
201501 MHRA数据完整性指南

 dxg0313 2016-10-09

Audit Trail

GMP audit trails are metadata that are a record of GMP critical information (for example the change or deletion of GMP relevant data).

Where computerised systems are used to capture, process, report or store raw data electronically, system design should always provide for the retention of full audit trails to show all changes to the data while retaining previous and original data. It should be possible to associate all changes to data with the persons making those changes, and changes should be time stamped and a reason given. Users should not have the ability to amend or switch off the audit trail.

The relevance of data retained in audit trails should be considered by the company to permit robust data review / verification. The items included in audit trail should be those of relevance to permit reconstruction of the process or activity. It is not necessary for audit trail review to include every system activity (e.g. user log on/off, keystrokes etc.), and may be achieved by review of designed and validated system reports.

Audit trail review should be part of the routine data review / approval process, usually performed by the operational area which has generated the data (e.g. laboratory). There should be a mechanism to confirm that a review of the audit trail has taken place. When designing a system for review of audit trails, this may be limited to those with GMP relevance (e.g. relating to data creation, processing, modification and deletion etc). Audit trails may be reviewed as a list of relevant data, or by a validated ‘exception reporting’ process. QA should also review a sample of relevant audit trails, raw data and metadata as part of self inspection to ensure on-going compliance with the data governance policy / procedures.

If no audit trailed system exists a paper based audit trail to demonstrate changes to data will be permitted until a fully audit trailed (integrated system or independent audit software using a validated interface) system becomes available. These hybrid systems are currently permitted, where they achieve equivalence to integrated audit trail described in Annex 11 of the GMP Guide. If such equivalence cannot be demonstrated, it is expected that facilities should upgrade to an audit trailed system by the end of 2017.







Data Review


There should be a procedure which describes the process for the review and approval of data, including raw data. Data review must also include a review of relevant metadata, including audit trail.

Data review must be documented.

A procedure should describe the actions to be taken if data review identifies an error or omission. This procedure should enable data corrections or clarifications to be made in a GMP compliant manner, providing visibility of the original record, and audit trailed traceability of the correction, using ALCOA principles (see ‘data’ definition).





Computerised system user access / system administrator roles


Full use should be made of access levels to ensure that people have access only to functionality that is appropriate for their job role. Facilities must be able to demonstrate the access levels granted to individual staff members and ensure that historical information regarding user access level is available.

Shared logins are not acceptable. Where the computerised system design supports individual user access, this function must be used. This may require the purchase of additional licences.

It is acknowledged that some computerised systems support only a single user login or limited numbers of user logins. Where alternative computerised systems have the ability to provide the required number of unique logins, facilities should upgrade to an appropriate system by the end of 2017. Where no suitable alternative computerised system is available, a paper based method of providing traceability will be permitted. The lack of suitability of alternative systems should be justified based on a review of system design, and documented.

System administrator access should be restricted to the minimum number of people possible taking account of the size and nature of the organisation.

System Administrator rights (permitting activities such as data deletion, database amendment or system configuration changes) should not be assigned to individuals with a direct interest in the data (data generation, data review or approval). Where this is unavoidable in the organisational structure, a similar level of control may be achieved by the use of dual user accounts with different privileges. All changes performed under system administrator access must be visible to, and approved within, the quality system.

The individual should log in using the account with the appropriate access rights for the given task e.g. a laboratory manager performing data checking should not log in as system administrator where a more appropriate level of access exists for that task.









Data retention


Raw data (or a true copy thereof) generated in paper format may be retained for example by scanning, provided that there is a process in place to ensure that the copy is verified to ensure its completeness.

Data retention may be classified as archive or backup

Data and document retention arrangements should ensure the protection of records from deliberate or inadvertent alteration or loss.

Secure controls must be in place to ensure the data integrity of the record throughout the retention period, and validated where appropriate.

Where data and document retention is contracted to a third party, particular attention should be paid to understanding the ownership and retrieval of data held under this arrangement. The physical location in which the data is held, including impact of any laws applicable to that geographic location should also be considered. The responsibilities of the contract giver and acceptor must be defined in a contract as described in Chapter 7 of the GMP Guide









Long term, permanent retention of completed data and relevant metadata in its final form for the purposes of reconstruction of the process or activity.

Archive records should be locked such that they cannot be altered or deleted without detection and audit trail.

The archive arrangements must be designed to permit recovery and readability of the data and metadata throughout the required retention period.






A copy of current (editable) data, metadata and system configuration settings (variable settings which relate to an analytical run) maintained for the purpose of disaster recovery.

Backup and recovery processes must be validated.




File structure






Flat files:

A 'flat file' is an individual record which may not carry with it all relevant metadata (e.g. pdf, dat, doc ).

Flat files may carry basic metadata relating to file creation and date of last amendment, but cannot audit trail the type and sequence of amendments. When creating flat file reports from electronic data, the metadata and audit trails relating to the generation of the raw data is also lost, unless these are retained as a ‘true copy.

There is an inherently greater data integrity risk with flat files (e.g. when compared to data contained within a relational database), in that these are easier to manipulate and delete as a single file.





Relational database:

A relational database stores different components of associated data and metadata in different places. Each individual record is created and retrieved by compiling the data and metadata for review.

This file structure is inherently more secure, as the data does not exist in a single file.

Retrieval of information from a relational database requires a database search tool, or the original application which created the record.





Validation – for intended purpose (See also Annex 15 and GAMP 5)


Computerised systems should comply with the requirements of EU GMP Annex 11 and be validated for their intended purpose. This requires an understanding of the computerized system’s function within a process. For this reason, the acceptance of vendor-supplied validation data in isolation of system configuration and intended use is not acceptable. In isolation from the intended process or end user IT infrastructure, vendor testing is likely to be limited to functional verification only, and may not compute the requirements for performance qualification.

For example – validation of computerized system audit trail

       A custom report generated from a relational database may be used as a GMP system audit trail.

       SOPs should be drafted during OQ to describe the process for audit trail verification, including definition of the data to be reviewed.

        ‘Validation for intended use’ would include testing during PQ to confirm that the required data is correctly extracted by the custom report, and presented in a manner which is aligned with the data review process described in the SOP.




计算机系统应符合EU GMP附录11的要求,并根据其既定用途进行验证。这就要求理解计算机系统在处理过程中的功能。为此,供应商提供的独立于系统参数和既定用途以外的验证数据的可接受标准是不被接受的。脱离了既定的工艺或终端用户的IT硬件设施,供应商的测试可能仅局限于功能确认,可能不能达到性能确认的要求。





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