

 jiashu1968 2016-12-07






比尔盖茨确实是一个avid reader(阅读狂热者)。他在一次访问时说即使工作忙每周都会看一两本书,度假时每周可多达买五本左右;一年大约看大约50本书。这位世界级的富翁geek还建了一个博客:GatesNotes,在里面详细罗列了每年的书单和他的书评。比尔盖茨推荐的书都会立马登上畅销榜,这种现象称之为“The Bill Gates Bump”!


“The Bill Gates Bump”,就是盖茨“顶过”的书。作为一个年过六旬的“极客”,盖茨的书单也颇有规律,一般是非小说类居多。每年12月初,盖茨都会精心推荐一份当年读过的精华书单。这几天,盖茨如期在博客奉上了他在2016年最喜欢的五本书,并亲自附上简短的书评。今天,我们就一起来看看,2016年盖茨最喜欢的书吧!


Never before have I felt so empowered to learn as I do today. When I was young, there were few options to learn on my own. My parents had a set of World Book Encyclopedias, which I read through in alphabetical order. But there were no online courses, video lectures, or podcasts to introduce me to new ideas and thinkers as we have today.

Still, reading books is my favorite way to learn about a new topic. I’ve been reading about a book a week on average since I was a kid. Even when my schedule is out of control, I carve out a lot of time for reading.

If you’re looking for a book to enjoy over the holidays, here are some of my favorites from this year. They cover an eclectic mix of topics—from tennis to tennis shoes, genomics to great leadership. They’re all very well written, and they all dropped me down a rabbit hole of unexpected insights and pleasures.

By Bill Gates 

December 5, 2016

String Theory

《String Theory》

by David Foster Wallace


 This book has nothing to do with physics, but its title will make you look super smart if you’re reading it on a train or plane. String Theory is a collection of five of Wallace’s best essays on tennis, a sport I gave up in my Microsoft days and am once again pursuing with a passion. You don’t have to play or even watch tennis to love this book. The late author wielded a pen as skillfully as Roger Federer wields a tennis racket. Here, as in his other brilliant works, Wallace found mind-blowing ways of bending language like a metal spoon.


Shoe Dog

《Shoe Dog》

by PhilKnight


This memoir, by the co-founder of Nike, is a refreshingly honest reminder of what the path to business success really looks like: messy, precarious, and riddled with mistakes. I’ve met Knight a few times over the years. He’s super nice, but he’s also quiet and difficult to get to know. Here Knight opens up in a way few CEOs are willing to do. I don’t think Knight sets out to teach the reader anything. Instead, he accomplishes something better. He tells his story as honestly as he can. It’s an amazing tale.


The Gene

《The Gene》

by Siddhartha Mukherjee


 Doctors are deemed a “triple threat” when they take care of patients, teach medical students, and conduct research. Mukherjee, who does all of these things at Columbia University, is a “quadruple threat,” because he’s also a Pulitzer Prize– winning author. In his latest book, Mukherjee guides us through the past, present, and future of genome science, with a special focus on huge ethical questions that the latest and greatest genome technologies provoke. Mukherjee wrote this book for a lay audience, because he knows that the new genome technologies are at the cusp of affecting us all in profound ways.

医生被认为面临着“三重威胁”,照看病人、教医学院学生以及做研究。Siddhartha Mukherjee在哥伦比亚大学身兼这三项重任,同时还是普利策获奖作者。在他的新书中,Mukherjee引导大家认识基因重组技术的过去、现在和未来,特别关注了该技术引发的巨大伦理问题。这本书就是为外行的众多读者所写的,因为作者知道这项尖端科技将以深刻的方式影响所有人。

The Myth of the Strong Leader

《The Myth of the Strong Leader》

by Archie Brown


This year’s fierce election battle prompted me to pick up this 2014 book, by an Oxford University scholar who has studied political leadership—good, bad, and ugly—for more than 50 years. Brown shows that the leaders who make the biggest contributions to history and humanity generally are not the ones we perceive to be “strong leaders.” Instead, they tend to be the ones who collaborate, delegate, and negotiate—and recognize that no one person can or should have all the answers. Brown could not have predicted how resonant his book would become in 2016.


Honorable mention:The Grid

《Honorable mention:The Grid》

by Gretchen Bakke


This book, about our aging electrical grid, fits in one of my favorite genres: “Books About Mundane Stuff That Are Actually Fascinating.” Part of the reason I find this topic fascinating is because my first job, in high school, was writing software for the entity that controls the power grid in the Northwest. But even if you have never given a moment’s thought to how electricity reaches your outlets, I think this book would convince you that the electrical grid is one of the greatest engineering wonders of the modern world. I think you would also come to see why modernizing the grid is so complex and so critical for building our clean-energy future. 



虽然这些书的中文版目前市面上还没有,但是其中有些的英文版已经可以看到了,感兴趣的爱书人不妨用心找一找哦。盖茨说“reading books is my favorite way to learn about a new topic”.嗯,一个开创互联网新时代的大人物,最爱的学习方法是阅读。这种爱读书的精神值得我们大家学习哦!

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