

 后天254 2016-08-26
披肩:“玩具” - maomao - 我随心动

         beauty shot

披肩:“玩具” - maomao - 我随心动
CO 3 sts.

Work 10 rows in garter stitch (knit every row).
Next row [WS]: K3, turn work 90 degrees, pick up and knit 5 stitches along garter ridges, turn work 90 degrees, pick up and knit 3 stitches from CO edge. 11 sts.

Note: Odd numbered rows of foundation chart are worked on the RS from right to left, even numbered rows are worked on the WS from left to right.

Row 1 [RS]: K3, *work Row 1 of foundation chart*, k1 tbl (center st), rep from * to *, k3.
Row 2 [WS]: K3, *work Row 2 of foundation chart*, p1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3.
Row 3 [RS]: K3, *work next row of foundation chart*, k1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3.
Row 4 [WS]: K3, *work next row of foundation chart*, p1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3.
Rep last 2 rows until foundation chart is finished. End with Row 45 [RS]. 103 sts.

披肩:“玩具” - maomao - 我随心动

Main Charts
Odd numbered rows of the Left, Center, and Right Main Charts are worked on the WS from left to right, even numbered rows are worked on the RS from right to left.

Row 1 [WS]: K3, *work Row 1 of Left Main Chart, work Row 1 of Center Main Chart chart 2 times, work Row 1 of Right Main Chart*, p1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3.
Row 2 [RS]: K3, *work Row 2 of RMC, work Row 2 of CMC 2 times, work Row 2 of LMC*, k1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3.
Row 3 [WS]: K3, *work next row of LMC, work next row of CMC 2 times, work next row of RMC*, p1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3.
Row 4 [RS]: K3, *work next row of RMC, work next row of CMC 2 times, work next row of LMC*, k1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3.
Rep last 2 rows until Left, Center, and Right Main Charts are finished. End with Row 44 of charts [RS]. 183 sts.

Work another repeat of the Main Charts as follows:
Next row [WS]: K3, *work Row 1 of LMC, work Row 1 of CMC 4 times, work Row 1 of RMC*, p1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3.
Next row [RS]: K3, *work Row 2 of RMC, work Row 2 of CMC 4 times, work Row 2 of LMC*, k1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3.
Next row [WS]: K3, *work next row of LMC, work next row of CMC 4 times, work next row of RMC*, p1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3.
Next row [RS]: K3, *work next row of RMC, work next row of CMC 4 times, work next row of LMC*, k1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3
Rep last 2 rows until Main Charts are finished. End with Row 44 [RS]. 263 sts.

披肩:“玩具” - maomao - 我随心动

Edging Charts
Odd numbered rows of the Left, Center, and Right Edging Charts are worked on the WS from left to right, even numbered rows are worked on the RS from right to left.

Row 1 [WS]: K3, *work Row 1 of Left Edging Chart, work Row 1 of Center Edging Chart 6 times, work Row 1 of Right Edging Chart*, p1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3.
Next row [RS]: K3, *work Row 2 of Right Edging Chart, work Row 2 of Center Edging Chart 6 times, work Row 2 of Left Edging Chart*, k1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3
Next row [WS]: K3, *work next row of Left Edging Chart, work next row of Center Edging Chart 6 times, work next row of Right Edging Chart*, p1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3
Next row [RS]: K3, *work next row of Right Edging Chart, work next row of Center Edging Chart 6 times, work next row of Left Edging Chart*, k1 tbl, rep from * to *, k3
Rep last 2 rows until Edging Charts are finished. End with Row 41 [WS]. 343 sts.

Next row [RS]: K3, yo, k1, p to last st before center st marked by yarn overs, k1, yo, k1 tbl (center st), yo, k1, p to last 4 sts, k1, yo, k3.
Next row [WS]: K to center st marked by yarn overs, p1 tbl (center st), k to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows once more.

Next row [RS]: K3, yo, k to center st marked by yarn overs, yo, k1 tbl (center st), yo, k to last 3 sts, yo, k3
Next row [WS]: K to center st marked by yarn overs, p1 tbl (center st), k to end of row.
Rep last 2 rows twice more.

BO all stitches loosely.

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