

 老渔翁藏 2016-09-06

一种治疗失眠的中药及中药枕头 A method of treating insomnia medicine and traditional Chinese medicine pillow




本发明公开一种治疗失眠的中药及中药枕头。 The present invention discloses a method of treating insomnia medicine and traditional Chinese medicine pillows. 中药包括如下重量配比的原材料:生黄芪20-40份,党参20-40份,白术5-20份,陈皮10-20份,夜交藤10-25份,茯苓10-25份,柴胡10-25份,合欢皮10-20份,肉桂5-15份,酸枣仁10-20份,柏枣仁10-20份。 Chinese medicine raw materials comprising the weight ratio: 20-40 parts Astragalus, Codonopsis 20-40, 5-20 parts Atractylodes, Citrus 10-20, 10-25 Caulis parts, 10-25 parts of Tuckahoe, Radix 10-25 parts, Albizia 10-20, 5-15 parts cinnamon, Semen 10-20, 10-20 Zaoren Parker. 中药枕头包括羽丝绒枕芯和设置在羽丝绒枕芯外的丝缎布面袋,所述丝缎布面袋中装有治疗失眠的中药,本发明的配方具有疏通经络、调畅气血、益智醒脑、强身健体等作用,用作枕头,可作用于经络、血管、神经,达到补气养血,养心安神,解郁化痰,清心降火,交通心肾,益气活血的效果,使患者在睡眠中也可以调和脏腑。 Chinese pillows including feather pillows and plush velvet feather pillow disposed outside satin cloth bags, the silk cloth bag containing traditional Chinese medicine for treating insomnia, formulations of the present invention has a dredge meridians, regulate the flow of blood, Puzzle refreshing, physical fitness and so on, used as a pillow, can act on the meridians, blood vessels, nerves, to qi and blood, uneasiness of mind, stagnation and phlegm, Qingxin pathogenic fire, traffic heart and kidney, Yiqihuoxue the effect of the patient during sleep can also reconcile the internal organs.

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