

 昵称22998329 2016-06-29

Bon Appetit! 愿你胃口好


The economist Joseph Schumpeter once remarked that the “top-dollar rooms in capitalism’s grand hotel are always occupied, but not by the same occupants”. There are no franchises, he intoned – you are king for a figurative day, and then – well –you move to another room in the castle; hopefully not the 

dungeon, which is often the case. While Schumpeter’s observation has obvious implications for one and all, including yours truly, I think it also applies to markets, various asset classes, and what investors recognize as “carry”. That shall be my topic of the day, as I observe the Pacific Ocean from Janus’ fourteenth floor – notexactly the penthouse but there is space available on the higher floors, and I have always loved a good view. Anyway, my basic thrust in this Outlook will beto observe that all forms of “carry” in financial markets are compressed,resulting in artificially high asset prices and a distortion of future risk relative to potential return that an investor must confront.    

    熊彼特的这一观察对于每一个人都颇有深意,包括我自己。我认为这结论也适用于市场,适用于各种资产类别以及投资者所认为的“持有获利”。这就是我今天的主题,我从骏利资产的十四楼看到太平洋–--这不是顶层公寓, 更高层仍有空间.,我总是喜欢视野好的房间 。   






    Experienced managers that have treaded markets for several decades or more recognize that their “era” has been a magnificent one despite many “close calls” characterized by Lehman, the collapse of NASDAQ 5000, the Savings + Loan crisis in the early90’s, and so on. 

     Chart 1 proves the point for bonds. Since the inception of theBarclays Capital U.S. Aggregate or Lehman Bond index in 1976, investment grade bond markets have provided conservative investors with a 7.47% compound return with remarkably little volatility. An observer of the graph would be amazed, as was I, at the steady climb of wealth, even during significant bear markets when30-year Treasury yields reached 15% in the early 80’s and were tagged with thedesignation of “certificates of confiscation”. The graph proves otherwise, because as bond prices were going down, the higher and higher annual yields smoothed the damage and even led to positive returns during “headline” bear market periods such as 1979- 84, or more recently the “taper tantrum” of 2013.Quite remarkable, isn’t it? A Sherlock Holmes sleuth interested in disproving this thesis would find few 12-month periods of time where the investment grade bond market produced negative returns.

 Chart I:



    观察这张图片,你会如我一样惊讶发现,即使在在30年期国债收益率高达15%而被贴上为“充公券”的标签的 80年代早期的大熊市时期,财富积累依然在稳步攀升.

    随着债券价格持续下降,越来越高的年收益率平滑了其破坏性,甚至在1979 年至1984年最受瞩目的熊市周期里或者更近期的2013年的“削减恐慌”(taper tantrum)中,还取得了正回报。这相当了不起,是不是?不同意这一观点的福尔摩斯侦探们会也几乎找不到在任何时长12个月的区段内投资级债券市场产生了负收益的情况.

    【注:巴克莱美国综合债券指数(Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index) 被昵称为“Agg指数”,许多债券投资者把它当做市场的风向标。大约有4万亿美元的投资与“Agg指数”所追踪的债券有关。该指数追踪美国国债、高评级公司债、抵押贷款支持证券等高质量美国债券。 



Chart 2:





   But my take from these observations is that this 40-year period of time has been quite remarkable – a grey if not black swan event that cannot be repeated. 

    随着许多发达经济体实行零利率、如今乃至负利率,再现接近双位数的股市年回报率、超过7%的债券年回报率这种情形,如某些迂腐的市场技术派会描述的那样,几乎等于 5、6个sigma事件了。

    (编者注:数学上把3个sigma以上的事件叫做黑天鹅事件)。像过去40年一样的收益,你估计在火星上看到的机会也比在我们这地球上更大一些.。“金融市场大饭店里的高价房”也许依然被相对有吸引力的资产类别占据,但房价极高,且从顶层公寓向外望去, 是大雾笼罩,这是我对高风险的气象比喻。

    The path of stocks has not been so smooth but the annual returns (with dividends) have been over3% higher than investment grade bonds as Chart 2 shows. That is how it should be: stocks displaying higher historical volatility but more return. But my take from these observations is that this 40-year period of time has been quite remarkable – a grey if not black swan event that cannot be repeated. With interest rates near zero and now negative in many developed economies, near double digit annual returns for stocks and 7%+ for bonds approach a 5 or 6Sigma event, as nerdish market technocrats might describe it. You have a better chance of observing another era like the previous 40-year one on the planet Mars than you do here on good old Earth. The “top dollar rooms in the financial market’s grand hotel” may still be occupied by attractive relative asset classes, but the room rate is extremely high and the view from the penthouse is shrouded in fog, which is my meteorological metaphor for high risk. 


