

 昵称1417717 2016-06-07


[1]Henry Sumner Maine, Ancient Law: Its connection with the Early History of Society and Its Relations to Modern Ideas, New York: Henry Holt andCompany, 1906, p.92, p.165.

[2]Henry Sumner Maine, Ancient Law: Its connection with the Early History of Society and Its Relations to Modern Ideas, New York: Henry Holt andCompany, 1906, p.91.

[3]Aristotle, Politics (Loeb Classic), London: William Heinemann Ltd., 1932, pp.173—175. 阿奎那对亚里士多德这一观点有十分准确的理解:“一个人在民主体制中是公民,寡头体制下就未必是公民……仅仅居住在一地,并不能使人成为公民。”见 Thomas Aquinas: Commentary on Aristotle’sPolitics, trans. by R. J. Regan. Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Co., 2007, p.179. 柏拉图的观点见 Plato, Gorgias, London: Penguin, 2004, 482e—483c.

[4]Henry Sumner Maine, Ancient Law: Its connection with the Early History of Society and Its Relations to Modern Ideas, New York: Henry Holt andCompany, 1906, pp.53—55.

[5]Jus naturale est quod apud omnes homines eandem habet potentiam.

[6]George Mousourakis, Fundamentals of Roman Law, Berlin: Springer, 2012, p.96, p.125.   

[7]George Mousourakis, Fundamentals of Roman Law, Berlin: Springer, 2012, p.74, p,89, pp.51—52.

[8]例如,维多利亚(F. de Vitoria)便讨论过“人生来就是自由的”这一主题,他甚至提出了十分接近于后来的契约论的观点,认为与生俱来的自由的性质使人民在各国聚集起来,没有一个人凌驾于所有其他人之上。德索托(De Soto)也有“人人生来就是天赋自由的”的主张,认为“尽管人与人之间的能力千差万别,绝不能认为这种情况否定了他们的天赋自由使人人具有平等和独立的地位”。苏亚雷斯(Suarez)则说过,合法政治权威的起源时存在的主要困难,来自“人人生来就是自由的这一个事实”。参见 Quentin Skinner, The Foundations of Modern Political Thought, vol. 2, The Age of Reformation. Cambridge University Press, 1978, pp.155—156.

[9]Leo Strauss, The Political Philosophy of Hobbes, University of Chicago Press, 1996, pp.vii—viii.

[10]Christian Wolff, Ius Naturae Methodo Scientifica Pertractatum (1741), 转引自 A. P. d’Entrèves, Natural Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy,London: Hutchinson University Press, 1951, 1972, p.62.

[11]Henry Sumner Maine, Ancient Law: Its connection with the Early History of Society and Its Relations to Modern Ideas, New York: Henry Holt andCompany, 1906, p.74. p.88.

[12]Max Weber, Economy and Society-An Outline of interpretive Sociology, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978, pp.867—868.

[13]Thomas Ahmert, “The Prince and the Church in the Thought of Christian Thomasius”, in Natural Law and Civil Sovereignty: Moral Right and StateAuthority in Early Modern Political Thought, ed. by Ian Hunter, New York: Palgrave, 2002, pp.91—105.

[14]Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, London: John Bohn, 1729, chapter 14: “Of the First and Second Natural law and of Contracts”.

[15]Frederick Pollock, “The History of the Law of Nature: A Preliminary Study”, in Columbia Law Review, vol. 1, no. 1, 1901, pp.11—12.79

[16]Henry Sumner Maine, Ancient Law: Its connection with the Early History of Society and Its Relations to Modern Ideas, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1906, p.74. p.88.

[17]对《独立宣言》中的洛克思想成分,最有代表性的解释是贝克尔于 1922 年出版的《独立宣言》一书(此书中译本收在《18 世纪哲学家的天城》一书中,何兆武译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2001 年)。类似的观点后来由 Garry Wills 等学者得到强化,参见 Wills, Inventing America: Jefferson’ Declaration of Independence, 1978. Isaac Kramnick也有全面的讨论,他本人大体上仍坚持洛克解释的路线,见其“Republican Revisionism Revisited”, American Historical Review, vol. 87, no. 3, 1982。最近的相关解释见 Greg Foster, Starting with Locke, London: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011, pp.131—133. 梅因的论述见前引书,p.91

[18]John Locke, Two Treatises on Government, London: W. Sharpe and Son, 1823, pp.205—206.

