
21 Marketing Plan Samples And Everything You Need To Include In Your Strategy

 ellen_leung1 2016-12-11

Maybe you have no idea where to start when it comes to creating your marketing plan and don’t want to leave out something important. Or you might be refining one you’ve already created.

If you’ve done a simple Google search for marketing plan samples for inspiration, you’ve probably found it difficult. So, I thought you’d appreciate these 21 examples you can follow.

This post is split into two sections. One with a list of marketing plan samples, and another with 12 exercises to help you write an awesome marketing plan step-by-step.

Let’s get started.

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Download Your CoSchedule Marketing Plan Bundle

With your marketing plan bundle, you’ll be able to build a complete marketing plan.

It includes a marketing plan template (Excel), a template to help you figure out your standards of performance (Excel) and a user persona worksheet.

Get Your Free Marketing Plan Kit!

21 Marketing Plan Samples And Ideas To Make Yours Stand Out

You’ll learn tons of tips, ideas, and exercises to create your own marketing plan throughout this blog post. Some of these marketing samples are hypothetical and some are from real companies. Others are just marketing samples. Here are 21 great examples:

  1. Sample Marketing Plan – Houghton Mifflin Company
  2. Strategy Template – ACEVO
  3. Sample Plan – Palo Alto Software
  4. The Marketing Plan – Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network
  5. Small Business Marketing Plan Template – ProfitWorks
  6. Marketing Strategy Template – David Meerman Scott
  7. One-Page Content Marketing Plan – UncommonlySocial
  8. Marketing Plan Template – marketer gizmo
  9. Nonprofit Marketing Plan Template – Nancy And Kivi
  10. Developing A Marketing Plan Example – Agricultural Extension Service at the University of Tennessee
  11. Marketing Plan Template – The Business Victoria
  12. Marketing Plan Outline – QuickMBA
  13. Create Your Own Buyer Persona – CoSchedule
  14. Marketing Plan Template – Vital Design
  15. Great Marketing Plan Template – Marketing Donut
  16. Marketing Plan Outline – University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Small Business Development Center
  17. Content Marketing Strategy Template – Buffer
  18. Your Marketing Plan Template – Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund
  19. One-Page Marketing Plan – BisAmmo
  20. A Marketing Plan – Network Jungle
  21. Marketing Plan Template – Forbes

12 Exercises To Help You Write An Awesome Marketing Plan

The following twelve exercises will show you how to build each piece of your marketing plan. They are based on just some of the examples linked above.

Exercise #1: Table Of Contents With Numbered Pages To Easily Navigate Through The Plan

Documented marketing plans can end up being lengthy, so having a table of contents will help you and others find their way around your plan.

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At a glance, these are the things that are typically included:

  • Executive Summary
  • Mission Statement
  • Standards Of Performance
  • Core Competencies
  • Situation Analysis (SWOT)
  • Core Buyer Persona
  • Target Market
  • The 4 Ps of Marketing
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Ongoing Marketing Efforts
  • Budgeting

And a couple of cool things that you might want to include in your marketing plan to spruce it up:

  • Include graphics and graphs (tables, diagrams, and even pictures.)
  • A one-page marketing plan.
  • An appendix of complementary research that proves your points.

You can go into as much detail as you’d like with your table of contents. Here is a great example, of a detailed table of contents by the Palo Alto Software:


The more in-depth you go with your table of contents, the easier it will be to find your way around your marketing plan especially if it’s on the long side.

Exercise #2: Executive Summary To Sell Upper Management On Your Plan

The executive summary provides a high-level overview of your marketing objectives.

Write the executive summary last.

Leave a spot at the beginning of your marketing plan for your executive summary. (Or make things easier, by downloading the complementary marketing plan template in this post.)

Ask yourself these questions as you work on your executive summary:

  • What types of customers are you targeting?
  • What patents or products will you market specifically?
  • What unique partnerships will you leverage to succeed?
  • How is your marketing plan special?
  • How will your company stand out?
  • What problem are you solving?
  • What is the solution?
  • Why now?

“Why now?” is one of the most important questions you’ll need to answer mainly because it makes your project timely. Make it urgent.

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"Why now" is one of the most important questions to answer.

