
Desktop Visualizer

 261y 2016-08-09


This application is intended to create shortcuts to launch applications or widgets on the home screen. Widgets and shortcuts created in this application are the following differences.

Type Description
Shortcuts Icons on your home screen to launch applications.
Widgets Widgets that has similar forms of shortcuts. Larger than a shortcut, you can hide the label that appears at the bottom.


1. Start the application in one of the following methods. A, C or D when you start create shortcuts. B when you start creates a widgets.

  1. Starting from the launcher
  2. From Home screen press menu->add->Widgets->Desktop Visualizer
  3. From Home screen press menu->add->Shortcuts->Desktop Visualizer
  4. Select image in the Gallery or other File manager app -> Share or Send->Desktop Visalizer

2. Tap the created widget to configure.

3. In the Icon section, please select icon to use. You can use these application below to select image file.

Other applications of the above applications are also available for the following intent and galleries (Please select from the list of available applications.)

  • android.intent.action.GET_CONTENT(Category:android.intent.category.DEFAULT、android.intent.category.OPENABLE, Type:image/*)
  • android.intent.action.PICK(Category:android.intent.category.DEFAULT, Type:image/*)

4. In the Launch section, select the action to execute when you touch a widget or shortcut. If you want to start the application, select 'Launch Application'. If you want to create bookmarks or others, select 'Other'.

5. In the Label section, input label string to show. When this label string is empty, label itself is not shown in the widgets.

6. [Widget Only] In the Lable Color section, specify label text color and background color. 'Label Color' is not usable under Android 1.5.

7. [Widget Only] In the Touch Effect section, specify effect color.

8. In the Options section, you can set 'Encode' option to prevent the launcher from changing the icon or the label to the default.

9. Push OK button to complete. Push Cancel to abort.


  • You can extract action from the text in the clipboard.
  • You need to copy E-Mail address, URL, phone number text into the clipboard in advance.
  • You can also send(share) to 'Save to clipboard' from other application to copy into the clipboard.

Backup and Restore

  • [Android 2.3.3 or later] DVR creates a backup image file from the image that you chose as the icon when the 'Backup image' is set ON. However, DVR creates a backup image from the action when icon source is a bitmap or an icon pack. Backup image contains icon label text, action and so on. We strongly recommend AGAINST distributing backup images that contain someone's name as label, phone number or E-mail address in action.
  • You can backup configurations for current widgets by selecting 'Backup widgets' in the menu. To restore the configurations from the backup, select 'Restore widgets' in the menu. Note that restore does not reincarnate removed widgets themselves.
  • You can also send(share) to 'Save to clipboard' from other applications to copy into the clipboard.
  • Portability of backup between differtent Android versions is not promised.
  • By broadcasting jp.co.bii.android.app.dskvzr.ACTION_RESTORE intent, you can restore from another application. You should, however, set 'Accept restore intent' option ON in the settings for security reasons. You should also set backup file name as 'file' extra in the broadcast intent. If file name starts with '/' DVR treat it as a absolute path. If it contains '/', DVR treat it as a relative path from the system's 'external storage directory' (Note that many devices with internal storage map the internal storage as system's 'external storage'). Otherwise, DVR find the file in backup directory. By setting widget id string as 'id' extra, you can choose restored widget. if you want to choose multiple ids, connect ids with ,(comma) such as '100,101,102' (Not integer array but string). You can find the widget id by selecting 'Widget info' in the menu.

Other Functions

  • All the existing widgets will be updated as edit mode when you select menu > Refresh Widgets > Edit Mode. You can tap and reconfigure existing widget. To return normal mode, select menu > Refresh Widgets > Normal Mode(Launch) or select 'Edit Mode' in the nortification bar.
  • Widget configuration does not have all the action information. So, if you choose 'Others' in action section, action name and icon may not be the same when you edit existing widgets.

About memory usage of widgets

  • System memory is used to keep widget images. Adding many widgets or large size widgets(3x3 or above) that uses large memory may ruin the stability of the system or widget may not be updated on the homescreen.
  • Checking 'Measure on Configuration' improves widgets' image quality, but requires more memory for widgets.
  • Images containing alpha data(transparent iamges) required more memory. We recommend not to use such images especially for large size widgets.
  • Checking 'Limit Total Usage' keeps small memory usage for large size widgets. We recommend checking this option.


  • This application is available only for personal and non-commercial use. The application's icon is copyrighted by the author of that application.
  • Refreshing widget will be done by background. So, there may be lag before changing its mode. Please retry if mode does not change.
  • Shortcut can be changed by the launcher. Please check 'Prevent the home application from changing the icon' option.
  • If DVR can not read widget image from SD card, DVR shows ? mark icon as the widget image and retry reading image during 1 minute. If widget image remain ? after 1 minute, please refresh widget manually(menu > Refresh Widgets > Normal Mode).

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