

 Leahcimnat0725 2016-11-23

How I improved my sight in two weeks

Note: OptiMaskPro is out of stock in stores, but today Tuesday, 9 August 2016 you can order it online!
Date of posting Saturday, 30 July 2016
Author Carin


I am 38 and I have been wearing glasses ever since I can remember. Before I went to the university I used -2 diopter lenses. At first, I started wearing glasses that almost became part of me, and then I started using contact lenses.

Later on, my sight got even worse, because I worked as an accountant. Minus 2 diopter became minus 3. Then I switched from glasses to contact lenses and vice versa, and everything went all over again. Glasses made my nasal bridge hurt and sometimes when I needed to focus on a specific object, I would feel dizzy. The contact lenses constantly made my eyes weep, and moreover I even got conjunctivitis. I was really fed up with all of that, so I decided to undergo surgery.

Surgery – yes or no?

I was getting ready to undergo surgery for a long time, but I kept postponing it, because I was so worried about it. That fear made me cringe, and I had no idea what to do. Even my friends would discourage me from the surgery. They told me that there is a better method of improving sight... But I wanted not to hear about it anymore. I thought that the stories about this method were just fairy-tales. They told me that my sight could improve rapidly in 12-17 days, but I was just like: “Yeah, sure”.

Sight improvement without surgery

During a lunchbreak we went out for a coffee with my colleague, and that was the time when I found out that some of my colleagues improved their sight without surgery, whilst I was getting ready for one. I was so focused on my surgery that I wouldn’t even notice that they no longer wear glasses.

How did they manage to do that? About a month ago they found eye massager called OptiMaskPro on the internet. This device was recommended by people on various forums. After reading through the comments, the colleagues decided to order that device. The device was delivered by mail order with cash on delivery as payment method in few days. The results became apparent at the beginning of the third week already. For one of them it was -2,5 diopter, and the other one went from 1,5 to 1, whereas the third went from -4 to -1. They achieved all of that after roughly 15 days of using the device.

I have decided that I have nothing to lose and order one too. It arrived after 3 days by mail delivery.

The device reminds me of a big glasses with soft “fingers” inside. It is very easy to use: you simply put the device on your eyes, lay down and relax. The device uses batteries, which is comfy, as you don’t need to deal with cords. For all cases, adapter is also included, so you connect it to the electrical outlet, too. The instructions describe how to use it to improve your sight in detail.

What was the result like?

I started using the device: It was simple – 15 minutes per day was enough. I used it regularly for two weeks. After two weeks I visited my eye doctor, and I was impressed by the results of the check-up. My sight improved from minus 3 to minus 1! After one more week it was 0.7! I was tremendously happy. Just imagine – it only took me three weeks to get from -3 to 0.7. JUST 3 WEEKS. I still can’t believe that I can see everything sharply, clearly and without flashing and blurring.

And doctors are still trying to persuade us to pay for surgery, glasses or contact lenses. Why didn’t the surgeon recommend me such thing in the first place? Because in such case, he would lose a customer.

I have ordered the device here. It is the only official distributor of “OptiMaskPro”. The price of the device equals cost of three pairs of contact lenses or four cinema tickets. It is just up to you to decide whether it is much or not, especially if you consider (in)efficiency of contact lenses and glasses.

So, friends, hopefully, you will find my story helpful, and it will allow you to get better sight. If someone already has experience with this method, please do not hesitate to share your thoughts – I am waiting for your comments.

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