

 昵称30424015 2016-06-17



1.多练习(熟能生巧) 2.积累常用的短语,并背诵

常用开头结尾: Look at the pictures! It is Sunday today.

Yesterday was Mother’s day. On a Saturday..

It was Sunday morning... It was a summer day. Last Sunday was sunny. It was a fine day. It is a fine morning.

One day, the weather was fine. What a kind girl/boy.

What a busy/wonderful day! That’s all , thank you.


· · · · · ·

Then….After that….At last, (Finally…)

In the morning….in the afternoon….in the evening…. fall ill…not feel well….go to see a doctor… fall off the bike…; send…to hospital;…

look over?.; take some medicine?have a good rest… see sb.doing?.;hear sb. Shouting for help



拿到草稿纸先随意写一些(万能)句子: Look at these pictures? One day?. Last Sunday,?

It’s Sunday today? The weather was fine? That’s all, thank you!...


考试时 准备:

1.快速了解图意,了解5W(人物、地点、时间、经过、结果) 2.迅速定好时态

3.可以根据情况,按图画的顺序写下几个重点短语 录音时:

1.用最简单的语言描述事情的经过。 2.不会说的句子不说,能说的多说几句


is a middle school student. ?is very kind/helpful/?.studies hard?



2.助人为乐(拾金不昧、借伞、救人…等) 3.车祸 4.生病就医 5.节日 6.环保 7.其他


1. 某天的活动

He went to school at 7:00. At school, he very carefully. ’clock in the


·…is a middle school student. …. is kind and helpful. ?studies hard at school. Today is ….The weather was fine…

·In the morning?.at noon?in the afternoon? in the evening…. ·Then… after that….at last…. ·What a hard-working boy/girl! ·What a busy day!

·What a wonderful/fun day! ·Enjoyed oneself ·had a busy day.

·They had a very happy day. ·They had a wonderful day. ·They had a very good time. ·What a meaningful day!

·Some students were dancing... Other students were singing...



· 1.借伞 · 2.过马路

· 3.送….去医院 · 4.救落水人 · 5.拾金不昧 · 6. 让座

· 多数发生在放学、上学路上 · 时态用过去式


· 1.on the way home; on the way to school · 2. cross the road / go across the road

· 3. fall off the bike/ fall down from the bike · 4. a car hit sb. / sb. one’s leg was hurt badly · 5.send…to the nearest hospital…at once

· 6.suddenly; see sb. doing sth. hear sb. shouting for help · 7.fall into the river;

· jump into the water…save sb. … · 8.pick up the purse; give back to sb. · 9. be thankful to sb. / thank sb. a lot · 10.share the umbrella with sb.


....is a good/boy/girl. student. She is always ready to help other people. ..is very helpful.

...thanked Mary very much. And Mary said,” It’s my pleasure.” felt very thankful to... Said“thank you ”to Tom.

Tom felt happy for helping people.

Although they are very tired, they feel very happy.

She was very happy because she did some good deed.她很开心因为自己做了些好事。 What a kind girl/boy. What an honest boy.

What a hard-working boy!


· 重点句型

· on the way home/ on the way to school · see sb. walking across the street · help sb cross the street · be thankful to sb.

· What a kind girl/boy!



· 重点句型、短语 · See?.do/doing sth.

· A purse fall down onto the floor · Pick up

· Give back to…

· What a kind girl/boy!

Mary is a middle school student. One day, she a man a bike in front of her. a purse ’s pocket. Mary shouted but the man didn’t hear and rode away. Mary the purse and found the man’s address in it. Then she went lot. How kind Mary is!


· 重点句型、短语

· 1. see sb. do/doing sth. · 2. fall off the bike

· 3. hurt one’s leg badly

· 4. send/carry/take sb. To the nearest hospital?at once

· 5. stay in hospital for days · 6. be thankful to sb. · 7. What a kind girl/boy!


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