

 shelley_wang66 2016-12-13


当前浏览器不支持播放音乐或语音,请在微信或其他浏览器中播放 22:44 Natalie第四讲 来自happykids



Hi, everyone. Today’s topic is a little more academic than our other topics, or our other discussions, where we talk about reading in informal way. It comes from a parent’s question about phonics. It’s a very good question. I really like this question, because it is the important foundation because of the difference between learning Chinese writing system and English writing system.So I want to start by keeping a little bit of background or history about this language, then explain about phonics. 自然拼读是个好问题,他是英语这门语言的一个非常重要的基础。但是我还是想说说英语的背景和历史。

We teach phonics because it comes from the study of sound and language. So we have different areas of studying language. Phonology is just the study of sounds. We can look at any language through the sounds of that language. But as you know, every language has a little bit different writing system. For Chinese and English, this is very different writing system, becausethe writing system for Chinese is not based by the sound, and the writing system for English is. So this can sometimes create a problem for reading and learning to read. The English system, as you know, every letter has a sign of sound, but different combination of letters in English can also have different sound. And these groups have patterns. So it’s very important to learn the patterns. When we learn phonics, we are learning those patterns. We are learning how those letters combine to represent or show the sound that we want to pronounce. 英语里边有自然拼读起源于声音和语言。每种语言都有不同的书写体系,不同于汉语,英语的书写是建立在发音基础上的。而且不同的字母组合发出多种多样的音。我们就要去学习这些组合,掌握规律,然后去发音。

Another question the students sometimes have, and this happens before American students and parents as well. The question is: Do we really need to learn phonics? My opinion is, Yes. It’s very important for reading and literacy. But it’s important to know there are different ways to teach and learn phonics. Some may be better, depending on the learner, on the age, and on the literacy or reading ability of the student. Some time back, maybe twenty or thirty years ago, some schools in United States stopped teaching phonics. And they saw clear problems with this as students developed in their education and literacy. So, yes, it is important. 那我们需要学习phonics吗?我的态度是肯定的。因为他对于阅读和教育非常重要。但是不同的教学和学习方法是有很大区别的。需要根据学习者的能力,年龄,和阅读水平等来针对性学习。就是美国的一些学校也曾经在二十多年前放弃教孩子们phonics,因为他们看到了在孩子成长和教育过程中,同一规则的学习没有好处。

So, how do we teach and learn phonics? There are different ways. Sometimes we use different strategy for learners to adults, and learners to our children. So when we look at how Americans teach phonics, it depends very much whether we are learning their first language, or second language, what our literacy is, whether we have ability to read already, and whether that reading ability is with a Roman letter system, or with the different letter or writing system. In United States, phonics is taught from pre-school and kindergarten, starting with letters and letter sounds, and then learning letter combinations as students learn to read. 所以,自然拼读的教和学有不同的方法。首先,你是英语母语还是英语第二语言,非常重要。你的文化程度和阅读水平。你的母语是什么体系。这些都决定着phonics学习要有不同的路径。在美国,从幼儿园开始教,从字母和字母音开始,然后到组合。但是是和孩子学习阅读同时进行,并不是单独教规则。

I think it is important for parents to know you do not necessarily need a lot of phonics resources to teach phonics, though these can be very helpful to you. For a lot of children and for American children when they learn their first language, this is often done through parents reading to the children. You will notice that baby books and early readers have a lot of rhyme in the books. This is because they are teaching the sound patterns in addition to vocabulary and language patterns, sentence patterns. But these books with rhyme and nursery rhymes are very important because the students are learning those sounds. 在美国,家庭不需要有太多的学习资源,妈妈通过大量的读书给孩子听,帮助孩子学习发音。因为在初学者的书本里,有很多的押韵和字母组合,这样孩子在阅读中学会发音。

Last week I gave a book list to find out a lot of good resources for early reading and early language development. Some of those books that I really like are those rhyming books, because it is the important foundation in the language and reading development of the child. Even though the parent is reading, the child is hearing and eventually will learn in the future, they will have this memory, this pattern, and this understanding of the sounds of the language. For me, Dr. Seuss books are favorite because they always rhyme, and the sentence patterns have a lot of good rhythms for English.在给大家列的书单里,我特别喜欢的就是韵律书,因为韵律是语言发展和儿童阅读发展的基础。即使是妈妈读,孩子听,他们不久就会学到,他们会形成记忆,这些字母组合,句型等等。苏斯博士的书是我最喜欢的。因为所有的故事都有韵律。【尹老师想起了,不仅仅是英语,就是我们汉语,古诗的优美就是因为韵律。而那优美的韵律是我们永久的记忆。】