Exercise #3: Write A Mission Statement To Show What Is Most Important To Your Business

Having a mission statement will remind you and your team of what is important. In order to do any of these marketing plan exercises, you’ll have to ask yourself a ton of questions. You might have already noticed that.

  • What do we do?
  • How do we do it?
  • Who are we doing it for?
  • What value does your blog or company bring to the table?

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Exercise #4: Figure Out What Your Goals Are

It’s also super important that you state your company’s goals (financial and non-financial) so you know where you are headed and how much you can afford for certain things. Blue Sky also provided a great example of their goals.

Figure Out Your Financial Goals

  • What are your business goals?
  • How much do you have to generate from your marketing efforts?
  • What is your budget?
  • What are some of the things you’d like to do?
  • How many sales do you need to reach those goals?

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Figure Out Your Non-Financial Goals

Writing your goals is one of the first steps to reaching them. First off, you’ve probably seen blog posts on SMART goals many times before, but they are really good to mention again.

How to make your SMART goals:

  • Specific: Is your goal clearly defined?
  • Measurable: Can you track your goal?
  • Aspirational: Reach for the stars. Push yourself.
  • Realistic: Are your goals realistic?
  • Time-bound: When do you want to reach your goals? And what do you have to do to reach your goals and deadlines?

Your SMART goals can be for anything! What do you want to do better?

Now write your goals and add them to your marketing plan.

Exercise #5: Standards Of Performance To Direct Content Development

When writing your marketing plan, it’s important to know what your standards of performance are so you can continue bringing in bigger results or change up your current process to improve your content.

To figure out your standards of performance, make a list of your latest content.

Screenshot of the Standards Of Performance template

This awesome spreadsheet will help you figure out your standards of performance. You could even include a screen shot of this in your appendix. Make sure you download the marketing plan kit to get this awesome ready-to-use spreadsheet and more.

Once you’ve entered your data into each field, ask yourself:

What are the characteristics of my top-performing content according to my company’s goals?

For example, there are four pillars that we make sure to implement in all CoSchedule content:

  • Is the keyword well-chosen (for search volume and difficulty) and optimized throughout the post to help me get long-term traffic?
  • Was this topic something my readers would want to learn more about?
  • Was this post deeply researched to share unique and better information than any other source on the Internet?
  • Did the post turn the research into comprehensive, how-to advice?

Grade each piece of content against your standards of performance with a scale from 1 to 3. A score of 3 means it’s awesome and 1 is not so good.

For more information on figuring out your standards of performance, check out our post on rocking your data-driven content calendar template.

Exercise #6: Core Competencies To Help You Choose The Right Projects

Remind your company about what they do well, and show them how you plan to stand up against rivals.

If you don’t know what your company does well, find out by meeting with your team and discussing it.

Three competency questions to ask

Ask yourself unique questions to get yourself thinking about your core competencies in a different light, rather than just wondering what you and your company do well. David Meerman Scott has a great example of this.

Get out an Excel spreadsheet and type out the answers to these questions:

  • What makes you and your company remarkable?
  • What is the value that you bring?
  • What proof do we have that you are the best?

Instead Of Planning Another Meeting You Could Also Send Your Team A Google Form

First off, go to Google Forms.

Pick out the kind of Google Form you’d like to send.

Screenshot of Google Forms

Once you click there, it will open to something like this depending on which one you chose:

Setting up a question in Google Forms

You will be asked to give the Google Form a title and a description. Add your first question and press on the gray bar to the right of the question to change up the type of questions you want to ask.

Setting up a second question in Google Forms

Pick “paragraph” to let your team write as much as they’d like.

Ask these questions:

  • What are our strengths as a team?
  • What are our strengths as a company?
  • What are the strengths of our product?
  • How can we (are we) be the best in our industry/niche?

Setting up a third question in Google Forms,

Click on the plus sign to add another question. You can also add pictures or videos here.

Once you are done you can send an email to your team members with the Google Form link. But, before sending the email make sure you read and include the questions from Exercise #7.

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Exercise #7: SWOT Analysis To Understand How You’ll Differentiate Yourself

It’s important to have your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats at a glance. Then you can see what you need to improve.


When you meet, discuss these questions as a team:

Strength (internal): What are your company and/or product’s strengths?
Weaknesses (internal): How about your company and/or product’s weaknesses?
Opportunities (external): What opportunities do you/we have?
Threats (external): What are your/our threats? Who are you/we competing against?

