
?北美外教读睡前故事? The Donkey and the Dog 驴和狗

 一帆风顺G3 2017-01-25

今晚,为我们读故事的是VIPKID北美外教Kimberly A老师!!!我们先来认识一下她吧↓↓↓


Kimberly A老师来自美国佛罗里达州,毕业于佛罗里达大学,曾教授世界各地的学生英语。现主要教授中国学生词汇和对话。Kimberly老师致力于让学生在学习过程中体会到其中的乐趣。

Kimberly A老师态度十分友善,课堂中始终面带笑容,并且非常擅长鼓励学生在课上勇敢地说出来。灵活运用各种教具也使得课堂十分生动有趣。

今天,Kimberly A老师给大家带来睡前故事The Donkey and the Dog 驴和狗》,您和您的孩子一定会喜欢的!↓↓↓

A man had a little dog, and he was very fond of it. He would pat its head, and take it on his knee, and talk to it. Then he would give it little bits of food from his own plate.


A donkey looked in at the window and saw the man and the dog.

'Why does he not make a pet of me?' said the donkey. 

'It is not fair. I work hard, and the dog only wags its tail, and barks, and jumps on its master's knee. It is not fair.'


Then the donkey said to himself, 'If I do what the dog does, he may make a pet of me.'

So the donkey ran into the room. It brayed as loudly as it could. It wagged its tail so hard that it knocked over a jar on the table. Then it tried to jump onto its master's knee.


The master thought the donkey was mad, and he shouted, 'Help! Help!' Men came running in with sticks, and they beat the donkey till it ran out of the house. They drove it back to the field.

'I only did what the dog does,' said the donkey,' and yet they make a pet of the dog.'


But then, a little boy walked by into the field and saw the donkey, and the boy said, 'Donkey! You look like you need a friend!' Donkey said, 'Oh yes!I would love a friend of my own!'



The donkey and the boy became the best of friends and lived happily ever after.


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