GMO的本·因克在他2016年一季度给客户的信里指出,显而易见,利率1.85%的十年期国债持有10年能获得大约1.85%的回报, 但很多人没有注意到,采用动态”固定期限策略”来保持固定久期的巴克莱美国综合证券投资组合收益率现在是2.17%, 未来10年的回报率几乎确定在1.5%和2.9%之间,就算收益率在到期时会翻倍或降至0%。过去40年债券市场7.5%的历史回报, 只可能是历史了.要想复制这个数字,收益率得要下降到负17%!诸位, 有想要去火星的么?


    Let me borrow some excellent work from another investment firm that has occupied the upper floors of the market’s grand hotel for many years now. GMO’s Ben Inker in his first quarter 2016 client letter makes the point that while it is obvious that a10-year Treasury at 1.85% held for 10 years will return pretty close to 1.85%,it is not widely observed that the rate of return of a dynamic “constant maturity strategy” maintaining a fixed duration on a BarclaysCapital U.S. Aggregate portfolio now yielding 2.17%, will almost assuredly return between 1.5% and 2.9% over the next 10 years, even if yields double or drop to 0% at period’s end. The bond market’s 7.5% 40-year historical return is just that – history. In order to duplicate that number, yields would have to drop to –17%! Tickets to Mars, anyone?

    在日本、中国和其他地方考虑到增长, 市盈率以及像是背水一战的政府量化宽松政策支持下支持下的各种可能性, 股票的情况当然会更复杂.


    The case for stocks is more complicated of course with different possibilities for growth, P/E ratios and potential government support in the form of “Hail Mary” QE’s now employed in Japan,China, and elsewhere. Equities though, reside on the same planet Earth and are correlated significantly to the return on bonds. Add a historical 3% “equitypremium” to GMO’s hypothesis on bonds if you dare, and you get to a range of4.5% to 5.9% over the next 10 years, and believe me, those forecasts require a foghorn warning given current market and economic distortions. Capitalism has entered a new era in this post-Lehman period due to unimaginable monetary policies and negative structural transitions that pose risk to growth forecasts and the historical linear upward slope of productivity. 


    要复制这个业绩不是可能性较小,是几乎不可能,除非你是埃隆马斯克朋友(编者注:伟大的创业者, PayPal贝宝(最大的网上支付公司)、Spacex太空探索技术公司、环保跑车公司特斯拉(Tesla)以及SolarCity四家公司的CEO) 的朋友,且你有勇气飞往火星。反正地球上没有这样的这样的机会。


  Here’s my thesis in more compact form: Forover 40 years, asset returns and alpha generation from penthouse investmentmanagers have been materially aided by declines in interest rates, trade globalization, and an enormous expansion of credit – that is debt. Those trends are coming to an end if only because in some cases they can go no further.Those historic returns have been a function of leverage and the capture of“carry”, producing attractive income and capital gains. A repeat performance is not only unlikely, it is impossible unless you are a friend of Elon Musk and you’ve got the gumption to blast off for Mars. Planet Earth does not offer such opportunities.


“Carry” in almost all forms is compressedand offers more risk than potential return. I will be specific:


  ·负利率市场无疑存在久期风险。收益率为负25个基点的五年期德国国债,只会导致未来五年的损失。收益率为45个基点的30年期日本国债 每年的“套利”空间只有40个基点,却有近30年的久期风险。夏普比例最好也只在0.015,利率,只要上升2个基点,投资者就会失去整年收入。相对于目前的货币市场利率,甚至10年期美国国债的“套利”空间也只有125个基点,且面临类似的久期风险。为了“持有获利”而展期是已经是不值得去冒的风险.


 ·Duration is unquestionably at risk in negative yielding markets. A minus 25 basis point yield on a 5-year German Bund produces nothing but losses five years from now. A 45 basis point yield on a 30-year JGB offers a current“carry” of only 40 basis points per year for a near 30-year durational risk.That’s a Sharpe ratio of .015 at best, and if interest rates move up by just 2basis points, an investor loses her entire annual income. Even 10-year U.S.Treasuries with a 125 basis point “carry” relative to current money market rates represent similar durational headwinds. Maturity extension in order to capture “carry” is hardly worth the risk.


