

 易明君 2016-08-02

工艺注塑手册 Injection process handbook

一. 基本理念:Basic opinion:

1. 什么是最佳的流动状态:

What is the best flow state:

流体流动状态应该是喷泉状的,最佳的流动状态是流体前端的流动速度在型腔内处处相等。由于流动方向上截面积的不同,在其变化的位置应进行注射速度的调节 (注意:机床上所能设定的注射速度是指螺杆的前进速度)。

The flow state should be like fountain, and the best is that the speed of the front melt is the same everywhere in the cavities. For different areas in the direction that is vertical with the flow way, we must adjust the injection speed.

2. 什么是最佳的压力,温度分布


What is the best pressure and

temperature state:






The best pressure and

temperature state should be like

this that the pressure and

temperature everywhere in

cavities are the same, and make

the force of the part inside be

zero finally as the melt


实际压力分布状况是浇口附近最大并随着距离的增加而降低。 (记住:螺杆头处的熔体和流动着的熔体前端存在压力差是使熔体发生流动的根本原因)

The actual pressure around the gate is the highest and as the distance goes it’s getting lower and lower。


(1) 尽量选用高的注射速度(螺杆前进速度)

(2) 尽量选用高的料筒温度

(3) 尽量选用高的模具温度

So the general principles when setting parameters are:

(1) As fast injection speed as possible (Screw forward speed)

(2) As high cylinder temperature as possible

(3) As high mold temperature as possible

二. 基本概念:Basic conception:

1. 收缩:Shrinkage:




. d.状态变化

The reasons of shrinkage: a. Chang from hot to cold;

b. Crystallization ;c. Molecule orientation;

d. Form changing


The stages of shrinkage:



b.从冷却时 间开始到脱模前;


It contains three stages: 

a. From injection stage to end of holding stage;

b. From cooling stage to demold stage;

c. After demold.




The root cause of deformation is inhomogeneous shrinkage. The causes of inhomogeneous shrinkage are as follows:

a. 冷却(即温度分布)不均匀

Inhomogeneous cooling

b. 壁厚不均匀

Different wall thickness

c. 压力分布不均匀

Not average location of pressure location

d. 分子取向

Molecule orientation

e. 脱模受力不均

Inhomogeneous forces when demolding

2. 结晶



What is crystallization:


In a short word, it means to make the molecule in order.


Factors affecting crystallization:


The cooling speed affects the crystallization. The faster cooling speed the

more crystallization


How does crystallization affect the parts:






The more crystallization: The higher density

The more shrinkage

The better surface

The stronger of the parts

3. 粘度:


What is viscosity:


Viscosity is a character of the flowing material. Its value is used to measure the flowing character. The bigger value it is, the worse flowing character it is.


What affect the viscosity:




Shear rate




4. 止回阀:

Non-return valve:

a. 止回阀的功能是什么:

Function of non-return valve:


To prevent the melt flowing back when injection and packing.

b. 怎么判断止回阀或料筒损坏

How to recognize the non-return valve is broken:


Too fast injection speed: burns, flash, air bubble inside or melt jet.

注射速度太慢:易出现流动痕, 熔接痕,并且造成表面粗糙,无光泽 Too slow injection speed: Flow line; weld line, or bad surface.

* 注射速度和注射时间设定的一般原则:

General principles when setting injection speed or injection time:

2. 转压点: Switch point:

(1)怎么确定转压点: How to set switch point:

一般来说,转压点是指在零保压压力的情况下把产品打到95%满时, 由注射到保压的切换点。

Normally the switch is the changing point of screw from injection phase to holding phase, when the parts are 95% of their volume. 


To the thin wall thickness parts (Example: Cable strap): Up to 98% of their volume.

对于非平衡流道:一般为70%-80%,应视具体情况而定。并建议采 用慢-快-慢多级注射。

To non-balance runners: Normally it’s up to 70% to 80%. It should be

determined by the reality. We suggest using step injection speed (Slow-

Fast- Slow).

(2)转压点太高:产品充模不足,熔接痕,凹陷,尺寸偏小等 Too high switch point: empty part, weld line, sink mark, and small dimension


Too low switch: flash, difficult to demold, big dimension. 

3. 保压压力:

Holding pressure:


How to set the holding pressure: 


The optimized holding pressure is in the middle of the maximum and minimum normally.


Minimum holding pressure: based on the correct switch point, the pressure when the parts start to be empty .


品刚出 现毛刺时的保压压力。

Minimum holding pressure: based on the correct switch point, the pressure when the parts start to have flash.

(2)一般来说: Normally:

PA保压压力=50% 注射压力

POM保压压力= 80% 注射压力;

PP/PE 保压压力=30-50% 注射压力

PA Holding pressure = 50% Injection pressure

POM Holding pressure = 80% Injection pressure;

PP / PE Holding pressure = 30-50% injection pressure

4. 保压时间: Holding time:

(1)怎么确定保压时间: How to set holding time:


Holding time is determined by the solidification time of the gate. We decide it according to the weight. 

