
大众艺术网:极具实力的水彩画作 —— 旅美上海女画家 Xi Guo 精彩水彩绘画作品欣赏

 昵称30542790 2017-02-02

—— 旅美上海女画家 Xi Guo 精彩水彩绘画作品欣赏

Xi Guo, Signature member of NWS ( National Watercolor Society), NWWS (Northwest Watercolor Society) and PWS (Pennsylvania Watercolor Society), was born and grew up in Shanghai, China. She earned her BFA in oil painting from Shanghai Normal University and completed her graduate school at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) in 2014, majoring in photography.

Xi started to focus on painting with watercolor about five years ago and became a world-wide award-winning watercolor artist. Xi won the second place in the Watermedia Showcase Competition and was 

asked to give a full-page interview by Watercolor Artist Magazine in 2014. In the same year, her painting was included in the art-book Splash 16, The Best of Watercolor: Exploring Texture published by North 

Light Books.

In 2015, Xi’s two paintings were selected to exhibit with 300 paintings from 50 R.I. (Royal Institute of 

Painters in Water Colours) Members, 98 paintings selected from 732 entries from all over the world. One 

of her paintings won her the Shenzhen International Watercolor Biennial Prize. Xi became the first Chinese female painter who exhibited with the R.I. since it was founded in 1831. Her paintings were chosen by R.I again this year. Xi won the the Istanbul Excellence Award from 2015-2016 Shenzhen International Watercolor Biennial which is the one of most competitive and prestigious juried contemporary watercolor exhibitions in the world. As a Winner of All-Media Competition in the Watercolor and Gouache Category, 

Xi was interviewed by The Artist's Magazine. The article was published in the July/August 2016 issue. Xi’s painting was also accepted by AWS’ (American Watercolor Society)149th international exhibition in New York City, and was selected to be a part of the travel exhibition this year. Most recently, Xi Won the Da Vinci Artist’s Merchandise Award in the National Watercolor Society's 96th Annual International Exhibition and was made a Signature Member of NWS.


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