In formal reading and literacy resources that teachers use in the schools, you will see that often the child is working on the specific letter group, group by group, concentrating around the different vowel sounds. One challenge that we all know for English is we write “A”, but “A” can have so many different sounds. It has many different sounds. And each vowe lhas a long sound and a short sound. This is very difficult, especially when the child or the person does not read. 在学校里,老师会教孩子们字母的组合,尤其是元音的组合。元音是比较挑战性的,因为一个字母可以有多个音。特别是孩子还不会阅读的时候,学习拼读是比较困难的。

The resources will guide the student or child to practice all the different words that have the sounds. Also in English we can have sometimes different letters combining that form the same vowel sound. We can have one letter with different sounds and different letters with the same sound. These resources help the students to connect and group the words into patterns, and look at the different letter patterns and how they can have that sound connection. This is a part that is very important for learning to read. When the teachers did not teach this to each student, they could not transfer that idea. 英语里,相同的字母或者组合可以发不同的音,不同的字母和组合也可以发同样的音。老师的教学资源必须引导孩子把音和字母组合联系起来。如果建立不起这个链接,孩子很难转化到阅读中,提高阅读能力。

For parents, for American parents, many of them use additional resources to support their child in learning phonics. So in school they do many practices, such as I said, looking at -at words or -it words, or words that have three letters, and looking at the different patterns. Parents can support that learning at home through reading rhyming books with children. And there are also some very good resources for practice. And I will also make a recommendation about this later. But activity books where children look at groups of words that have the same sounds, and they can do activities, coloring, drawing, many things. 所以,美国的学校里老师教一些字母组合,回家,妈妈们大量的带着孩子阅读在帮助他们尽快的学会阅读。同时也会做很多活动,比如涂色,画画等。

So we can see there are kind of two different ways to approach or look at learning phonics. One is the formal school practice where you do a lot of rules and writing, and you look at letters, specific letter patterns, the other is just reading and playing with language. And that playing is very important in my opinion, for the children to see a pattern and have fun with language. Their brain is very creative and will find the pattern. If we present them, they have time to examine and see how the sounds work. 所以,美国的phonics学习是两条线。学校的正式的教学,教不同的字母放在一起,会发什么音,大量的重复练习。家庭的非正式学习,就是阅读或者玩中学。玩是非常好的学习方法,在玩的过程中,孩子是非常有创造力的。

Whether or not you teach formal phonics depends a little bit on the child. But for most children, if they understand literacy and already know reading and writing in their own language or in English, the study of phonics through reading and writing is very important. And I know I have talked with Vanda (尹老师)about her phonics class and I have seen all the materials that she uses. It’s a great class, because it’s very fun for the students. It uses this same method delivering phonics by examing the patterns, and playing with sounds. I think very highly of this method. 你在家里采用正式或者非正式的方法,要取决于孩子。如果你的孩子的母语已经有一定的能力,通过阅读是最好的学习方法。

It is important for the learners to learn the phonics rules, but the method of study does not always have to be through the memorization of the rules. For children, I feel that it is very important that it involves observation, and play. And their brain will find the logic if they have enough time to play and to see each pattern at work. I will share some examples about those different kind of resources. I have a good example of a rhyming book that helps to teach a phonetic sound and I also have examples of the resources parents can use for practice. 学习发音规则是重要的,但是通过记忆来学习是不可取的。孩子需要自我观察,在玩中去发现规律。如果有足够的时间,他们的大脑会总结其中的规律。

The last photo are all the pages from a good book, a good example about how to teach phonics by just reading to your child. This book shows many different words that use the same phonetic sound through the same phonic unit. It is fun and exciting for the children. The rhythm is engaging, and it is a good way for them to learn without thinking what they are learning. This is the way the parents can begin to approach phonics as the child is just learning to read or maybe not reading. And later, they can use more formal methods. 这本书是非常好的一个例子。妈妈们可以在读书中和孩子一起学会phonics.对于孩子来说有趣的书,强烈的韵律,他们会在自然而然中学习,而不用想着在学习。

