
Redox Biology:中科院生物物理所陈畅课题组提出“氧化还原应激反应能力(RRC)...

 Chao_Xu 2017-01-06
2016年12月28日,《Redox BioLogy》杂志在线发表了中科院生物物理所陈畅课题组题为“The decay of Redox-stress Response Capacity is a substantive characteristic of aging: Revising the redox theory of aging”的研究论文。论文首次通过比较年轻和衰老线虫及细胞对氧化还原刺激的不同反应,提出了氧化还原应激反应能力(Redox-stress Response Capacity,RRC)新概念,并证明这种动态反应能力的下降是衰老的一个本质特征。陈畅课题组的助理研究员孟姣为本文的第一作者,陈畅研究员为本文的通讯作者。

衰老与氧化还原密切相关。传统的自由基衰老学说认为氧化应激是对细胞的一种损害,是导致衰老的一个重要因素。大多数关于氧化还原和衰老的研究主要集中在静息状态活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)的高低。很少有研究去比较年轻和衰老个体对于氧化还原刺激的动态反应能力。陈畅课题组分别以线虫和复制性衰老细胞为模型,比较了年轻和衰老线虫(或细胞)对于氧化还原刺激反应能力的不同。结果显示在氧化还原刺激下,年轻线虫(或细胞)能产生更多的活性氧/活性氮(ROS/RNS)从而激活Erk、 Akt和AMPK信号通路。同时,年轻线虫(或细胞)能够通过促进转录因子NRF2的转位诱导产生更多的抗氧化酶以维持氧化还原稳态平衡。另一方面,年轻线虫(活细胞)也通过上调分子伴侣表达、提高蛋白酶体活性表现出更好地降解氧化损伤蛋白的能力。


Redox Biology:中科院生物物理所陈畅课题组提出“氧化还原应激反应能力(RRC)”下降是衰老本质特

图示 氧化还原应激反应能力(Redox-stress Response Capacity, RRC)模型


The decay of Redox-stress Response Capacity is a substantive characteristic of aging: Revising the redox theory of aging


Aging is tightly associated with redox events. The free radical theory of aging indicates that redox imbalance may be an important factor in the aging process. Most studies about redox and aging focused on the static status of oxidative stress levels, there has been little research investigating differential responses to redox challenge during aging. In this study, we used Caenorhabditis elegans and human fibroblasts as models to compare differential responses to oxidative stress challenge in young and old individuals. In response to paraquat stress, young individuals generated more ROS and activated signaling pathways including p-ERK, p-AKT and p-AMPKα/β. After the initial response, young individuals then promoted NRF2 translocation and induced additional antioxidant enzymes and higher expression of phase II enzymes, including SOD, CAT, GPX, HO-1, GSTP-1and others, to maintain redox homeostasis. Moreover, young individuals also demonstrated a better ability to degrade damaged proteins by up-regulating the expression of chaperones and improving proteasome activity. Based on these data, we propose a new concept 'Redox-stress Response Capacity (RRC)', which suggests cells or organisms are capable of generating dynamic redox responses to activate cellular signaling and maintain cellular homeostasis. The decay of RRC is the substantive characteristic of aging, which gives a new understand of the redox theory of aging.


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