On a few of the different marketing plans I’ve seen, they put their SWOT quadrant into their appendix section. To see an example, scroll to extra tip #1.

Pro Tip: When you write your SWOT analysis in your marketing plan, go in depth in each of the categories.

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Exercise #8: Connect Your Message With Your Target Market

You’ll need to take a look at your Google Analytics to figure out your target market.

You’ll want to find the answers to these questions:

  • What is the majority of your audience’s gender?
  • How about their age range?
  • Where are most of them located?

First off, it’s super important to know who is currently following you. Read on to find out who your current audience is.

Want To Find Out Who Your Current Audience Is?

Click into Google Analytics. On the left side, you’ll see Audience. Click on it and scroll down to click Demographics and Overview.

Go to Google Analytics to find out more about your audience

For more in-depth information on each of the demographics, you can click Age and Gender.

Where to find your demographic overview in Google Analytics

If you click on the Age tab underneath demographics, you’ll see a more in-depth graph.

Where to find Age under Demographics in Google Analytics

Hover over one of the blue dots to see how many sessions you had and how old each of those people were.

If you click on the “Interests” tab on the left side, you’ll be brought to this page, which will show you their interests.

Interests in Google Analytics

In that same audience section, of Google Analytics, you can click on overview and then you’ll see a button underneath demographics that gives you a choice to look at which countries people are tuning in from. Then you’ll know their location.

After you know your current audience, it’s important to take a look at who you’d like your target audience to be. Here’s how:

How To Find Your Target Audience

Ask yourself these questions to figure out who your target audience is:

  • What are their pain points? (Keep in mind the audience that you want to attract.)
  • What problem does your company/blog/product solve for them?
  • Who is your competition?
  • What will your customers gain from your company/blog/product?

There’s so much more on finding your target audience, that we haven’t covered yet. It would take a whole post to discuss that.

Wait! You are in luck! We have a post on that here.

Exercise #9: Create An Audience Persona To Help You Know Who You’re Writing Content For

Take the information you found in the target audience exercise and ask yourself these questions to figure out who your audience persona is.

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An awesome persona answers these questions:

  • Who are they?
  • What is their personality?
  • How about their family life?
  • What are their values?
  • What do they do?
  • What is their job title?
  • Where do they work?
  • Where do they live?
  • What’s their income level?
  • What are their challenges?
  • How about their pain points?
  • What are their needs?

It’s easy to forget to ask questions that will really open up the psyche of your persona so you can really pull the emotion into your content and business. Emotion sells.

  • What scares them?
  • What are their life beliefs?
  • What stresses them out?
  • Favorite books, movies, and music?
  • What keeps them up at night?

Go in deep when you are figuring out who your user persona is. Then go online to find a picture of them.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 2.51.50 PM

Buffer did a really good job with this by including an image and the write up of their audience persona in their marketing plan.

Exercise #10: Find The Four Marketing Ps To Help You Understand Your Go-To-Market Strategy

In order to do marketing efficiently, you need to keep the four P’s of marketing in mind: product, place, price, and promotion.

What Product Are You Marketing? (Product)

Set your user persona and target audience next to you when you fill out these questions:

  • What is it that our audience wants?
  • Why do they need it?
  • What makes it special and different? (Why should your audience care?)

Where Should You Sell Your Product? (Place)

  • How will you sell your product?
  • Are you selling it in a physical store or on E-commerce?

How Much Should You Sell It For? (Price)

  • Is it a good value for what your audience would be getting?
  • How does the price compare with your competitors and others in the market?

How Are You Going To Promote It? (Promotion)

  • Where are you going to promote your content/product?
  • How are you getting it in front of people?
  • Will you do ads? And if so where will you do them?

Here’s a helpful video that is thorough and simple:

To illustrate the whole idea a little better for you let’s imagine you’re selling some rad shoes with wings that you’ve created.


  • What is it that your audience wants? Awesome shoes that will fly you all over. You know, like the shoes that had wings on them in Greek Mythology? Yes, just like Hermes and his flying shoes.
  • Why do they need it? It’ll cut down on gas prices and also encourage people to get out more.
  • What makes it special and different? Well, they sorta have wings. I’d say that definitely makes them different.


