Johnson the diplomat woos peers after bumpy start英国“退欧外相”开启欧洲首秀


Boris Johnson’s first trip to Brussels as foreign secretary almost ended at Luton airport, with hydraulic fluid pouring on to the runway and firefighters surrounding the aircraft.

鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)作为英国外交大臣的第一次布鲁塞尔之行几乎在英国卢顿机场(Luton airport)结束,液压油被洒在跑道上,消防员围住飞机。

A mechanical fault on the foreign secretary’s jet provided the first bump in the former mayor of London’s career as Britain’s top diplomat, resulting in a dinner with Federica Mogherini, the EU’s foreign policy chief, on Sunday night being reduced to a quick drink.

当时这位外交大臣乘坐的喷气式飞机发生机械故障,形成这位伦敦前市长成为英国最高外交官后职业生涯上的第一个小障碍。结果,约翰逊原定周日晚与欧盟外交与安全政策高级代表费代里卡·莫盖里尼(Federica Mogherini)共进晚餐的安排,变为一场短暂的饮酒交谈。

即使在土耳其发生未遂政变和法国尼斯遭遇恐袭后,约翰逊昨日抵达欧洲理事会(European Council)总部仍然吸引了在此汇聚的欧盟外交官的好奇心。

coup and the Nice attack, Mr Johnson’s arrival at the European Council headquarters yesterday still attracted curiosity from the bloc’s assembled



上世纪90年代,约翰逊曾在持欧洲怀疑论的《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph)担任欧盟事务记者,其间他打造了“布鲁塞尔敲打者”的名声。上月退欧公投意外获胜,使这个出身专栏作家的政治人士一跃出任高级公职,此后他很可能会经常造访曾经是他嘲讽对象的机构。

“Boris is generally perceived as a bad joke, so everybody waits to see what face he will put on this time: clown, liar, joker, manipulator, master of insult or serious responsible politician,” one diplomat said. “Expectations from him are very low based on his track record.”


Mr Johnson made his name as


a Brussels basher while reporting on the EU for the Eurosceptic Daily Telegraph in the 1990s. A surprise victory in last month’s referendum catapulted the columnist-turned politician into high office, with the prospect of regular trips to the institutions he built a career on mocking.

5天前还形容约翰逊是撒谎者的法国外长让-马克·埃罗(Jean-Marc Ayrault),热衷于从积极的方面强调双方关系。“我始终本着最大的真诚和坦率意识同鲍里斯·约翰逊交谈,”他说。两人在周末进行了“坦诚而有益的”交流。

Some of Mr Johnson’s claims from the Brexit campaign will not be forgotten by those devoted to the European project. There was the occasion last month, for example, when he compared the EU’s ambitions to Hitler’s during the second world war.


But yesterday peace broke out.


Five days after calling him a liar, French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault was keen to stress the positives of their relationship. “I always speak with Boris Johnson with the greatest sense of sincerity and frankness,” he said. The pair had enjoyed a “frank but useful” exchange at the weekend.


Low expectations proved to be


an advantage. On arrival, Mr Johnson launched into a clear message on


Turkey — demanding restraint from Ankara — and offered sympathies
