
初三 ▏期末考英语点睛试卷(含详细解析),高分必做!

 湖南衡阳县人 2017-01-12

初三 ▏期末考英语点睛试卷(含详细解析),高分必做!



(120分钟 120分)




1.—How much does this camera______?

—300 yuan.

A.take B.pay C.spend D.cost

2.Try to sing some English songs,and you’ll find it interesting______a foreign language.

A.learning B.learns C.learn D.to learn

3.Jenny is______taller than any other student in her class.

A.much B.very C.more D.much more

4.______a new language is______.

A.Learn:exciting B.Learn;excited

C.Learning;exciting D.Learning;excited

5.The Yellow River is the second______one in China.

A.long B.longer

C.longest D.the longest

6.—Would you like______to drink?

—Yes,I’d like a cup of coffee.

A.something else B.else something

C.anything else D.else anything

7.We left home at 9 am______we could arrive there on time.

A.so much B.in order to

C.so that D.as a result of

8.—______the population of China?

—______over 1,300,000,000.

A.How many are;They are



D.How much is;It’s

9.My little sister stopped______and played the toy dog.

A.to cry B.cries C.cried D.crying

10.All the people went home______Mr.Wang,for he had to finish his work.

A.with B.besides C.except D.after

11.—I think we should work harder than before.

—I agree________you.

A.on B.to C.with D.for

12.The sun is shinning,______it isn’t warm today.

A.or B.and C.because D.but

13.This shirt is a little small for me.Would you show me____one?

A.other B.the other

C.another D.others

14.—Who is the man over there?Is it Mr.Li?

—No,it______be him.Mr.Li is much taller.

A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.needn’t

15.—Betty,remember to close the window before leaving the room.


A.Yes,please B.Don’t mention it

C.It’s hard to say D.OK,I will


One day a farmer__1__in a field near a forest.A hare ran towards him.It__2__him until it__3__close to him.Then it turned away quickly and ran into a big tree.It__4__its neck against the tree and__5__at once.The farmer was happy because he__6__a good meal.He__7__down his spade(铁锹)and decided__8__near the tree and wait for another one.He waited for a long time,but no more hares__9__.It was getting dark.The farmer was then tired and hungry.He was disappointed for he hadn’t got__10__more hares.

1.A.was working B.is worked C.working D.are working

2.A.weren’t seeB.not seen C.doesn’t see D.didn’t see

3.A.do B.were C.was D.done

4.A.will break B.broke C.breaks D.is breaking

5.A.died B.went C.passed D.through

6.A.will have B.would have C.had D.have

7.A.put B.got C.lain D.wrote

8.A.standing B.to stand C.to be stood D.to stood

9.A.comes B.come C.came D.has come

10.A.no B.any C.some D.many



There are only two seasons in some countries—the dry season and the rainy season.They are India,Vietnam and some countries in Africa.It’s never cold there and it doesn’t snow.In the dry season it is as warm as it is in the rainy season.When it is the dry season,it doesn’t rain at all.It’s very,very hot.All grass and leaves in the trees are yellow.Animals and people are very thirsty.It is a very difficult time for them!When it is the rainy season,the rain doesn’t stop;it rains day and night.There is a lot of water around!Some animals like it,but some don’t.

There is a place where there are no seasons at all.It is the Antarctic(南极).

It is very cold all the year round.There are no countries and no cities there.There are some villages in the Antarctic.Who lives there?Some scientists from some countries go there to learn about the coldest place,its animals and birds.But there are no trees,no flowers,no fruit there,so people can’t live there long.

1.There are______seasons in the Antarctic.

A.two  B.three  C.four  D.no

2.What’s the weather like in Vietnam?

A.It’s very cold all the year round.

B.It’s never cold and it doesn’t snow.

C.It is very cold and it snows all the year round.

D.It is never cold and it snows all the year round.

3.When is a difficult time for people and animals in India?

A.The rainy season. B.Spring.

C.The dry season. D.Winter.

4.Some scientists live in the Antarctic because they want to learn about______.

A.the coldest place B.the countries there

C.the cities D.the fruit there

5.Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The leaves on the trees are yellow in the dry season.

B.All countries in Africa have two seasons.

C.Some animals like the rainy season.

D.There are some animals and birds in the Antarctic.


Every year several thousand people are killed on the roads in Great Britain.Every year between one and two hundred thousand people are hurt.These people are killed or hurt in road accidents.

There are rules to make the roads safe,but people do not always obey the rules(遵守规则).They are careless.If everybody obeys the rules,the roads will be much safer.How can we make the roads safer?

Remember this rule.In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left.Cars,buses and bikes must all keep to the left side of the road.In most other countries traffic keeps to the right.

Before crossing the road,stop and look both sides.Look right and left.Then,if you are sure that the road is clear,it is safe to cross the road. If you see small children or old people,help them to cross the road.We must teach small children to cross the road safely.We must always set them a good example.Small children must not play in the street.

6.If we want to make the roads safer,______.

A.everybody must be careful and obey the traffic rules

B.traffic should keep to the right

C.don’t cross the roads too often

D.roads must be clear

7.If you ride a bike in Great Britain,you must ride______.

