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我们老师给了他一个相当冷漠的眼神,不紧不慢地放下手中的书,然后pia pia pia拍了三下手(通常当我们都在听歌时,老师会用这种方法叫我们集中注意)。Teacher: ''Good, now I want all of you to leave the room and stand outside in the hallway and no matter what this guy says,'' as he points his finger at VP, '...
你第一次知道李宇春这个名字是什么时候?陈伟伦如何评价李宇春:提到李宇春就必须讲到 “玉米”,我在去年夏天有幸看了李宇春《野蛮生长》北京站的演唱会,“玉米”们穿着统一的写有“野蛮生长”字样的T恤,拿着有“春”字的灯牌,坐在五棵松体育馆里,当李宇春站在舞台上,他们会喊着她的名字,一波接一波不间断,演出最后当李宇春对工作人员...
Ms. deGuzman’s video makes for some discomfiting viewing. It’s a direct hit on our smartphone-obsessed culture, needling us about our addiction to that little screen and suggesting that maybe life is just better led when it is lived rather than viewed. While the clip has funny scenes — a man proposing on a beach wh...
A formal letter of advice is usually written in response to a request or enquiry, whereas a letter making suggestions offers an opinion and suggestions on a particular situation.The purpose for writing a letter of apology is to explain the reason(s) for the problems stated in the letter of complaint and to ensure that...
Today, my dad is the best dad I could ask for.Today, I operated on a little girl.My 88-year-old grandmother and her 17 year old cat are both blind.Today, I chose the wrong number and accidentally sent my dad a message saying “I love you,“ which was meant for my husband. A few minutes later I got a reply: ”I love yo...
ABB与Rhaetian 铁路公司(RhB)携手合作成功征服阿尔卑斯山有一段很长的历史,可以回溯到1913年交付第一辆ABB装备的电气化列车。The history of the Gotthard Tunnel is also closely linked to the technologies of ABB. BBC was responsible for the initial electrification of the Gotthard tunnel, first completed in 1882.长达57公里的...
该如何有效地积累英语词汇?为了弥补新闻词汇上的不足,又买来新闻词汇书。因为这仍旧跟前面背词汇书的方法如出一辙。2. 误以为词汇的积累就是单个词汇的叠加。无论是第一阶段的文学词汇,还是后面的考试、新闻词汇,我所选用的方法都是把所有的单词当成相对孤立的个体对待。但第一阶段的词汇积累方法显然是有问题的,把单词从场景中抽离出来,...
课本上学不到的口语第二弹~Cc (someone) : Cc 是 Carbon copy的缩写,是在写邮件中所用到的“抄送”。If you’re feeling under the weather, by all means go home and get some rest.Let’s crack open the window and have some fresh air.Crack open the window : 这个表达和“open the window” 很像,但程度不同,crack open the window...
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