

 远足客 2017-01-02






 * * * Apology Letter Template * * *

(Use business letterhead stationary.)


(Sender Name)

(Sender Street Address)

(City, State, Zipcode)


(Recipient Name)

(Recipient Title/Position)

(Organization Name)

(Recipient Street Address)

(City, State, Zipcode)

Dear (Name of Recipient):

Thank you so much for the patience and understanding you’ve displayed during this most regrettable situation. For myself and on behalf of (Name of Organization), please accept my sincere apology for (Briefly Describe Error).

(Add sentence to inform customer what has been done to correct the error. If you plan on compensating the customer for the error, or providing a free gift as a token of your regret,mention this here as well.)

Let me assure you that we highly value your time and our business relationship. We will strive to ensure that this error is not repeated in the future.

(Inform the customer of any changes to policy or procedure that will help to ensure a similar error will not occur in the future. For instance, if you’ve had a special meeting to inform all employees about the issue, this would be a good thing to mention.)

Thank you again for your patience and understanding. We hope to have the opportunity to serve you again in the near future.

If you have any additional questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please don’t hesitate to contact me on my direct line at (xxx-555-1212), or you may also email me at (joe@service.now).


(Sender Name) *Always hand-sign your name above in blue ink.

(Sender Title)




A formal letter of request is written to ask for permission, help, information, advice, etc. It may also provide information, explain a situation, make suggestions, present arguments in support of an opinion, etc. as requested in the topic instructions.

Each point should be presented in a separate paragraph containing a clear topic sentence supported by examples and/or justification.

Useful Language for Letters of Request

· To begin letters:

- I am writing to ask if you would be so kind/ generous as to./ request your assistance concerning the matter of.

- I wonder if you could possibly/ if it would be possible for you to help me.

- I would (greatly) appreciate it if you could.

- I would be most grateful if you could.

- I am writing to ask/ enquire if/ whether you could possibly tell/ inform me.

- I am writing to ask if/ whether I might (perhaps) be permitted/ allowed to./ request your (kind) permission for./ (for me) to.

- I wonder if I might ask you for/ request your valuable advice on/ concerning.

· To end letters:

- I hope that my request will not inconvenience you too much;

- I must apologise for troubling you with this matter;

- I hope that you will forgive me for taking up your valuable time;

- I look forward to hearing from you/ receiving your reply as soon as possible;

- Thank(ing) you in anticipation of your/ in advance for your kind cooperation.


A letter giving information is a formal piece of writing related to a particular situation. Its main purpose is to give information, usually when this has been requested by someone else. It may also provide suggestions, request help, give an opinion etc.

Each point should be presented in a separate paragraph containing a clear topic sentence supported by examples and/or justification.

Useful Language for Letters Giving Information

· To begin letters:

- I am writing to inform you that/ advise you of/ let you know that.

- I regret/ am delighted/ would like/ feel obliged to inform you.

- I am writing in response to/ in reply to/ with regard to/ in connection with your letter requesting information about./your enquiry about./ our telephone convestation concerning.

- I am writing (to you) on behalf of./ in my capacity as.

· To end letters:

- I hope that this information will be of some assistance.

- I hope/ trust that I have been able to answer all of your questions.

- I would be pleased/ happy to provide you with any additional information.

- I look forward to being able to help you again in the future./ answering your queries.

- Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information./ have any further questions.


A formal letter of advice is usually written in response to a request or enquiry, whereas a letter making suggestions offers an opinion and suggestions on a particular situation.

Each point should be presented in a separate paragraph containing a clear topic sentence supported by examples and/or justification.

Useful Language for Letters Giving Advice

· To begin letters:

- I am writing in reply/ response to your letter requesting advice about.

- Thank you for your letter requesting advice about.

- I hope the following advice/ suggestions will be of (some) help to you.

· Advice/ Suggestoins:

- It might/ would be useful/ to your advantage (if you were) to.

- I feel/ believe (that) the/ your best course of action would be.

- I would like to offer one or two suggestions concerning.

- I would (strongly) suggest/ recommend + [-ing]/ (that).

- You should/ ought to.

· To end letters:

- I hope that these suggestions will (prove to) be of some assistance./ have been useful/ of use.

- I hope/ trust that you will accept/ follow this advice.

- I would be pleased/ happy to offer any additional advice you may require.

- Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further questions/ queries/ problems.


A formal letter of complaint is written to complain about a problem which has arisen (e.g. faulty merchandise, rude staff, inaccurate information, etc.). It should explain the reasons for the complaint, and usually includes a suggestion/ request/ demand concerning what should be done (e.g. refund, compensation, etc.).

Mild or strong language can be used depending on the writer's feelings and the seriousness of the complaint, but abusive language should never be used.

e.g. Mild Complaint:

I am writing to complain about a factual error in yesterday's newspaper.

I hope that you will give this matter your prompt attention.

Strong Complaint:

I am writing to express my strong disapproval concerning the offensive behaviour of an employee at your company's Winchester Road branch.

I demand a full, written apology or I will be forced to take legal action.

The nature of the complaint should be clearly stated in the first paragraph. Each aspect of the topic should be presented in a separate paragraph containing a clear topic sentence supported by examples and/or justification.

Useful Language for Letters Giving Advice

· To begin letters:

Mild complaint:

- I am writing to complain about/ draw your attention to (the problem of).

Strong complaint:

- I am writing to express my annoyance/ extreme dissatisfaction with/ anger at/ protest about.

- I regret to/ feel I must inform you how appalled/ shocked I was.

· To end letters:

Mild Complaint:

- I hope/ trust this matter will be dealt with/ resolved as soon as possible./ receive your immediate attention./ not be treated lightly.

- I feel that you should./ I am entitled to a compensation/ a refund/ a replacement.

Strong Complaint:

- I (must) insist on./ insist (that)/ demand./ warn you that.

- Unless this matter is resolved./ Unless satisfactory compensation is offered.

- I will have no choice but to./ I will be forced to take further/ legal action.


If you have received a letter of complaint, it is polite to reply it. The purpose for writing a letter of apology is to explain the reason(s) for the problems stated in the letter of complaint and to ensure that the situation will be resolved/ improved. You may also offer some form of compensation.

A letter of apology is written in a formal style and requires a dignified and polite tone.

You should deal with each aspect of the complaint in a separate paragraph.

Useful Language for Letters of Apology

· Opening remarks:

- I am writing to apologise for./ offer my apologies for.

- Please accept my/ our sincere/ profuse apologies for (the unavoidable dalay, etc.)

- I must/ would like to apologise for (the unfortunate confusion, etc.)

· To introduce new points:

- With regard to/ As regards.

- As far as. is/ are concerned.

- Firstly/ First of all/ Secondly/ Finally, .

· To emphasise what you say:

- Clearly/ Obviously/ Needless to say, .

· To express reality:

- In fact/ As a matter of a fact/ Actually/ Indeed,.

· Making amends:

- Please allow me to offer/ suggest. as compensation (for.).

- I insist on (+ [-ing]) to make up for your loss/ inconvenience, etc.

· Closing remarks:

- Once again, my/ our sincere(st) apologies for the inconvenience caused

- I hope that you will accept my apologies/ that my apologies will be accepted.

- I hope that you can forgive/ overlook this regrettable error.


A formal letter of application is written when applying for a job or a place on an educational course. A job application usually includes educational/ professional qualifications, details of previous experience as well as the applicant's qualities and skills. Previous experience should be presented in a clear order using linking words such as:currently, before this, subsequently, prior to this, following, whereupon, etc.

Useful Language : Applying for Jobs

· To begin letters:

- I am writing to apply for the post/ position of. advertised in yesterday's.

- I am writing in connection with/ with regard to the vacancy in your Sales Department, as advertised inThe Times on/ of 14th October.

· Experience/ Qualifications:

- I am currently/ At present I am employed/ working as.

- I was employed as (position) by(company) from (date) to (date).

- During this time, I held the position . / was responsible for./ my duties included.

- I have received training in./ completed an apprenticeship, etc..

- My qualifications include./ I am presently studying/ attending a course.

- I am due to take my final examinations in June.

- I have/ hold/ obtained/ was awarded a degree/ diploma/ certificate in.

- I have successfully/ recently completed a course in (subject) at(place)

· To end letters:

- I enclose/ Please find enclosed my CV/ references from.

- I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience/ as soon as possible.

- I would be available for an interview at any time/ until the end of June/etc.

- I would be pleased/ happy to supply you with any further information/ details.

- Please contact me should you have any further questions/ queries.





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