Over the last couple of weeks, we have shared a lot of different information for parents: why we read to our children; how we can do that; the important benefits that the children can get from reading; how you can help them to develop, not only in their language ability and in their literacy, but also in their emotional development and their kind of creating a family tradition and family time, setting the children to have an enjoyable habit that they can have for later in their life, also today the importance of phonics. 回顾我们四次课,分享了阅读可以给我们孩子和家庭带来的各种好处。

After discussing all these topics, of course there is so much more that we can discuss and we can learn to do. So I am working with Vanda to make a class for parents. I’m very pleasant about this. We are still developing. But I want to review how to take some of this benefit through reading to the children, how to read. We can practice reading some of classic stories,and talk about more deeply what to read and which books are best for teaching language and for literacy and about how to teach phonics as well. Natalie真是热情满满,分享了四次后,她感觉到中国的妈妈们特别需要英语启蒙方面的指导和带领,所以她说可以给妈妈们上课,教会大家如何具体的把每一件事情踏踏实实又简简单单的做好。我们两个正在根据大家的需求准备课程,不久就和大家面对面了。

Another topic that we want to do for our parents on is the idea of critical thinking through reading. So the literacy is the first start but reading can also help us to develop another skill, that is critical thinking, another topic that we can explore with parents a little bit through one formal class about reading with children. 同时我和尹老师也在研究另一个课题,就是如何帮助孩子通过阅读培养批评性思维的能力。所以,会读是第一步,读会是第二步。

I’m so glad today here to share with you today. If you have more questions, more specific questions, I’m here and happy to answer more questions, specifically about fathers. I’m really excited to have my little company here, to be able to talk with parents and share some of his ideas with you.

One final thought I have about teaching phonics, you may answer some questions for parents, is the system that most schools and educators use when teaching reading, phonics for reading, is it should begin through the natural progression of the sound acquisition. So we take some that babies will learn to produce first, they are the easiest to create, and start to build understanding of the phonetics as soon through that way. You will notice that many of the books begin with letters “t” and “b” and “d” and the short words that begin with those letter sounds. 我想补充的一点就是,我们最好从声音的自然习得规律出发,从孩子最好发出来的音出发。比如很多书,开始学的是t b d等音和以这些字母开头的简单的单词。

Then the materials will progress to more difficult sound to produce and longer and complex words.They will progress from one vowel in writing to the two vowels in English, where we have two vowel letters in a word, but one phonetic sound, so gradually helping the child to see them work more complex patterns and understand more complex sounds. I think this works well if you are learning second language also, because it is easy to start with the easier to produce sound and many of the language problems occur when we have more difficult patterns and more difficult sound. 然后逐渐的开始学习比较难发的音,然后是元音,一个元音,元音组合等等。循序渐进的孩子就能掌握更为复杂的组合和发音。这个方法,对于英语第二语言也同样适用。

For example, many students have problems when it comes to a sound that is a different sound I create in the same place of my mouth. How do I hear the difference between /t/ for “t” and /d/ for “d” and /l/ for “l”? For some students, the /l/ and /r/ sound are very difficult to distinguish. “m” /m/ and“n” /n/, or “p” /p/ and “b” /b/. These are simple to create, but some sounds are more difficult to produce. So, we will begin teaching the easy one and then learn the difference. 每个音对应不同的发音部位。孩子们怎么区别不同的音呢?从简单到难,循序渐进,发现不同,继续增加难度。

I think this system is very helpful when your child or a student has some literacy in his learning. You know, they can learn to recognize the symbols. What are the sound when I connect those symbols? How do I know when they are patterns, different letters that can make the same sound. And there’s a lot of time to look at these patterns. This formal teaching of phonics really really makes a big difference in students’ ability to read, to read quickly and fluently, and to develop an understanding on language. 这种循序渐进的方法对于孩子掌握发音规则,并学会阅读是非常有帮助的。正式的学习phonics对于发展孩子的阅读能力,提高阅读速度和阅读流畅性是有很大帮助的。

OK, so that is all for phonics for today. I really hope this informationcan answer many questions in parents’ learning. I hope you have a wonderful evening, and I hope you have a good time reading with your children. If you have any questions, you can comment and we’ll be here to answer them. Goodnight. 今天的分享结束,祝大家有个美好的夜晚,更祝愿大家的家庭启蒙愉快进行。





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