  • How would you sell your product? I’d sell them online (on my website) and in stores.


  • Is it a good value for what your audience would be getting? I’d probably charge a lot of money for these shoes because they are definitely a great value for flying shoes. I mean, where else can you find such awesome shoes with wings?
  • How does the price compare with your competitors and others in the market? Well, I don’t have any competitors, so I’d say the price sets the mark for this product.


  • Where are you going to promote your content/product? On my website, in shoe stores, and also introduce them to the athletes who perform in the Olympics. Who knows, maybe a new sport will be created because of these shoes.
  • How are you getting it in front of people? I’d send a pair to influencers, artists, and sport stars. I’d also do an awesome job with my branding. The shoe box would be super cool. Shoelaces would be different colors and even some sparkly tissue paper instead of the newspaper colored tissue paper you usually see stuck in the shoes at department stores. My aim would be to make everyone feel like flying superstars.
  • Will you do ads? And if so, where will you do them? I don’t think I’d need to do much advertising once it got out there because I think shoes that allowed you to fly would pretty much sell themselves.

So even though I used a mythological product idea in this example, you get the point. But, man, I’d love to have a pair of those shoes.

Create your 4 Ps for your product and make it jump off the page at your audience.

Exercise #11: Get An Ongoing Marketing Plan

What will be your ongoing marketing plan? What do you want to do? And where do you want to do it? In order to plan your future marketing, you have to know these things.

Set up an ongoing marketing plan for the year. What things will need to be done. I found this great sample example from the Agricultural Development Center at the University of Tennessee. It’s so easy to see it all at a glance. You’ll know exactly what goals you’ll need to hit monthly.

Marketing plan checklist example

Exercise #12: Budget To Understand Where You’ll Spend Cash And Find Gaps

You need to estimate how much your marketing projects are going to be. You’ll be able to put together a budget to keep everyone on track over the course of the year.

Marketing costs and needs vary quite a bit. There is no easy way to figure out what your marketing budget should be. But starting with your needs and wants is a great place to start.

A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.

What’s important is that you know what your needs and wants are. Answer these questions:

  • What does your content or business need when it comes to spending on marketing? (This will help you narrow down the most important things that you currently need.)
  • What does your content or business want when it comes to spending?
  • How much can you spend monthly?

Next to the needs and wants, write down how much it’s going to cost. After doing that for all of your needs, you can start to see how much you can budget for your wants.

Scroll down for a great example of what you could include in your appendix that has to do with budgeting and your financial goals.

3 Extra Tips You Can Add That Will Spruce Up Your Marketing Plan

Here are a few other things that will really add to your marketing plan. Some people don’t add these, but I think it really brings out a lot of information and also freshens up your marketing plan so it isn’t just a bunch of words.

Extra Tip #1. Include some graphics and/or graphs: Include tables, diagrams, and even pictures.

Screenshot from Blue Sky Clothing's marketing plan

In Blue Sky Clothing’s example, they’ve included the actual SWOT quadrants. This is a cool idea to include in yours. Even think about including some color in yours.

Extra Tip #2. A one-page marketing plan: This is basically a one-page sheet you can glance at to see the most important information from your marketing plan. It’s a good thing to have on hand.

Example of a one-page content marketing plan from Uncommonly Social

UncommonlySocial has a great example of how having a one-page marketing plan can easily simplify things. Having one of these would be great to quickly reference to.

Extra Tip #3. An Appendix: This is good if you have graphics, graphs, or want to link to a source or something. Here are a couple examples:

Generic marketing pie chart example

This is a great example from Palo Alto Software. It would be a great way to show what countries your target market is tuning in from, as well as showing their gender, or some other thing you might be tracking.

Here is another great example. Include in your appendix, an outline that goes deeper into your financial goals. Then you can refer to them in your financial goals section as well. People will know they can find more information on that in the appendix.

Screen Shot 2016-08-01 at 11.51.58 AM

UW Oshkosh Small Business Development Center has a great example of how your financial goals will fit perfectly in your marketing plan appendix.

Now You Know What It Takes To Write An Awesome Marketing Plan

Since you have a ton of marketing plan samples—and also the awesome marketing plan download—you’re set to be a rock star in the marketing realm.

Just make sure you wear your shoes with the wings.

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