
俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡智慧园区办公与服务空间设计 / VOX Architects

 赵剀 2016-12-15

非常感谢 VOX Architects 将以下内容授权gooood发行。Appreciation towards VOX Architects for providing the following description:

本次的智慧园商业中心大型开发项目是建造公司Alfa-Story与设计事务所Boris Voskoboynikov既俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡机场Koltsovo后的第二次合作。

A Large-scale project development of Clever Park business center is the result of successful collaboration between Alfa-Story construction company and Boris Voskoboynikov architectural studio since they were working together on Koltsovo (Yekaterinburg airport).

园区外部空间 Exteriors




The client uses VOX architects projects with great attention and almost everything is realized unchanged. The bureau designed all important elements forming the face and image of the business quarter: entrances, the management company office, navigation, restaurants and cafes.

主入口空间 Main Entrance


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次入口空间 Small Entrance




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Projects are skillfully integrated into the existing architectural environment with a clear understanding of the territory development direction. The business center is planned to be a growth point of the residential area.

办公空间 Alfa Story


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“当我们接到设计任务,为这座毗邻河岸的建筑设计餐厅及办公空间时,我们立刻向客户指出思考的范围不应该仅仅局限与办公区域中,而应将附近的居住区列入计划内。我们将城市价值融入了设计中,为这片滨河区域打造一个休闲娱乐,漫步伊塞特河河畔欣赏美丽风光的最佳场所。”-项目负责人Maria Akhremenkova。

“When we were asked to design a riverside building with a restaurant and offices, we drew client attention to the fact that the territory should not only be developed in the context of offices, but also with the thought that soon there will be houses,  so we offered to give the quarter some urban value. As a result our studio set up waterfront development concept which is ideal for relaxing and walking, and has great views of the Iset River.” – says project designer Maria Akhremenkova


Point咖啡厅 Coffee Point

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While developing a number of projects for the business district, studio VOX architects conceptually revealed massive task of creating links between the various architectural and interior elements. They created an image of a modern business center using public spaces and efficient navigation system.

Pure咖啡厅 Pure Cafe




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Further plans include the organization and development of the Iset River embankment: landscaping, construction of buildings and small architectural forms, installation and application of the information signs. After the completion of the Clever Park project a large-scale 16th hectares park will be made. Green area is an important part of the quarter image and panoramic windows will bring the garden atmosphere to the lower floors of the buildings. There is a two-storey office building with a restaurant and a sales office pavilion also provided in terms of development and improvement of the whole complex. On completion of all project the quarter will be a socially significant object, fully harmonized with the architectural surroundings and meeting the needs of all employees of the business center and residents of the surrounding city. The park and Iset River green areas located on the campus, will improve whole Yekaterinburg architectural scene. An important feature of this project are technologies aimed at sustainable development of the Ural region, and the use of building supplies produced from local raw materials by a company-builder. There are also solutions aimed at energy savings. Yekaterinburg has its first time-ever electric vehicles chargers on a parking lot.

停车场与导视系统 Parking Lot and Park Naviagtaion

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▽ 总平面图,site plan


▽ 办公室平面,office floor plan



▽ 建筑主、次入口平面,main entrance and small entrance

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▽ 咖啡厅平面、立、剖面,plan, elevation and section of the cafe



Project name: Clever Park
Architect’ Firm: VOX Architects

Lead Architects: Boris Voskoboynikov, Maria Akhremenkova
Project location: Yekaterinburg, Russia
Completion Year: 2015 (I phase), 2016 – present (2 phase)
Gross Built Area (square meters or square foot): public spaces area ~ 12 000 sqm, development area 16 Ha
Photo credits: Sergey Ananiev
Other participants (eg. collaborators, clients, consultants, etc):
Clever Park (Client, Developer)
Alfa Story (Client, General Constructor)
R1 (General designer of existing building)
Twelve Architects & Masterplanners (architecture concept of building of parking and masterplan)
Smart Heart (Navigation consultant)

MORE: VOX Architects

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