
Happy Doctors Day! 医生节快乐!

 毛孩_张吕_罗 2016-12-18

每年的3月30号,是美国的国家医生节(National Doctor’sDay)。美国人民为何会选择这一天作为医生节呢?首先要先从医学的发展史谈起。

1842年的这一天,美国佐治亚州的外科医生克劳福德-隆(Dr. Crawford W. Long)首次把乙醚作为全身麻醉药,有效解除了患者疼痛,开辟了医学史上划时代的一页。在这之前,医学,尤其是外科远没有现在这么发达。外科医生必须将病人捆绑在手术台上,或是将患者用酒灌醉,或将其击晕,甚至放血到休克后再进行手术。医生就是一个“屠夫”,一点也没有美感可言。外科医生必须非常快、狠又粗暴的进行外科手术,对病人而言是件极痛苦、极可怕的事情。麻醉的出现,诞生了麻醉医生这一门新职业。患者有了更人性化的体验,医生也可以更专著、精细地做手术。



The first Doctors Day observance was March 30, 1933 in Winder, Georgia. Eudora Brown Almond, wife of Dr. Charles B. Almond, decided to set aside a day to honor physicians. This first observance included the mailing greeting cards and placing flowers on graves of deceased doctors. The red carnation is commonly used as the symbolic flower for National Doctors Day.

The day marks the anniversary of the first use of general anesthesia in surgery. The first National Doctor's Day was celebrated in 1991.

On March 30, 1958, the United States House of Representatives adopted a resolution commemorating Doctors' Day. In 1990, the congress and the senate approved legislation establishing National Doctors Day. The resolution designating March 30 as National Doctors' Day was signed by President George Bush.

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