

 cz6688 2016-08-21

The Human Protein Atlas


Balls and brains


A new chart of the body’s composition


Nov 8th 2014 | From the print edition of The Economist


THIS week sees the completion of a new atlas. The cartography in question, though, is biological, not terrestrial. The “Human Protein Atlas” consists of photographic maps, 13m of them, of tissue from all bodily organs. It shows which proteins are found where.


The maps were made by creating antibodies to 17,000 individual proteins, attaching staining molecules to those antibodies, and then applying the combination to thin slices

of preserved tissue to see, by what colour the tissue went, which antibodies had stuck to it.


The result will be of great value to researchers trying to understand how tissues differ at the molecular level. Most biological functions depend on proteins, so it is the mix of proteins within a cell which defines what that cell is. The atlas will also (because 20 types of malignant tumour are included in it) help to explain how cancerous tissues differ from their healthy progenitors.


There are around 20,000 protein-coding genes in the human genome, so even though the atlas covers all parts of the anatomy, it is not yet complete. Indeed, the cellular machinery that translates the information contained in genes and uses it to construct proteins often applies tweaks to those proteins as it goes. This means there are more sorts of proteins than genes, expanding the task of mapping what is happening still further.


The researchers who created the atlas, led by Mathias Uhlen of the Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm, have nevertheless discovered that 3,500 human genes encode proteins specific to just one or two tissues. These are, presumably, crucial to what those tissues do. Many of these proteins are peculiar to the cerebral cortex—which is not surprising, as the brain is usually regarded as the body’s most complex component. But, proteinwise, it turns out that it is only the second most complex. The winning organ (a slice of which is pictured), with a third of those 3,500 genes, is the testis.

负责绘制图谱的项目是来自斯德哥尔摩的瑞典皇家工学院Mathias Uhlen 率领的研究人员进行的,他们还发现有3500个人类基因编码所产生的独特蛋白质集中在一或两个组织中。这些蛋白质可能对这些组织的功能起着决定性的作用。这些特有的蛋白质组成大脑皮层-也不奇怪,大脑通常被认为是身体中最复杂的器官。但是,按蛋白质在组织中的活跃程度来看,大脑皮层中的只能位居第二了。那个胜出的器官就是睾丸,因为它有3500个基因中的三分之一编码产生的独特蛋白质(切片如图所示)。

From the print edition: Science and technology





2、制取该蛋白的特异性抗体 (将提取的蛋白质注入体内,使它产生免疫反应,产生特异性抗体,然后提取血清,血清中含有相应抗体)




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