

 人在旅途bzimxd 2017-01-15


141. 天气放晴,疑团解开 clear up 把..弄清楚 make sth clear=make it clear to do/that

142. 靠近 be close to sth 让门关着 with the door closed 让门开着 with the door open

143. 布料 cloth 衣服 clothes 衣物 clothing

144. 案子的线索 the clue to the case 练习的答案 the key to the exercise

问题的解决方法 the solution to the problem 门的钥匙 the key to the door

电影院的入口 the entrance to the cinema

145. 集邮 collect stamps 筹款 collect/raise money

146. 把A和B相结合 combine A with B 把A和B做比较 compare A with B

把A比作B compare A to B

147. 向某人抱怨 complain to sb about/of sth

148. How come?=Why? 苏醒 come to(oneself)

偶遇 come across=run into=meet with=meet…by chance

149. 对..作出评论 make comments on sth

150. 通过..与某人交流 communicate with sb by sth

151. 由..组成 be composed of= be made up of= consist of

152. 得出结论 arrive at/come to the conclusion

153. 只要 on condition that=as long as

154. 对..有信心 have confidence in=be confident of

155. 向某人祝贺某事 congratulate sb on sth

156. 把..看作 consider sb to be=consider sb as 考虑做某事 consider doing sth

157. 和某人接触 contact sb=make contact with sb

158. 某人方便的话 It is convenient to sb to do sth

159.生活费 the cost of living 不惜一切代价 at all costs

什么使某人付出什么代价 sht cost sb sth

某人付钱买什么 sb pay money/time to do sth

花费某人去 It takes sb some money/time to do sth

160. 在..过程中 in/during the course of

161. 书的封面 the cover of the course of 桌子的表面 the surface of the desk

162. 挤满 be crowded with

163. 做某事毫无用处 It’s no use doing sth=It’s not useful to do

164. 对…感到好奇 be curious about

165. 削减/砍伐 cut down 割去/断绝 cut off 插嘴 cut in=interrupt

166. damage(修饰sth,损坏,毁坏) wound (修饰sb 刀伤,抢伤)

destroy (修饰sth 破坏,.消灭) injured (修饰sb 指事故受伤)

hurt (修饰sb 指心灵情感受伤)

167. 看见 the other day/ago 用过去时

168. dead 形容词,死的 the dead man 已死去的人

deadly 形容词,致命的 the deadly weapon 致命武器

dying 形容词,垂死的 the dying man 快要死的人

death 名词,死亡 come to death 濒临死亡

169. deal with sb/sth (How) do with sth (What)

170. 做出决定 make a decision=make up one’s mind to do sth=decide to do sth

171. 满足需求 meet one’s needs/demands

172. 依靠 depend on

173. 冲洗底片 develop the film

174. the developed country 发达国家 the developing country 发展中国家

the excited boy兴奋的男孩 the fallen leaves落叶 the retired worker退休工人

175.随着…的发展 with the development of

176. 致力于 devote oneself/time to doing sth

177. 死于疾病 die of a disease 死于刀伤 die from wound

178. A和B在…方面不同differ A from B in /A is different from B in

有所差别 make a difference

179. 觉得做某事有困难 have difficulty/trouble in doing sth

不辞辛劳去做某事 take the trouble to do sth.

180. 稍远一些 at a distance 在远处 in the distance

181. 把..分成…divide…into… 把…隔开…isolate…from… 把…分开…separate…from…

182. I don’t doubt that… I doubt when/what/whether…

183. 由于…病倒了 be down with

184. five dozen/hundred/thousand dozens/hundreds/thousands of

185. 梦想做… dream of doing …

186.穿着… be dressed in 某人自己穿衣 dress oneself/sb

187. Each of us has a book We each have books

188. 谋生 earn/make one’s living

189. effective 效的 efficient 高效的

190. 推选某人做主席 elect sb chairman (职位名词前不加冠词)

191. 使某人能够做某事 enable sb to do sth

192. 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth

193. energy n.能量,活力,精力 full of energy force n.武力 work force

strength n.力气 have strength to do sth

194. be engaged in sth 忙着做某事 be engaged to sb 与某人订婚

195. 说英语的国家 English-speaking country 英语口语 spoken English

196. something interesting old enough to do sth

197. equip sb with sth/provide sth for sb supply sb with sth/supply sth to sb

offer sb sth /offer sth to sb

198. even though/if 即使 as though/if似乎,好像 ever since 自从…以来

199. 每隔一天 every other day 每三周 every three weeks

200. 除了…之外,只得做某事 do nothing except/but do sth


201. 原谅某人做某事 excuse one’s doing sth excuse sb for doing sth

202. 期待某人做某事 expect to do sth/expect sb to do sth

hope to do sth/hope that+句子(用will/would+V.)

want to do sth

wish to do sth/with that +句子(用过去时/had done/would+V.) wish sb sth

203. Sth is expensive/cheap The price is high/low

204. expand扩大expand the business extend延伸 extend the road

205. 某方面专家 the expert in sth

206. 解释… explain doing sth explain to sb. sth

207. 事实上 in fact=as a matter of fact

208. 不能/没有做某事 fail to do sth.

