

 育克 2016-11-04
















GARTER ST (back and forth):
K all rows. 1 ridge = K2 rows. 

See diagrams A.1 to A.5. The diagrams show all rows in pattern seen from RS.

To calculate how often inc should be done, use the total no of sts on row (e.g. 167 sts) and divide by no of inc to be done (4) = 41.75. I.e. in this example inc after approx. every 42nd st. 
NOTE: Inc 1 st by making 1 YO. On next row (= from WS in A.3) K YO twisted to avoid holes.

The piece is worked back and forth on circular needle because of no of sts, worked sideways.
Cast on 3 sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm / US 4 with Alpaca and K 1 row from WS. Then work pattern back and forth according to diagram A.1 AT THE SAME TIME dec and inc as shown in diagram.
REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE When A.1 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 35 sts on needle. Then repeat A.1B (= 12 rows) until there are 161 sts on needle. Work next row as follows from RS: Work A.2 (= 1 st), repeat A.3A until 4 sts remain on needle and finish with A.3B (= 4 sts). Continue the pattern like this and inc AT THE SAME TIME 4 sts evenly on last row from RS – READ INCREASE TIP = 171 sts on needle. When A.3 has been worked 1 time vertically, work next row as follows from RS: Continue A.2 over outermost st, repeat A.4A over the next 168 sts (= 14 repetitions of 12 sts) and finish with A.4B (= 2 sts). When A.4 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 181 sts on needle. Work next row as follows from RS: Continue A.2 over outermost st, repeat A.3A until 4 sts remain on needle and finish with A.3B (= 4 sts). Continue the pattern like this and inc AT THE SAME TIME 13 sts evenly on last row from RS = 200 sts on needle. When A.3 has been worked 1 time vertically, work next row as follows from RS: Continue A.2 over outermost st, repeat A.5A over the next 198 sts (= 22 repetitions of 9 sts) and finish with A.5B (= 1 st). When A.5A has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 379 sts on needle. Then work A.5C over A.5A (continue outermost st and A.5B as before). When 6 “waves” in total have been worked vertically (i.e. when A.5B has been worked), there are 394 sts on needle. K 1 row from RS with inc at the end of row as before. Then LOOSELY bind off with K from WS. 
Moisten piece and place it to form according to measurements.


=K from RS, P from WS
=P from RS, K from WS
=1 YO between 2 sts, P YO on next row to make hole
=K 2 tog
=slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso
=slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso
=1 YO, on next row (= WS) P YO twisted to avoid holes
=no stitch, skip this square




GARTER ST (back and forth):
K all rows. 1 ridge = K2 rows. 

See diagrams A.1 to A.12. The diagrams show all rows in pattern seen from RS.

Cast on 3 sts on circular needle size 3.5 mm / US 4 with BabyAlpaca Silk. 

ROW 1 (= RS): K all sts.
ROW 2 (= WS): K 2 sts in first st, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO, K 2 sts in last st = 7 sts.

Then work as follows from RS: Work 2 sts in garter st - see explanation above, A.1 over the next st, 1 st in stockinette st (= mid st, insert 1 marker in this st, marks the middle), A.1 over the next st, finish with 2 sts in garter st. Continue pattern like this. REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE When diagram A.1 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 119 sts on needle (i.e. 59 sts on each side of mid st). Piece measures approx. 15 cm / 6'' measured along mid st. Then work as follows from RS: 2 edge sts in garter st, * A.2 over the next 9 sts, repeat A.3 over the next 36 sts (= 2 times in width), A.4 over the next 12 sts *, 1 st in stockinette st (= mid st), repeat from *-* 1 more time, finish with 2 edge sts in garter st. When A.2 to A.4 have been worked 1 time vertically, there are 215 sts on needle (i.e. 107 sts on each side of mid st). Piece measures approx. 29 cm / 11?'' measured along mid st.

Then work as follows from RS: * 2 edge sts in garter st, A.5 over the next 2 sts, repeat A.6 until 1 st remains before mid st, A.7, 1 st in stockinette st (= mid st), A.5 over the next 2 sts, repeat A.6 until 3 sts remain, A.7, finish with 2 edge sts in garter st. Work 16 rows in stockinette st and inc with 1 YO inside 2 edge sts in garter st in each side piece and 1 YO on each side of mid st on every row from RS (= 4 sts inc on every row from RS) *, repeat pattern from *-* (= 26 sts inc on each side of mid st per repetition = 52 sts inc in total). After first repetition there are 267 sts on needle (= 133 sts on each side of mid st). Repeat from *-* 3 times in total = 371 sts on needle (= 185 sts on each side of mid st). Piece measures approx. 54 cm / 21 1/4''. Work next row as follows from RS: Work 2 edge sts in garter st, A.8, repeat A.9 until 1 st remains before mid st, A.10, 1 st in stockinette st (= mid st), A.8, repeat A.9 until 3 sts remain, A.10, finish with 2 edge sts in garter st (= 6 sts inc on each side of mid st per repetition = 12 sts inc). When A.8 to A.10 have been worked 6 times in total vertically, there are 443 sts on needle (i.e. 221 sts on each side of mid st). Piece measures approx. 66 cm / 26''. Then K 1 row from RS as follows: Work 2 edge sts in garter st, 1 YO (= 1 st inc), K 1, work until 1 st remains before mid st, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO (= 2 sts inc), K 1 (= mid st), * 1 YO, K 1 *, repeat from *-* 2 more times (= 3 sts inc), work in stockinette st until 3 sts remain on needle, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO (= 2 sts inc), finish with 2 edge sts in garter st (= 8 sts inc in total) = 451 sts on needle. K 1 row from WS, K YOs from previous row twisted to avoid holes. Then work the edge of shawl. 

