiburhon NEMONOV, shuffles the freshly picked cotton around.
Tajikistan. Nurek. 2009. Nurek dam, the world's tallest dam, seen from an opposite hillside. Tajikistan is among the world's largest hydropower producers per capita. At 300 m (984 ft) it is currently the tallest dam in the world. Construction of the dam began in 1961 and was completed in 1980, when Tajikistan was still a republic within the Soviet Union.
TAJIKISTAN. 2009. In the outskirts of Kurgan-teppa, boys swimming an playing around an irrigation canal (deriving from the Vakhsh).
TAJIKISTAN 2009. In the village of Shohi Safed by the Zerafshan river in the Zerafshan valley. Muholol 'General' Ahmedov (73), picking currants from a tree. Next to him are two water irrigation pipes that span the Zerafshan river.
INDIA. New Delhi. 2009. People waiting in line for water in Nehru camp. It is common for slum people to get up as early as 3am to start their daily water hunt. They are at the mercy of the local Brahmin, Lakhan Lal Morkar. Familys pay 200r per month for access to his drinkable borewell water. As with many other Brahmins in the camp, the pump is located outside his house. People have access to water only when he attaches his own pump, usually from 6.30am to 7.30 am.
INDIA. Delhi. 2009. Outside the slum settlement of Nehru camp. In the dry heat of pre-monsoon Delhi, people get into a frenzy when the daily fresh water delivery arrives, rushing to siphon off precious water.
INDIA. Delhi. 2009. At the Dhobi Ghat on the Yamuna river on the outskirts of Delhi. This used to be a big laundry business place, although now, most of the small business have been relocated.
INDIA. Gurgaon. 2009. At Aapno Ghar, a water park and recreational centre on the outskirts of Gurgaon, in Haryana state suburbs of Delhi. Here there is no sign of the water shortage plagueing Delhi city. The parks fountains and water slides flow with water for the few visitors.
INDIA. Gurgaon. 2009. At Aapno Ghar, a water park and recreational centre on the outskirts of Gurgaon, in Haryana state suburbs of Delhi. Here there is no sign of the water shortage plagueing Delhi city. The parks fountains and water slides flow with water for the few visitors.
BANGLADESH. Sirajganj. 2009. 'Town Protection Embankment', which partially collapsed due to heavy currents in the Jamuna river.
BANGLADESH. Dhaka. 2009. After a night of heavy rain, large parts of Dhaka experienced widespread flooding around the city. Area of Arambagh.

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