

 昵称28587049 2016-10-24




背景知识  明智、好学,时刻秉承着探索精神,托尼朱蒂从来没有停止过探索的步伐。他曾一度担心自己的信仰-支持犹太主义、亲信法国以及欧洲联邦主义-直到这些信仰在他那无休止的、谨慎细微的学术精神的促使下,很好地分离并重组起来,他才不再担心。很少有人能在盎格鲁-撒克逊的世界里大胆地自称“学者”,而不感到名不副实,但到了朱蒂先生这里,没有人再比“我”更合适了。在智慧与笔尖的世界里,成为一个历史学家成为朱蒂先生的主要人生轨迹:他于19世纪60年代考进剑桥大学便开始从事这个行业,直到那最终夺走自己生命的恶疾让他无法动弹,他都从未离开过历史学。他所研究的并非狭隘的历史主义:他蔑视那些认为历史可以引领未来的观念。但他认为学习历史可以避免在同一个地方跌倒两次。

        1 But Mr Judt was no sentimental Europhile. 2 His deep connections with the Czechoslovak opposition under communism gave him rare binocular vision, and an edginess towards those who focused only on the luckier western half of the continent. 3 He detested the shallowness and artificial obscurity of European-born intellectual fashions such as post-modernism and structuralism. 4 In politics, he bemoaned what he saw as the degeneration of the EU into a racket run by an elite class of administrators for the benefit of its richest citizens. 5 Admittedly, the Eurocracy's enlightened despotism was better than the other kind. 6 But the cult of efficiency was no substitute for democracy and justice.


sentimental     /sent?'ment(?)l/    adj. 感情用事的

opposition    /?p?'z??(?)n/    n. 反对

communism    /'k?mj?n?z(?)m/    n. 共产主义

binocular    /b?'n?kj?l?/    adj. 双目观察的

edginess    /'ed?inis/    n. 刀口锐利

continent    /'k?nt?n?nt/     n. 大陆

detest    /d?'test/    v. 厌恶,憎恨

shallowness    /'??l??nis/    n. 浅薄

artificial    /ɑ?t?'f??(?)l/    adj. 人造的

obscurity    /?b'skj??r?t?/    n. 晦涩

intellectual    /??nt?'lekt???l/     adj. 学术的

post-modernism    n. 后现代主义

structuralism    /'str?kt?(?)r(?)l?z(?)m/     n. 结构主义

bemoan    /b?'m??n/    v. 惋惜

degeneration    /d?,d?en?'re??(?)n/     n. 退化

racket    /'r?k?t/     n. 非法勾当

administrator    /?d'm?n?,stret?/    n. 管理者

enlightened    /?n?la?t?nd/     adj. 开明的

despotism    /'desp?t?z(?)m/    n. 专制统治

cult    /k?lt/     n. 崇尚,追求(这个小词在真题中出现过,你记得吗?)


1、connection with    与......相联系

2、focus on=center on=concentrate on    聚焦,集中

3、substitute for    代替


1 But Mr Judt was no sentimental Europhile

分析 本句主干是Mr Judt was no sentimental Europhile。

翻译 但是朱蒂先生并非一个感性的亲欧盟主义者。

2 His deep connections with the Czechoslovak opposition under communism gave him rare binocular vision, and an edginess towards those who focused only on the luckier western half of the continent. 

分析 本句主干是His deep connections gave him rare binocular vision, and an edginess。who引导的从句修饰those。

翻译 他深入地关注斯洛伐克人在共产主义下的反抗行为,这一点使得他能细微地、犀利地洞察那些只关心那些幸运的富饶西方大陆的人。

3 He detested the shallowness and artificial obscurity of European-born intellectual fashions such as post-modernism and structuralism. 

分析 本句主干是He detested the shallowness and artificial obscurity。

翻译 他讨厌那些浅薄的,诸如前现代化、建筑学等晦涩的欧洲土生土长的学术潮流。

4 In politics, he bemoaned what he saw as the degeneration of the EU into a racket run by an elite class of administrators for the benefit of its richest citizens. 

分析 本句主干是he bemoaned what。

翻译 在政治方面,朱蒂先生认为欧盟已经堕落成一个由高层精英所操控的非法局面,而这些非法勾当全是为了那些最富有的公民的。

5 Admittedly, the Eurocracy's enlightened despotism was better than the other kind. 

分析 本句主干是the Eurocracy's enlightened despotism was better。

翻译 他承认,欧洲开明的统治者比起其他的好很多。

6 But the cult of efficiency was no substitute for democracy and justice.

分析 本句主干是the cult was no substitute。

翻译 然而,但是民主和公平是不能用对效率的追求来代替的。


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