
美国电影Dead Poets Society 《死亡诗社》台词难点注释

 g3927 2016-12-28


Part I Ceremony,parting

1. fervent热心的, 炽热的

2. preparatory预科的,关于或参加为高等教育作准备的学习或训练的

3. have big shoes to fill被寄予厚望    

4. chin up--something you say to someone in a difficult situation in order to encourage them to be brave and try not to be sad 别灰心,振作起来


Part II get to know each other, Neils dad anger

5. sinus鼻窦,此指鼻窦炎

6. vaporizer/ `ve?p?,ra?z?r /雾化器,蒸发器:蒸发的器具,尤其是用于蒸发吸入药剂的装置

7. stiff--过于拘谨的人:被认为刻板、自负或过于正经的

8. born with his foot in one's mouth总说错话,狗嘴吐不出象牙

9. travesty /?tr?v?sti/嘲弄

10. decadence / ?dek?d?ns; 颓废

11. excrement /?ekskr?m?nt/粪便

12. ace成绩为A

13. flunk通不过

14. bootlicking拍马屁

15. valedictorian/?v?l.?.d?k?t??.ri.?n/致告别词的毕业生代表

16. national merit scholar国家优秀学生奖

17. trig--Trigonometry三角学

18. annual--A periodical published yearly; a yearbook.年刊;年鉴:每年出版一次的期

19. tell off责备

20. jerk蠢人


Part III new courses,carpe diem,About to meet the Danburrys

21. phalanx/?f?l.??ks/ 密集队形

22. pubescence/pyü-'be-s?n(t)s/青春期

23. trigonometry--/?tr?g??n?m?tr?/branch of mathematics dealing with the relationship between the sides and angles of triangles, /?tr?g??n?m?tr?/ 三角学,三角

24. penalize--/?pi?n?l-a?z /(因犯规或违法)处罚某人

25. spaz 笨蛋

26. Walt Whitman惠特曼

27. dispel驱散

28. fester化脓,腐烂;腐败

29. weakling--One of weak constitution or character.瘦弱或软弱的人

30. in one's face ---directly and aggressively in one's presence当着某人的面

31. Byron-/'bī-r?n/(1788-1824) 英国诗人,被公认为是浪漫主义运动的先驱拜伦

32. hymnal-- /?h?m.n?l/赞美诗集

33. stanza(诗歌的)节, 段(尤指押韵的

34. rosebud--蔷薇花蕾, 妙龄少女

35. To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time

                    by Robert Herrick

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,

Old Time is still a-flying:

And this same flower that smiles to-day

To-morrow will be dying.......

**Robert Herrick--/'her-ik/罗伯特·赫里克a 17th century English poet.

36. carpe diem--seize the day抓紧时间,珍惜光阴

37. lad--男孩儿; 男青年; 小伙子

38. peruse /p??ru?z/读(某篇文字); (尤指)细阅, 审阅

39. hormone荷尔蒙; 激素/?h??.m??n/

40. invincible--不能征服的, 无敌的

41. the world is one's oyster-- one is able to enjoy all the pleasures and opportunities that life has to offer 能尽情享受生活中的一切快乐与机遇,,前途无限美好

42. iota--|| a?'??t?]希腊语字母第九个; 极微小

43. fertilize--施肥

44. daffodil--/?d?f.?.d?l/水仙花

45. spooky-- 幽灵般的, 神经质的, 怪异的

46. hustle--匆忙; 挤撞着走

47. alum-- / `?l?m //??l?m/ someone who was a student at a particular high school, university, or college:校友

48. swing--To manage or arrange successfully:成功地管理或安排

49. hash--A mess:【非正式用语】 乱七八糟的事

50. suit yourself! INFORMAL--an expression used either humorously or angrily to mean 'do what you want to do'随便吧

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