A.on the right side of the road

B.on the left side of the road

C.in the middle of the road

D.behind the buses

8.Which is NOT correct?

A.Few people die in road accidents in Great Britain.

B.In our country traffic keeps to the right.

C.Cars,trucks and buses kill many people every year.

D.Streets are not safe places for play.

9.“the road is clear”means that______.

A.you can see very clearly on the road

B.the road is very clean

C.the road is not noisy

D.there is no car or bus running

10.The only safe way to cross the road is to______.

A.look right

B.look left

C.look both sides,right and left

D.run across the road


If you get into the forest with your friends,stay with them always.If you don’t,you may get lost.If you really get lost,this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are.Don’t try to find your friends—let them find you by staying in one place.

There is another way to help your friends or other nearby people to find you.Give them a signal(信号)by shouting or whistling(吹口哨)three times.Any signal given three times is a call for help.

Keep up shouting or whistling always three times together.When people hear you,they will know that you are not just making noise for fun.They will let you know that they have heard your signal.They give you two shouts,two whistles,or two gunshots(枪声).When someone gives you a signal,it is an answer to a call for help.

If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes,try to make a little house—cover up the holes with branches(树枝)with lots of leaves.Make yourself a soft bed with leaves and grass.

What should you do if you get hungry or need drinking water?You would have to leave your little house to look for a river.Don’t just walk away.Pick off(去除)small branches and drop them as you walk so that you can find your way back.The most important thing to do when you are lost is to stay in one place.

11.If you are lost in the forest,you should______.

A.stay where you are and give signals three times

B.walk around the forest and shout so that your friends could hear you

C.try to find your friends as soon as possible

D.try to get out of the forest and shout for help

12.If you want to let people believe that you are not just making noise for fun,you should______.

A.tell people that you are lost

B.keep up shouting or whistling

C.shout at the top of your voice

D.shout or whistle three times

13.When you hear two shouts,two whistles,two gunshots,______.

A.you should shout more loudly

B.you can whistle three times

C.it is an answer to your call for help

D.you should try to run to them

14.When you want to leave your place to get drinking water,you should______.

A.just go to the river

B.find some glasses or bottles before you go

C.make a fire so that you can have some tea

D.leave marks so that you can find your way back

15.This passage mainly tells you______.

A.when you hear a signal always three times,it is a call for help

B.what you should do if you get lost in a forest

C.any signal given twice means an answer to a call for help

D.how you can live longer in a forest



When your feelings are bad,what can you do?Let me tell you a good way of solving this problem.If it is sunny outside,go out and stay in the sun for half an hour,and you will be better soon.

Scientists believe that weather affects(影响)people’s feelings.When the sun is shining,people often feel(A)______,but when it is cloudy,people often feel bad.

Also,you should pay more attention(注意)to your health in different weather.

For example,in hot summer,you should have more sleep.You can get up late in the cool morning.When the temperature is over 32℃,you should stop having sports.



1.What’s the meaning of the underlined word“solving”in Chinese?

A.避免  B.预防  C.解决  D.改善




(  )3.When it’s cloudy,your feelings may be bad.

(  )4.In hot summer,we should increase(增加)sleeping time.






1.The panda is one of the animals in d______.

2.Many students ask for advice for i______their English.

3.Please look up these new words in your d______.

4.The t______in our city was -8.3℃ yesterday.

5.People in the poor areas can get better m______care and many diseases(疾病)can be cured(治疗).


6.Please pay attention to______(listen)to the teacher in class.

7.They only have a small room______(live)in.

8.The maths problem isn’t difficult.She can work it out______(easy).

9.The______(translate)of English is very difficult to me.

10.The teacher warned his students________(not talk)in class.



A:Hello!This is Learning English programme.Can I help you?

B:Yes,please. 1 How can I improve it?

A:That’s easy.Listening to more English tapes is a good way. 2

B:OK,I’ll try.And how can I understand the teacher in class?

A:Oh,this is a hard question.Try to make notes(笔记)in class and revise them after class. 3

B:That’s a good idea.And then how should I learn new words?

A: 4 Then you can make sentences with them.And you can use them in conversations with your friends.

B: 5

A:You’re welcome.I hope you can improve your English soon.




Chinese writer Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday,October 12th in 2012.He was the first Chinese__1__(win)this prize.

Mo Yan’s real name is Guan Moye.He__2__(bear)in a poor family in Gaomi,Shandong Province in 1955.His parents are both farmers.At the age of 12,he stopped__3__(go)to school and began__4__(work)on the farm.Then he went on__5__(work)in a factory.In 1976,he joined the PLA(人民解放军).From then,he started to learn writing stories.His first story__6__(come)out in 1981.

Most of his works were based on__7__(he)own life at the early age.One of his__8__(famous)works was Red Sorghum(《红高粱》).It was made into a__9__(wonder)film by Zhang Yimou.

