

 微微传奇 2016-12-02

Nadia and Jasmine



关于 Nadia & Jasmine


Latin and Asian mixed sisters from America, living in China, who love sharing beauty tips, cute recipes and easy DIY projects. We believe in sharing articles that are simple, easy and to the point… so that anyone is able to understand and follow the directions! Welcome to our world…filled with recipes for yummy foods, health and fitness advice, beauty tutorials and just two sisters being silly and enjoying life together! Take a break from the hectic world and come have some fun with us! :D





As you know, we are mixed blood sisters. What mix exactly you may ask? We actually are 5 different ethnicities! These five are: Mexican, Indian, Thai, Italian and Chinese! Yes, Chinese! (from Hainan) So growing up with such a mix of races allowed us to understand many different cultures and traditions. So for todays recipe we will explore our Mexican culture. Our mother is Mexican and every year for our birthday she would throw a birthday party for us. During our birthday party she shared her Mexican culture with us by having a “pi?ata.” 



So, today we are making a PI?ATA cake…but before we make this cake let’s answer some questions you may have about what a pi?ata actually is:

1. 那,什么是皮纳塔??

So, what exactly is a pi?ata??

N&J: 皮纳塔是用彩色纸做的装着很多玩具和糖果的容器。他是墨西哥生日传统,盛传墨西哥,美国和欧洲。皮纳塔可以是很多种形状的,但是最普遍的是9角星或者是驴子形状的。

A pi?ata is a container made of colorful papier-maché and filled with lots of toys and candies. It is a Mexican birthday tradition that is used all over Mexico, America and Europe. The pi?ata can be many different shapes, but the most common is a nine-pointed  star or a donkey.

2. 怎么玩皮纳塔呢?

How do pi?atas work?

N&J: 把皮纳塔吊起来离地面1.8米高。把准备要敲打皮纳塔的人的眼睛蒙蔽起来,然后大概把皮纳塔转5圈,让他们觉得有点晕眩,哈哈!然后,游戏开始了!

Tie the pi?ata up so that it is around 1.8m off the ground. Blindfold the person who will hit the pi?ata and spin them around 5 times, so they are a bit dizzy. Then…let the game begin!!


The person will try to hit the pi?ata as many times as they can for 1 minute. Their goal is to hit the pi?ata until it breaks and the candy falls out! Once it is full broken then everyone can run to collect the candies!


Let’s see Nadia hit a pi?ata at her birthday party last year in America!haha She barely made a dent!!


So, we are taking the concept of a “pi?ata” and making it into a cake!! When you cut this cake all the candies will fall out just like a pi?ata! How cool right??


Let's get started!


蛋糕部分 CAKE

  • 3 and 3/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour (measured correctly)

  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder

  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 and 1/2 cups (3 sticks) unsalted butter, softened to room temperature

  • 2 cups granulated sugar

  • 3 large eggs, room temperature

  • 4 large egg yolks, room temperature

  • 3 teaspoons vanilla extract

  • 1 and 1/2 cups buttermilk, room temperature (or you can make your own buttermilk by mixing  4tsp of white vinegar with 1 1/2 cups of milk and let stand for 5 minutes)

  • 431g筛滤过的面粉(量一定用精确)

  • 3g发酵粉

  • 6g小苏打

  • 5.7g盐

  • 345g无盐黄油(室温)

  • 400g砂糖

  • 3个鸡蛋

  • 4个鸡蛋黄

  • 12g香草精

  • 360ml白脱牛奶(你也可以用20g白醋混合360ml牛奶后静置5分钟做白脱牛奶)


  • 1 cup unsalted butter, softened to room temperature

  • 4 and 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar

  • 3/4 cup natural unsweetened or dutch-process cocoa powder

  • 1/2 cup milk

  • 1 Tablespoon light corn syrup

  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  • 1/8 teaspoon salt

  • 1 cup sprinkles

  • 230g无盐黄油(室温)

  • 540g细砂糖

  • 65g天然无糖可可粉

  • 120ml牛奶

  • 8g香草精

  • 0.7g盐

  • 225g巧克力豆和彩针



STEP 1: 将烤箱预热至177°C.

Preheat oven to 350°F.

STEP 2: 因为我们要做的是一个4层的蛋糕,所以必须用到活底蛋糕模。

Since this is a 4-layer cake, you will need to use a SPRINGFORM CAKE PAN. 


Cut out the parchment paper to fit into the bottom of the springform cake pan. Using the correct cake pan and parchment paper is very important!  We will need to use 4, 8-inch springform cake pans. (If your baking oven is very small, like mine, just reuse 1, 8-inch springform cake pan, changing the parchment paper after baking each cake.)

STEP 3: 将面粉、发酵粉、小苏打和盐放入一个大碗中搅拌备用.

Whisk the flour (sifted), baking powder, baking soda, and salt together in a large bowl. Set aside. 

STEP 4: 用搅拌机高速搅拌黄油1分钟至其变得润滑细腻

Using a handheld or stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter on high speed until smooth and creamy - about 1 minute. 