Do not turn piece, but cast on 15 new sts for shawl edge from WS. Turn piece, K 1 row over the 15 new sts. Turn piece. Then work according to diagram A.11 over these sts from WS (1st row = WS). Knit edge tog with shawl on every row from RS. On every row from WS slip 1st st as if to P. Repeat A.11 until 8 sts remain before mid st on shawl (= 18 times in total). Then work A.12 (1st row = WS). When all sts before mid st have been worked tog with shawl, work short rows, i.e. work 1 st less on every row from RS. When 5 sts remain from the edge (i.e. after a picot), work 1 ridge over all sts from the edge (first row is from RS and is worked tog with mid st on shawl - see arrow in diagram). Then work short rows, i.e. work 1 st more on every row from RS until all sts from edge are worked. When entire A.12 has been worked 1 time (i.e. 10 sts past mid st), repeat A.11 until all sts on shawl have been worked tog with edge (= 18 times) = 38 leaves along the edge. K 1 row from WS. Loosely bind off.


=K from RS, P from WS
=P from RS, K from WS
=K 2 tog
=slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso
=1 double YO between 2 sts, drop one YO off on next row, do NOT work the other YO twisted, it should make a hole
=1 YO between 2 sts, do NOT work YO twisted, it should make a hole
=slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso
=1 YO between 2 sts, K YO twisted on next row, it should NOT make a hole
=on this row work edge tog with mid st
=picot: slip 1st st as if to K, K 1, psso, K 1, slip the outermost on right needle over the front st
=work 2 sts in same st
=K last st from edge (from RS) tog with the 2 next available sts from shawl
=K last st from edge (from RS) tog with the next available st from shawl
=slip 1 st as if to P






GARTER ST (back and forth):
K all rows. 1 ridge = K2 rows.

See diagrams A.1 to A.4. The diagrams show all rows in pattern seen from RS. 

Work mid st in stockinette st on all rows with stockinette st in diagram, but on rows in diagram that are worked K from WS work mid st also like this.

* 4 rows shoreline, 2 rows off white, 10 rows shoreline, 2 rows off white *, repeat from *-*.

When 1 ridge off white has been worked, cut and fasten the yarn. The strand in shoreline can follows upwards but make sure to avoid a tight strand. The fastening of the strand must not be tight either.

The shawl is worked back and forth on circular needle to make room for all the sts. Worked from neckline mid back and down. 

Cast on 7 sts on circular needle size 4 mm / US 6 with shoreline. Insert 1 marker in the 4th st (= mid st) and move it upwards when working. Work diagram A.1 as follows: Work 2 edge sts in GARTER ST - see explanation above, A.1 over 1 st, 1 st in stockinette st (= mid st), A.1 over 1 st and 2 edge sts in garter st = 11 sts. Continue with A.1 on each side of mid st (work mid st in stockinette st in entire A.1), when diagram has been worked, 1 time vertically, there are 43 sts on row (i.e. 21 sts on each side of mid st). REMEMBER THE KNITTING GAUGE

Then work STRIPES – see explanation above and pattern as follows: NOTE: READ TIP FOR CHANGING YARN! 
Work according to diagram A.2-A.4 as follows: 2 edge sts in garter st, A.2 over 1 st, A.3 over 17 sts, A.4 over 1 st, K 1 (= MID ST - see explanation above), A.2 over 1 st, A.3 over 17 sts, A.4 over 1 st and 2 edge sts in garter st. When diagrams have been worked 1 time vertically, there are 111 sts on needle (i.e. there are 55 sts on each side of mid st) and there is now room for 1 more repetition of A.3 on each side of A.3 on each side of shawl. Continue to work according to A.2-A.4 until diagrams have been worked 6 times in total vertically = 451 sts. Then work the first 6 rows in A.2-A.4. The stripes are now done, and continue in off white until finished measurements. Continue with the remaining 12 rows in diagram. Then work A.2-A.4 1 more time vertically. 
There are now 587 sts on needle (i.e. 293 sts on each side of mid st). Loosely bind off as follows with off white: * bind off 3 sts, 1 YO, bind off YO *, repeat from *-* the rest of row.

Place the piece in lukewarm water until it is soaking wet. Carefully squeeze out the water - do not twist. Then roll the piece in a towel and squeeze to remove more water - the piece will now only be moist. Place the piece on a carpet or mattress - carefully stretch it out to measurements found at the top of pattern. Leave to dry. Repeat the process when the garment has been washed.


=K from RS, P from WS
=K from WS, P from RS
=slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso
=K 2 tog
=1 double YO between 2 sts. Drop the first YO off the needle on next row. Work the second YO as shown in diagram.
=1 YO between 2 sts, work YO twisted on next row
=1 YO between 2 sts, K YO on next row

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