[19]John P. Reid, “The Irrelevance of the Declaration”, in Hedrik Hartog, ed., Law in American Revolution and the Revolution in the Law: A Collection of Review Essays on American Legal History, New York University. 1981, pp.46—89.

[20]贝克尔:《独立宣言》,见贝克尔:《十八世纪哲学家的天城》,第 297 页。

[21]杰斐逊本人从开始独立持家到去世,总共拥有过六百多名奴隶,最多时曾同时拥有225名。但早在1769年,他就在弗吉尼亚议会上做出过解放黑奴的努力。见 Jon Meacham, Thomas Jefferson-The Art of Power, New York: Random House, 2012, pp.48—50. 顺便一提,这本最新的杰斐逊传也全文引用了《独立宣言》头两段话,对英王的十七条指控则一笔带过。

[22]Georg Jelinek, The Declaration of the Rights of man and of Citizens: A Contribution to Modern Constitutional History, New Yourk: Henry Holt and Company, 1901, p.34.

[23]参见贝克尔,前引书,第 282—283 页。

[24]The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 12, p.278.

[25]Gordon S. Wood, Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early republic, 1789—1815, Oxford University Press, 2009, p.94. 另参见 Bernard Bailyn, “The Central Themes of the American Revolution”, in Essays on the American Revolution, ed. by Stephen J. Kurtz and James H. Hutson. Chapel Hill,1973, p.9.

[26]表1中数字由统计 1760—1780 年代出版的 916 种小册子、图书和文章得出,见 Donald Lutz, A Preface to American Political Theory, Lawrence:Kansas University Press, 1992, p.138.

[27]瑞士人德洛默能在前十名中占一席之地,显然是因为他在 1771 年出版的《英国宪政》一书。此书原是用法文所写,1775 年出了英译本(最新版本是 Jean—Louis de Lolme, The Constitution of England, or An Account on English Government, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2007),在北美殖民地颇受欢迎。杰斐逊的藏书中有此书的法文版,约翰·亚当斯曾称赞此书是“迄今为止为捍卫三权制衡制度所写下的最佳著作”,见 JohnAdams, A Defence on the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America, 3 vols.. Philadelphia, 1797, vol. 1, p.70.

[28]Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws, Cambridge University Press, 1989, pp.165—166.

[29]参见Dennis R. Rolan, “Sir William Blackstone and the New American Republic: A Study of Intellectual Impact”, Political Science Reviewer, no. 283, 1976.当时北美各殖民地的人口是二百多万,大约只及英国的三分之一,可见它在北美受欢迎的程度。

[30]拉塞尔·柯克:《保守主义传统》,汤姆森编:《宪法的政治理论》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,1997 年,第 48 页。可佐证柯克这一说法的一个事实是,《英国法释义》美国版最初发售时留下的订户记录中,有十六人是后来参加费城会议的代表,见 Dennis R. Nolan, “Sir William Blackstone and the New American Republic: A Study of Intellectual Impact”, Political Science Reviewer, no. 283, 1976, p.295. 布莱克斯通的影响还见于美国早期最重要的法学家之一塔克,他写有五卷本《布莱克斯通〈释义〉评注》(St. George Tucker, Notes of Reference on Blackstone's Commentaries. Lonang Institute, 2013),19 世纪初此书常被美国最高法院引用,因而他又有“美国的布莱克斯通”之美誉。

[31]费城会议留下的记录中直接提到布莱克斯通的地方并不多,这与布莱克斯通在殖民地问题上坚持认为英国议会对美洲享有主权有关,然而这却无损于他对美国法律文化的广泛影响,见 Dennis R. Nolan, “Sir William Blackstone and the New American Republic: A Study of IntellectualImpact”, Political Science Reviewer, no. 283, 1976, pp.290—291, p.297.

[32]1762 年 12 月 25 日致 John Page 函,见 Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 4. Washington, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association,1907, p.3.

[33]Imogene E. Brown, American Aristides: A Biography of George Wythe, East Brunswick, NJ: Associated University Presses, 1981, p.77.

[34]Charles F. Mullett, Fundamental Law and the American Revolution, 1760—1776, 1933. New York: Octagon Books, 1966. p.39.