(2)保压时间太长: 影响周期

Too long holding time: Waste time


Too short holding time: Not enough weight, empty inside, small dimension


5. 螺杆转速

Rotation Speed:



How to set the rotation speed:

作为原则,螺杆转速的确定必须使螺杆的预塑时间,回吸时间与射台 的回退时间之和略短于冷却时间。

As a rule, the rotation speed is determined by that the total dosing time, retract of screw and retract of injection unit must be a little bit shorter than the cooling time.

(2)螺杆转速太快:塑化不均(从而造成产品冷料,充模不足和断裂 等),材料分解(从而造成焦斑,色差,断裂等) 

Too fast rotation speed: Inhomogeneous melt (which cause empty parts, broken), material decomposed (which cause burns, different color, broken etc) 


Too slow rotation speed: Waste time.

6. 冷却时间: Cooling time:

作为原则,冷却时间的设定应越短越好,以产品不变形,不粘模,无过深的顶出痕为基本要求。并且:螺杆转速: PA<1.0m ;="" pom="">< 0.7="">

As a rule, the cooling is the shorter the better based on the parts are not deformed, not sticky and without too deep impressed by ejectors.

* 推荐的脱模温度如下:

Suggested demolding temperature is as follows:

7. 背压:



What is backpressure:

背压是指螺杆预塑时,液压缸阻止螺杆后退的力,其大小等于螺杆前 端熔体对螺杆的反作用力。

Backpressure is the hydraulic force preventing the screw going back as

dosing, the value is equal to the force that the melt in front of the cylinder to the screw.


Ho to set the backpressure:


一般来说:PA: 20-80 Bar ; POM : 50-100 Bar ; PP/PE : 50-200 Bar 

The backpressure is determined by the material character and its value is offered by the supplier.

Normally: PA: 20-80 Bar; POM: 50-100 Bar; PP/PE: 50-200 Bar

20%时: 喷嘴下料口 When one-shot quantity is less than 20% of maximum :

b. 一次注射量在20%-70%之间时:喷嘴下料口

c. 一次注射量大于70%时:喷嘴下料口

(2)熔体温度太高:材料分解(从而造成产品气泡,色差,焦斑,断裂 等)

Too high melt temperature: Material decomposed (Which cause air bubble, different color, burns, broken etc.)

熔体温度太低:材料塑化不均,熔体内含冷料(从而造成充模不足, 冷料,产品断裂等)

Too low melt temperature: Inhomogeneous melt with cold material inside (Which cause empty parts, broken parts etc.)

11. 模具温度:

Mold temperature:


Why the mold temperature is needed:



a. 一次注射量小于总料量的



显示温度10度左右(对于大模具在生产之前必须使模具充分加热,尤其是薄壁,且流长比 很大的产品模具)

Whatever the mold temperature is high or low, its function is to keep the cavity temperature on the same level. It is for cooling.

For the big mold, it must be heated enough before start production .


What the mold temperature affect:


Affect the melt flow rate and the cooling speed.



For affecting the flow rate, the mold temperature affects the appearance of

the parts and the injection pressure.



For affecting cooling speed, the mold temperature affects the crystallized rate and then affects the shrinkage and the mechanical strength.

(3)模温高:流动性好;结晶度高;收缩率大(从而造成尺寸偏小);变 形;需要更长的冷却时间

High mold temperature: good flow character; high-crystallized rate; big shrinkage (Which cause small dimension); need more cooling time



Low mold temperature: bad flow character; high-crystallized rate; small shrinkage (Which cause big dimension)

三. 常见产品缺陷及其原因:Normal defects and the reason:


Material escaping from nozzle:

a. 材料烘干不彻底或材料受潮

The material is not dried enough or it is wet.

b. 预塑速度 (螺杆转速) 太快

Dosing speed is too fast.

c. 喷嘴温度太高

The nozzle temperature is too high.

d. 不好的回料 (粉状)

Too much powder in regrinds.

e. 回吸量不够

Not enough retract

f. 喷嘴接触力不足

Not enough force between the nozzle and the mold bush.

g. 喷嘴与模具浇口套尺寸不匹配

The dimension of the nozzle and the mold bush is not correct.

h. 喷嘴接触表面脏 (造成表面不平)

Dirty interface of the nozzle


Plastification unstable:

a. 回料比不合理或不稳定

Regrind rate is unreasonable or unstable

b. 背压太低

Back pressure is too low

c. 长料杆架桥

Long regrind

d. 材料受潮

Wet material

e. 下料处温度不合理(太高)

Unreasonable cylinder temperature around the hopper (Too high)



a. 参数设置不准确 (转压点太低,保压太高,射速太快,温度


Wrong setting parameters (Too low switch point, too high

holding pressure, too fast injection speed, too high temperature


b. 模具脏

Mold is dirty

c. 锁模力不足

Locking force is not enough

d. 模具问题(损坏)

Mold is injured

e. 设备问题(压力不稳)

Machine problems (Unstable pressure)

f. 喷嘴温度过低

Too low nozzle temperature

g. 塑化不均(长料杆,螺杆转速过快,背压太低等)造成冷料

Inhomogeneous melt

h. 回吸太小造成止回阀关闭不稳定

Too little retract to cause the non-return valve closing unstably



a. 参数设置不准确 (转压点太高,保压太低,射速太慢,温度 太低)

