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6個值得利用的國外網站,讓你英文閱讀能力持續UP!學習英文的網站真的是百百種,找到一個適合自己的棲息地還真不簡單,小編在這邊介紹幾個國內比較少人使用,卻可以提升英文能力的外國網站給大家參考。英文文章看得暈頭轉向?BBC Learning English.是個免費又好用的英語學習網站,從BBC Learning English你可以學習英文聽力和閱讀能力,並訓練...
十个最适合练习听力的网站轻英文让英语变得简单有趣。No 1 最好的英文听力网站——BBC Learning English。听故事练英文听力的网站——StoryCorps。不同于英文听力学习教材或是英语新闻的正式英语,StoryCorps是一个真实英文谈话的网站。「English Online France」是一个非常有趣的在线英文听力训练网站。练听力、还能测听力的网站——Voice Tu...
今天给大家推荐几个国外非常有名的学习网站,包括社会科学、文学、科技各个方面,既可以练习英语,也可以了解一些新鲜事,是非常好的英语学习资源。Elllo网是英语听力在线实验室,有来自世界各地说英语的人的听力素材,主要聚焦在练习听力技能。免费又好用的英语学习网站,从BBC Learning English你可以学习英文听力和阅读能力,并训练英语口说...
It s the only one that can start a war or say ''''''''I love you.'''''''' And yet many people have the experience that when they speak, people don t listen to them.Then prosody. I love prosody.People who speak all on one note are really quite hard to list...
5 irrational thinking patterns — and how to start ... iStockIf you’d like to see the ways your mind is leading you astray, it’s not enough to look at what you’re thinking. You need to examine how you’re thinking, too. Psychologist Joan Rosenberg names five faulty thinking patterns and tells how you can start to c...
词汇 | 剑7必背听力词汇表-Test 4.总结一下剑7 Test 4中的一些重点词汇。Section 1 安排学生住宿。词汇拓展。Section 2 公园介绍。Section 3 利用自动机械浮体研究海洋。nope ad.(口语)不。Section 4 味精的历史。剑11.剑10.更多内容请在主页回复【词汇】或直接点击底部菜单查看~回复【口语】查看雅思口语题库及话题解析。回复【听力】...
Sudden emotional outbursts.Poor emotional intelligence can wreak havoc in multiple areas of a person’s life. School, work, family, friendships, and romantic relationships are just a few areas where a person with low EQ will encounter major problems. If you think that your emotional skills could use a little work, sta...
每当你被问到“你有什么企图”时,英语中总有这么一类状语从句能挺身而出,完美地回答这类问题。它就是目的状语从句。目的状语从句用来表示主句中动作的目的、企图。看过《结果状语从句》的同学们一定记得,so that也可以引导结果状语从句。这句话中,错过公交是由于起晚了造成的结果,并非为了赶不上公交特意起晚,因此这里是结果状语从句。
At least 10 killed in Munich shopping mall shootin...At least 10 people were killed on Friday in a shooting at a shopping mall in the German city of Munich, according to German television news channel N-TV.The Munich police department has deployed hundreds of police officers to the shopping mall and restricted access ...
Johnson the diplomat woos peers after bumpy start英国“退欧外相”开启欧洲首秀 Johnson the diplomat woos peers after bumpy start英国“退欧外相”开启欧洲首秀这位曾把欧盟雄心比作希特勒野心的前伦敦市长,以外交大臣身份飞赴布鲁塞尔。鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)作为英国外交大臣的第一次布鲁塞尔之行几乎在英国卢顿机...
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