209. 相当,十分 fairly修饰褒义词 fairly well

rather too=much too=far too rathe修饰比较级

a rather cold day=rather a cold day (贬义词)

quite 修饰 il,im,in开头的单词

210. be familiar with 熟悉 be familiar to sb 为某人所熟悉的

be similar to与…相似/ the same as

211. 以…而著名be famous/know for+原因 be famous/known as+职业

212. Far 修饰比较级,by far 多用于修饰最高级

213. 以…为生 feed on …=live on …

214. only a few=few 只有几个 quict a few=many 许多

215. 充满 be filled with=with=be full of

216. 完成做某事 finish doing sth

217.the first to come,the first to do /that… the last to leave the next to do

the first time=the minute=the moment=when

218. fit:尺寸大小合适 suit颜色,式样,款式合适 match=go with 相配

219. fix one’s eyes on sth 注视

220. flight 航班 float漂浮 fly 飞 flow流动

221. focus attention/mind on 集中注意力

222. 爱好,喜欢 be fond of=be keen on

223. 释放某人 set sb free

224. in front of 在…前面 in the front of 在…前部

225. What fun what bad news/weather

226. 得到更多信息 get further information

227. gnerally speaking 一般说来

228. 上(下)公共汽车get on, get off 上(下)小汽车get into, get out of

229. 在某方面有天赋 have a gift for…

230. give away 赠送,泄漏 give in屈服 give up放弃

give out发出(热,气味)筋疲力尽,分发 give off 发出(热,气味)

231. only too =very非常 only to do sth结果却

never to do sth 从不做just to do sth 只能做

232. glance at 瞥一眼 glare on 怒目相视

stare at 盯着看 watch sth disappear 注视..消失

233.go bad变质 go over复习 go wrong发生故障

234.be good at 擅长 do good to sb/sth 对某人/某物有好处

be good for sb对某人有好处

A good many students have books/ Many a student has a book

做什么事毫无用处 It’s no good doing=It’s no good to do sth

The more work you do,the more good you will get.

235.毕业于 graduate from

236.因..感激某人 be grateful to sb for sth/be thankful to sb for sth

237.养成..习惯 form/get into the habit of doing sth

改掉习惯 break/get rid og the habit of doing sth

238.cut sth in half=cut sth into halves

239.帮忙 lend a hand to sb 上交 hand in

240.hang 悬挂—hung—hung/hang 上吊—hanged—hanged

241.碰巧做某事 happen to do sth/碰巧… It (so) happens that…/

某事碰巧发生某人身上 Sth happen to sb

242.Hardly…when…/no sooner…than…(置于句首,前分句倒装,前句用Had done,后句过去时)

Hardly had he left When I came

243.在某方面有问题 have trouble with sth/

让某人做某事 have sb do sth=let sb do sth=make sb do sth

让某事被做 have sth done 使..处于某种状态 have sth doing

与…有关 have something to do with

244.收到某人来信 hear from sb

听见某人做某事(全过程) hear sb do 听见某人做某事(片段) hear sb doing

245.激烈的讨论 heated discussion

246.大雨/雪 heavy rain/snow

247.帮助某人摆脱困境 help sb out 帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth=help sb(to) do sth

有用的 be of help=be helpful 在..的帮助下 with the help of

248.犹豫做某事 hesitate to do sth

249.高度评价 think/speak highly of

250.举起/耽搁 hold up 别挂断 hold on 阻挡 hold back

251.为了纪念 in honour of

252.无论多困难 however difficult=whatever difficulty/

无论…however+形容词/副词 =whatever+名词

253.匆忙做某事 hurry to do sth=do sth in a hurry

254.对..有大概的了解 get a rough/general idea of sth

255.不良作用 ill effect 副作用 side effect

256.设想做某事 imagine doing sth

257.对..产生影响 have an impact/influence on 给某人留下好印象 give sb a good impression

258.在某人20几岁时 in one’s twenties

259.depend on依靠=rely on be independent of 不依赖别人的,.独立的

260.把某事通知某人 inform sb of sth 使某人得到通知 keep sb informed of sth

261.比…次等 be inferior to 比…高等 be senior to 比…低 be junior to

262.坚持做某事 insist on doing sth

坚决要求做 insist that+句子(用should+V)

坚持..观点 insist that+句子(事实情况)

263.打算做某事 plan to do=mean to do= intend to do

264.对..感兴趣 take/show interest in=be interested in

265.参军 join the army 成为一员 join sb 积极参加 join in=take part in

266.和某人开玩笑 play a joke on sb 嘲笑某人 laugh at sb=make fun of sb

267.靠左行驶 keep to the left

阻止某人做某事keep sb from doing sth=prevent sb (from)doing sth=stop sb (from)doing sth

与..保持一致 keep up with 赶上 catch up with 勿踏草坪 keep off the grass

268.拆毁 knock sth down=pull sth down 撞倒某人 knock sb down

269.认识某人 know sb 了解某人 know about/of sb

270.一门关于..的知识 a knowledge of English

271.缺少 lack sth=be lacking in sth=be short of sth 由于缺乏 for lack of=be in absence of

272.持续 last for=run for=continue for=last

273.开会迟到 be late for meeting 晚做作业 be late with hoework

晚些到arrive late lately=recently(句子用现在完成时) later on稍后

274.同一类的 of a kind

275.lie 位于/躺—lay—lain lay 放置,孵蛋—laid—laid

276.通向,导致 lead to=result in

277.从错误中吸取教训 learn from one’s mistake 给某人一个教训teach sb. a lesson

278.请假 ask for leave 让某人独自呆着 leave sb. alone

279.抽出空闲时间 spare one’s leisure/free time

280.想要做…feel like doing=would like to do sth


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