Wrong setting parameters (Too low switch point, too high

holding pressure, too fast injection speed, too high temperature


b. 模具脏

Mold is dirty

c. 喷嘴温度过低, 结构不合理

Low temperature in the tip of nozzle, and wrong structure 

d. 止回阀或料筒损坏

Non-return valve or cylinder is broken

e. 浇口, 流道尺寸太小

Too small gate, runners

f. 不干净的回料 (含杂料)

Other material in the regrind

g. 材料受潮

Wet material


Machine problem (Not enough pressure)

I. 射台没对准

The nozzle is not in the centre of the runner.

h. 回吸太小造成止回阀关闭不稳定

Too little retract to cause the non-return valve closing unstably


Sometimes Incomplete:

a. 射速太低(特别是PA, POM)

Injection speed is too low (Especially for POM)

b. 对大产品,熔体温度不够

Melt temperature is too low

c. 塑化不均(背压太低,转速太快)

Not homogeneous melt (Back pressure is too low, rotation speed

is too fast)

d. 喷嘴温度不够

Nozzle temperature is too low

e. 止回阀或料筒损坏

Non-return valve or cylinder is broken

f. 杂质

Other materials inside

g. 模具脏

Mold is dirty

h. 材料烘干不彻底或材料受潮

Material is wet

I. 射台没对准

The nozzle is not in the centre of the runner.

h. 回吸太小造成止回阀关闭不稳定

Too little retract to cause the non-return valve closing unstably


c. 产品顶出不均

Part is ejected not balance

d. 冷却时间不够

Not enough cooling time

e. 射速太低

Too low injection speed

f. 压力太大造成粘模

Too high pressure to cause sticky on cavities

g. 塑化不均造成内应力

Not homogeneous melt to cause force inside

h. 模具温度分布不均

Mold temperature not uniform


Dimension not stable

a. 参数控制不稳 (模温, 料温,保压太低或太高, 冷却时间)

Parameter control not is precise (mold temperature, melt temperature, cooling time)

b. 回料比不合理或不稳定

Regrind rate is unreasonable or unstable

c. 止回阀或料筒损坏

Non-return valve or cylinder is broken

d. 回吸太小造成止回阀关闭不稳定

Too little retract to cause the non-return valve closing unstably


Unstable weight

a. 参数设置不准确 (模温, 料温,保压太低或太高, 冷却时间,保


Not correct setting parameter (mold temperature, melt temperature, cooling time)

b. 喷嘴温度太低

Nozzle temperature is too low

c. 保压时间太短

Holding time is too low

d. 止回阀或料筒损坏

Non-return valve or cylinder is broken

e. 回料比不稳定

Unstable regrind rate

f. 回吸太小造成止回阀关闭不稳定

Too little retract to cause the non-return valve closing unstably


Easily broken parts

a. 熔体温度太高或太低

Melt temperature is too high or too low

b. 材料湿

Wet material

c. 射速太低或太高

Injection speed is too low or too fast

d. 模具温度太高或太低

Mold temperature is not reasonable

e. 熔接痕

Welding line

f. 杂质

Other materials inside

g. 塑化不均(背压太低,转速太快,回料长料杆)

Not homogeneous melt (Back pressure is too low, rotation speed is

too fast, long sprue)

h. 模具锐边

Mold sharp place

i. 不稳定回料比

Unstable regrind rate


Welding line:

a. 射速太慢

Too low injection speed

b. 熔体温度太低

Too low melt temperature

c. 模具温度太低

Too low mold temperature

d. 排气不畅

Bad vent

d. 色母;塑化不均

Pigment; inhomogeneous melt


Design of mold or parts not reasonable



a. 材料潮湿

Wet material

b. 杂料

Mixed material


Pigment problem


Too fast injection speed

四.当产品出现问题时:When there is a problem:


You must be sure the problem:


What is the problem?


When does the problem happen?


Where is the problem and which cavity? 


How often does it happen? Sometimes or always.


You must think what are the possible reasons


You must be sure the material has problem or not:


The material is dry or not


The quality of raw material is good or not



The quality of regrind is good or not (Any long sprue, mixed material, dirty things, too much powder, etc.)


The regrind ratio is reasonable and stable or not,


You must be sure the mold has problem or not:


Are the water pipes and air pipes connected



Are the cavities clean?


Is there any injury in cavities?


You must be sure the machine has problem or not;


Is the non-return valve broken?


Is the cylinder broken?


Is the actual pressure from machine enough?

* 通常,在稳定生产24小时以上而没有任何问题出现的话,我们认为该生产工 艺参数是稳定并合理的。所以一般来说,在稳定生产过程中出现的问题不应是工 艺参数问题,应主要查找其他方面。

Normally if the production is running for more than 24 hours without any

problems, we will think the parameters are stable and reasonable. So when you have problems in a mass production, it should not be the parameters’ problem and we need to try to check down the others.


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