

 小猪电子业 2016-09-01




Conceit and inferiority are ' brother and sister' living inside everyone's body.



The daytime is belong to brother 'Conceit', and the evening is the time when younger sister is saying.


For instance: when a student get high score in the exam, brother conceit say congratulations; but if he fails, sister' inferiority ' will cry.



We are proud for sucessfully reaching our goals.


 We feel sad for losing hope.



We have lots of positive power when 

we feel so good


 We get into extremly negtive status 

    when we are in low mood


 One will be sick if he loses balance

      between positive and nagtive energy


      So the' two brother and sister' must

 exist peacefully



   man need to live just right, just properly,


   and strick a chord between conceit and  inferiority


               this is confidence!



       We need to hear the calling of our hearts


 and receive suggestions from outside world



      Hearing the comments from your folks、friends, they tell you, criticise you, even satirize you, it's like looking yourself in a mirror, you can better understand yourself.




In which time we talk to brother or sister

                               it's up to us.



  you should think of those sad things when 

        you  are too excited, don't get lost.



  on the contrary, think more about some 'happy things 'when you're in self-pity, that help you come out of that situation soon    

  而许多特别努力的人,只不过是在用努力来掩饰自卑,结果越努力,越觉得不足,便越是自卑,而又开始更努力…, 这样的人生活在自卑、自负、加努力的轮回中!        

   Some very hard working person, they cover their inferiority with effort; more hard working, they feel their knowledge is not enough, and feel more humble, then it comes the next turn of hard working...., this sort of people live in a rotation of 'self-pity, self esteem, and hard working'.






Hope you are self-assured!


Life is more beautiful!




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