    ·相似地,信用风险或信用“持有获利”相对于潜在的损失来说,几乎也没有回报。不用说地太详细,持有5年期投资级公司债的优势不过是未来12个月25个基点的收益。IG CDX信用曲线显示5年会有75个基点的利差,但其在未来12个月内的预期回报仅为25个基点。只有在远期信用曲线-很像收益率曲线-没有实现的情况下,投资者才可能赚多一些。

    · Similarly, credit risk or credit “carry”offers little reward relative to potential losses. Without getting too detailed, the advantage offered by holding a 5-year investment grade corporate bond over the next 12 months is a mere 25 basis points. The IG CDX credit curve offers a spread of 75 basis points for a 5-year commitment but its expected return over the next 12 months is only 25 basis points. An investor can only earn more if the forward credit curve – much like the yield curve – is not realized.



   Volatility. Carry can be earned by selling volatility in many areas. Any investment longer or less credit worthy than a 90-day Treasury Bill sells volatility whether a portfolio manager realizes it or not. Much like the ”VIX?”, the Treasury “Move Index” is at a near historic low, meaning there is little to be gained by selling outright volatility or other forms in duration and credit space.

(编注:ViX指数被称为恐慌指数,是芝加哥期权交易所VIX指数(CBOE Volatility Index)。由CBOE(芝加哥期权交易所)在1993年所推出。当VIX越高时,表示市场参与者预期后市波动程度会更加激烈同时也反映其不安的心理状态;相反的,如果VIX越低时,则反映市场参与者预期后市波动程度会趋于缓和的心态,也因此VIX又被称为投资人恐慌指标。





    · Liquidity. Spreads for illiquid investments have tightened to historical lows. Liquidity can be measured in theTreasury market by spreads between “off the run” and “on the run” issues – a spread that is nearly nonexistent, meaning there is no “carry” associated with less liquid Treasury bonds. Similar evidence exists with corporate CDS compared to their less liquid cash counterparts. You can observe it as well in the“discounts” to NAV or Net Asset Value in closed-end funds. They arehistorically tight, indicating very little “carry” for assuming a relatively illiquid position.

    你也可以观察到封闭式基金净值“折扣” 已经历史性地收窄了,这表明接受流动性较差的配置,也只有很小的“持有获利”空间。


    “真实的情况”是––用个政治家的词汇来描述 — 任何形式的持有获利与风险相比回报都很低。 

股票、房地产或其他有市盈率、Cap Rate 或通过对未来现金流贴现产生价值的其他资产也都是这个情况。

(编注:CAP RATE = 年净经营收入/物业的价格,也就是不考虑有贷款的条件下,一个物业所能产生收入与价格的百分比。) 



    可是因为投资者必须还是得吃点什 么,来妥善的反转应对,目前顶层公寓客房服务菜单提供的通过”持有获利”的选择仍然必须要仔细检查,避免饥饿。这意味着在最少风险情况下适当配置一些通过持有可以获得收益的资产。

不过不会太久了, 很快不恰当的货币政策和结构性阻力会让我们付出代价,那些美味的丰盛油腻的薯条会变冷,很快就得被丢进垃圾桶。

    The “fact of the matter” – to use apolitician’s phrase – is that “carry” in any form appears to be very low relative to risk. The same thing goes with stocks and real estate or any asset that has a P/E, cap rate, or is tied to present value by the discounting of future cash flows. To occupy the investment market’s future “penthouse”,today’s portfolio managers – as well as their clients, must begin to look in another direction. Returns will be low, risk will be high and at some point the“Intelligent Investor” must decide that we are in a new era with conditions that demand a different approach. Negative durations? Voiding or shorting corporate credit? Buying instead of selling volatility? Staying liquid with large amounts of cash? These are all potential “negative” carry positions that at some point may capture capital gains or at a minimum preserve principal. But because an investor must eat something as the appropriate reversal approaches, the current penthouse room service menu of positive carry alternatives must still be carefully scrutinized to avoid starvation. That means accepting some positive carry assets with the least amount of risk.Sometime soon though, as inappropriate monetary policies and structural headwinds take their toll, those delicious “carry rich and greasy” French fries will turn cold and rather quickly get tossed into the garbage can.

Bon Appetit

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