STEP 5: 加入糖后再高速搅拌满5分钟,直到完全搅拌好。

Add the sugar and beat on high speed for 5 full minutes until creamed together fairly well. 

STEP 6: 用中速搅拌,加入一个鸡蛋,搅拌好后再加入下一个鸡蛋,要加3个鸡蛋。

On medium-high speed, add 1 WHOLE egg at a time, beating well after each addition until all 3 WHOLE eggs are mixed in. 


Then, repeat with each EGG YOLK until all 4 egg yolks are mixed in. 


Beat in the vanilla extract.

STEP 7: 用低速搅拌,依照以下步骤一步一步进行:

With the mixer on low speed, follow this order:

1. 加入1/3的干配料 。

Add 1/3 of the dry ingredients.

2. 加入一半的白脱牛奶。

Then 1/2 of the buttermilk.

3. 再加入1/3的干配料。

Next add another 1/3 of the dry ingredients.

4. 将刚才剩下的一半白脱牛奶也加进去。

Then second half of the buttermilk.

5. 加入最后那1/3的干配料。

Last add the last third of the dry ingredients


Make sure to mix each addition just until incorporated. Do not overmix this batter! The batter will be smooth, velvety, and slightly thick!

STEP 8: 在每个烤盘上均匀地将面糊放上去。烘烤25分钟直到烤好蛋糕。(用牙签刺一下蛋糕看烤好与否。如果牙签是干净的,就说明蛋糕烤好了。)

Spoon/pour batter evenly into each cake pan. Bake for around 25 minutes or until the cakes are baked through. (To test if it’s done, insert a toothpick into the center of the cake. If it comes out clean, it is done.)


Allow cakes to cool completely in the pans set on a wire rack. The cakes must be completely cool before frosting and assembling.


STEP 1: 高速搅拌黄油4分钟至呈白色、光滑细腻。

Using a handheld or stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the butter on high speed until pale, smooth, and creamy - about 4 full minutes. 

STEP 2: 将细砂糖和可可粉过筛。

Sift the confectioners' sugar and cocoa together. 

STEP 3: 低速搅拌时,慢慢将砂糖和可可粉撒进去。

On low speed, gradually add the sugar/cocoa mixture.


Followed by the milk


corn syrup


vanilla extract


and salt. Beat for 1 minute.  


Turn the mixer up to medium-high speed and beat for 3 full minutes. If the frosting is too thick, add a splash more of milk.


STEP 1: 用一个7-8cm的圆形饼干模具将其中两层蛋糕中间切洞。或者,你也可以用一张烘焙纸做形状参考,用尖刀来切这个洞。

Grab a 3 inch circle cookie cutter and cut a hole into two of the cake layers. Alternatively, you can cut a piece of parchment paper that size and use a sharp knife to trace/cut the holes. 

STEP 2: 将一层完整的蛋糕放在盘子上。用抹刀或刀在蛋糕表层抹上糖霜.

Place one of the whole cakes on a cake stand or serving plate. Use an offset spatula or knife to frost the top of the cake.

STEP 3: 然后再将刚才切好洞的那层蛋糕放上去。在蛋糕表层和洞里抹上糖霜。

Then place one of the cut/holed cakes on top and frost the top and inside the cavity. 

STEP 4: 将另一层带洞的蛋糕放上去,将其表层和洞里都抹上糖霜。

Place the other cut/holed cake on top and, once again, frost the top and inside the cavity. 

STEP 5: 用巧克力豆和糖将洞填满。

Fill the cavity with candies all the way up to the top. 

STEP 6: 用最后一层完整的蛋糕封顶。照自己的喜欢在蛋糕上抹上糖霜和糖装饰一下。我喜欢用糖针!

Place the last whole cake on top and frost the top and sides of the entire cake. Decorate with frosting and additional candies however you'd like.  


Slice, serve, enjoy! 

YOU DID IT!! And what a beautiful cake it is right?? Perfect for a loved one or a holiday party! Impress your friends and coworkers with this cake! :D



You can even make a mini-pi?ata cake with the 2 pieces you cut out of the cake!haha



Okay, truth time: This cake was really a labor of love. The first time I made this cake I totally messed it up. The cakes were all uneven and breaking apart (because I didn’t use a springform pan and didn’t cut out the parchment paper to fit the pan exactly) and so when I placed them on top of each other the cake was lop-sided and just fell apart! I was so sad because I spent so many hours on it and really wanted to share this beautiful cake with you all! Thus, after a few weeks I got up the courage and decided to try it out once again, making sure to do them correctly…and voila! As you can see above, I succeeded!! 


This is why I want to stress to you to never give up, keep on trying and practicing as much as you can! You’ll almost never do it perfect the first time, or even the second or third time, but after enough practice and diligence you can only get better, trust me! 


And if you try out any of our recipes please let us know. We are always here to answer any questions you may have and to help you along the way!

> N&J

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