As a writer,Mo Yan is very__10__(success).He is a symbol of China’s literature.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______


请你用英语写一篇关于中国的传统节日春节(Spring Festival)的一些情况的文章。





提示词汇:one of the most important festivals;delicious things to eat;wear new clothes



Ⅰ. 听力(略)

Ⅱ. 1.【解析】选D。本题考查动词的辨析。spend和pay的主语是人,cost的主语是物,take一般用于“It takes sb....to do sth.”。故选D。

2.【解析】选D。本题考查固定句式。find+it+adj.+to do sth.意为“发现做某事是……的”。故选D。



5.【解析】选C。本题考查最高级的用法。“the +序数词+最高级”表示第……最……的。故选C。

6.【解析】选A。本题考查不定代词的用法。形容词修饰不定代词时,应置于不定代词之后,故排除B、D两项。句型Would you like...表示客气的语气用something而不用anything,故选A。

7.【解析】选C。本题考查短语辨析。句意:我们上午九点就离开家以便按时到达。so that意为“以便”,后接从句。故选C。

8.【解析】选C。本题考查固定句式。询问人口:What’s the population of... population是不可数名词,用it代替。故选C。

9.【解析】选D。本题考查非谓语动词。根据句意“玩玩具狗”可知“我的小妹妹停止了哭泣”。stop doing sth.“停止做某事”,故选D。


11.【解析】选C。本题考查固定搭配。agree with sb.“同意某人的观点”。故选C。


13.【解析】选C。本题考查不定代词的辨析。the other表示两者中的另一个;another表示众多中的另一个。句意:这件衬衫对我来说有点小。可以让我再看一件吗?表示众多衬衫中的另一件。故选C。





3.【解析】选C。本题考查固定短语。be close to“离……近”;且此处使用一般过去时。故选C。




7.【解析】选A。本题考查动词的辨析。句意:他放下铁锹。put down意为“放下”,故选A。

8.【解析】选B。本题考查非谓语动词。decide to do sth.“决定做某事”。故选B。



Ⅳ.1.【解析】选D。事实细节题。由第二段“There is a place where there are no seasons at all.It is the Antarctic.”可知,南极没有季节。故选D。

2.【解析】选B。事实细节题。由第一段第二、三句话“...Vietnam and ...never cold there and it doesn’t snow.”可知,B项正确。

3.【解析】选C。事实细节题。由第一段的“When it is the dry season...a very difficult time for them!”可知,干季对印度人们来说是一段困难的时间。故选C。

4.【解析】选A。事实细节题。由第三段第五句话“Some scientists from some countries go there to learn about the coldest place”可知,人们生活在南极是为了了解南极。故选A。

5.【解析】选B。推理判断题。由第一段第二句话“...some countries in Africa”可知,并非所有的非洲国家都只有两个季节。故选B。

6.【解析】选A。事实细节题。由第二段第三句话“If everybody obeys the rules,the roads will be much safer.”可知A项正确。

7.【解析】选B。事实细节题。由第三段第二句话“In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left.”可知,B项正确。

8.【解析】选A。推理判断题。由第一段第一句话“Every year several thousand people are killed on the roads in Great Britain.”可知,每年英国有几千人死于车祸,故A项错误。


10.【解析】选C。事实细节题。由第四段第一、二句话“Before crossing the road,stop and look both sides.Look right and left.”可知,安全过马路要左右看。

11.【解析】选A。推理判断题。由第一段第四句话“Sit down and stay where you are.”和第二段第二句话“Give them a signal by shouting or whistling three times.”可知,如果在森林里迷路你应该停留在原地并且发出三声信号。故选A。

12.【解析】选D。事实细节题。由第三段的“Keep up shouting or whistling always three times together.When people hear you,they will know that you are not just making noise for fun.”可知D项正确。

13.【解析】选C。事实细节题。由第三段的“They give you two shouts,two whistles,or two gunshots.When someone gives you a signal,it is an answer to a call for help.”可知选C。

14.【解析】选D。事实细节题。由第五段的“Don’t just walk away.Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk so that you can find your way back.”可知D项正确。

15.【解析】选B。主旨大意题。由文章末句“The most important thing to do when you are lost is to stay in one place.”和开头的“...this is what you should do.”可知,短文主要告诉我们在森林中迷路时做什么。故选B。

Ⅴ.答案:1.C 2.good 3.T 4.T


Ⅵ.答案:1.danger 2.improving 3.dictionary 4.temperature 5.medical

6.listening 7.to live 8.easily 9.translation 10.not to talk


Ⅷ.答案:1.to win 2.was born 3.going 4.to work

5.to work 6.came 7.his 8.most famous

9.wonderful 10.successful


Our Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China.Everyone enjoys it.It usually comes during every year’s February.Before it comes,people often buy so many delicious things to eat and something to use.

On New Year’s Eve,after the big and important dinner,the family sit in front of the TV set and watch something interesting of CCTV or talk on and on.Soon it is midnight and the New Year bell will ring.At this moment,all the people say happily“Happy New Year!”And then people will eat some dumplings.

On the morning of New Year’s Day,after breakfast,you can see all the children are wearing their new clothes and playing outside.

During Spring Festival,people cook many different kinds of food and meet friends.

It is said that“If you are happy on New Year’s Day,this year’s everything will go well.”

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