

 书法初步 2016-12-09

1. around the corner (going to happen very soon) 即将来临

With summer just around the corner, it's time to think about getting into shape.

2. fight your corner (to defend sth you believe in, usually by presenting arguments

in its favour or by arguing in general) 据理力争

You’ll really have to be ready

3. turn the corner (situation starts to improve after a difficult period) 渡过难关

We’ve been going through a bad patch , but I think we've turned the corner now.

4. paint yourself into a corner (to do sth which places you in a very difficult situation and limits the way you act)

陷入困境As I’d already turned down their offer, I’ve painted myself into a corner and I can‘t go back to them now.

to fight your corner if you want them to agree to your plans.

5. be back into a corner (to be forced into a difficult situation that you have no (or very little) control over) 走投无路

They’ve backed us into a corner, and now we've got no choice but to sign the contract.

6. cut corners (to do sth the easiest, quickest or cheapest way possible, this often affects the overall quality of the work being done) 抄近路

As the staff training budget wasn't very big, we had to cut a few corners, which meant the results were poor.

7. be in a tight corner (to be in a difficult situation) 陷入困境

I’ve been in tight corners before, but never one as desperate as this.

8. corner the market (to dominate the market; to be so successful at selling or making a particular product that almost no one else sells or makes)


With their innovative new approach to customer service, they're completely cornered the market.

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