[35]Christopher St. Germain, Doctor and Student, Loang Institute, 2006, pp.5—6.

[36]Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 12, Washington: Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1907, p.4.      

[37]Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, vol. 16. Washington, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1907, p.43.

[38]Morton J. Horwitz, The Transformation of American Law, 1780—1860, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1977, p.8, p.5.

[39]Morton J. Horwitz, The Transformation of American Law, 1780—1860, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1977, p.8, p.5.

[40]H. Trevor Colbourn, The Lamp of Experience: Whig History and the Intellectual Origins of the American Revolution, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965, pp.68—70, pp.94—95.

[41]Bernard Bailyn, The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, enlarged edition, Harvard University Press, 1992, p.30, p.77.

[42]Georg Jelinek, The Declaration of the Rights of man and of Citizens: A Contribution to Modern Constitutional History, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1901, pp. 27—42.

[43]Morton J. Horwitz, The Transformation of American Law, 1780—1860, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1977, pp.4—9. 美国人对英国议会通过的一部分成文法的排斥,反映着他们日益否定议会主权的态度。当然,这也是他们后来决心独立的根本原因,税收本身的问题反而退居其次了。

[44]Stephen Hopkins, “The Rights of the Colonies Examined”, 1764, http://teachingamericanhistory.org/library/document/the-rights-of-the-colonies-examined.

[45]Bernard Bailyn, The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution, enlarged edition, Harvard University Press, 1992, p.30, p.77.

[46]John C. H. Wu, “The Natural Law and Our Common Law”, Fordham Law Review, vol. 23, 1954, issue 1, p.39.

[47]Sir John Fortescue, In Praise of the Laws of England, in the author, On the Laws of and Governance of England, ed. by Shelley Lockwook, Cambridge University Press, 1997, chapters 15—16.

[48]Fortescue, In Praise of the Laws of England, chapter 17.

[49]Lord Acton, Essays on Freedom and Power, Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company, 1955, pp.106—107.

[50]Charles. H. McIlwain, “The English Common Law, Barrier Against Absolutism”, The American historical Review, vol. 49, 1943, no. 1, p.28.

[51]William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Law of England, in one volume, St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1897, pp.21—22.

[52]Edward Coke, The Selected writings of Sir Edward Coke, vol. 2,. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2003, p.701.

[53]John Dickinson, An Address to the Committee of Correspondence of Barbados (1766), in Paul L. Ford, ed., The Writings of John Dickinson. Philadelphia:Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1895, p.262.

[54]John Adams, 转引自 Edward S. Corwin, The Higher Law Background of American Constitutional Law, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1955, p.24.

[55]Charles H. MacIlwain, Constitutionalism: Ancient and Modern, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2007, p.16. 另参见 Charles H. MacIlwain, The Growth of Political Thought in the West, From the Greeks to the End of the Middle Ages (1932), New York: Macmillan, 1953, p.365.

[56]American Colonies Documents, Livonia, Mi., Lonang Institute, n.d..这份文献收录了 1601—1701 年北美殖民地最重要的十三份宪法性文件。

[57]James McClelan, Liberty, Order, and Justice, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2000, p.54.c

[58]Morton J. Horwitz, The Transformation of American Law, 1780—1860, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1977, p.4.

[59]John C. H. Wu, “The Natural Law and Our Common Law”, Fordham Law Review, vol. 23, 1954, issue 1, p.39.             

[60]Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France, in Selected Works, 4 vol.. Indianapolis: Fund of Liberty, 1999, vol. 1, p.237.

[61]这一原则同样来自库克在 1628 年著名的“博纳姆博士案”(Case of Dr. Bonham)中有关普通法高于议会法案的解释,见 Edward Coke, The Selected Writings of Edward Coke, vol.1. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2003, pp.264—283.

[62]A. P. d’Entrèves, Natural Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy, London: Hutchinson University Press, 1951, 1972, pp. 34—35.

[63]Stephen Hopkins, “The Rights of the Colonies Examined”, 1764, http://teachingamericanhistory.org/library/document/the-rights-of-the-colonies-examined.

[64]Mousourakis, Fundamentals of Roman Private Law, 2012, p.125.

[65]A. V. Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, Indianapolis: Liberty Classic, 1985, pp.115—116

[66]Michael Zuckert, The Natural Rights Republic, South Bend, In.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1996, chapter 4.


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