

 金翼宇曦 2017-02-08
工艺美术师 industrial artist
古代雕塑 antique sculpture
古装剧 costume drama 
鼓励艺术创  encourage artistic innovation
怪诞小说 mystery story
观念摄影; 前卫摄影 conceptual phootography 
贯彻党的文艺方针政策 implement the Party’s literary and artistic principles and policies
光效应艺术; 视幻艺术 op  art
瑰丽多彩 colorful patterns
汉贼 poetry in the Han Dynasty
行为艺术家 performance artist
合唱团 glee club
黑白史诗片 black-and-white epic 
弘扬主旋律 highlight the central theme of the time
华丽臻美 gorgeous attire
华语歌坛 Mando-pop scene
画家同行 artistic coterie
画面设计师 graphic designer  
皇家园林 imperial gardens
黄牛票 scalped tickets
活动艺术 kinetic art
假唱 lip syncing  
建立重点艺术科研 establish key artistic and scientific research bases
交响音乐会 symphony concert
交响音乐会 solo concert
解放艺术生产力 liberate art productivity
金牌演员 ace actor  
金棕榈奖 Golden Palm
京剧票友 amateur performers of Peking Opera
京韵大鼓  story -telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompamment
精巧的雕刻 exquisite carving
精湛的艺术表演 superb artistry
精装 deluxe binding 
景泰蓝 cloisonne
静物画 still lift
开拓社会艺术教育 develop art education for the general public
靠经验摄影的摄影家 a rule-of -thumb photograher 
客串演出 a cameo appearance
空前盛世时期 a period of unprecedented brilliance
恐怖片 horror film
蜡笔画 pastel drawing
来势汹汹问鼎奥斯卡的影片 Oscar Bait
乐府诗 folk-songstyled verse
历史剧 historical drama
立体电影 stereoscopic film
灵巧飘逸 agile and elegant
另类说唱 alternative rap
另类乡村摇滚 alternative  country rock 
令人震撼的效果 electrifying effect
流传于民间 popular in the countryside
流行歌曲排行榜 hit parade
马戏表演艺术 circus art
美国偶像 American Idol
美术 fine arts  
朦胧诗 misty poetry
民间工艺 folk art
名嘴 popular TV presenter
摩城之音 the Motown sound
南北中轴线对称 north- and-south middle- axis symmetry
能工巧匠 skilful craftsman ; master artisan
年画   traditional Chinese Spring Festival paintings
纽特民间艺术节 the Newport Folk Festival 
浓厚的昆曲艺术传统 a strong tradition of the Kunqu Opera
培养创新 develop originality
培养社会需要的各艺术人才 foster various artistic talents to meet social needs
盆景艺术 bonsai art
票房大战 box office battle
票房毒药 box office flop 
票房冠军 top-grossing movie
票房号召力 box office appeal
票房价值 box office value
平装 flat stitching  
前景人物 foreground figure
情调音乐 mood music
全国性的文艺机构 national cultural and artistic institutions 
全民及终身的术教育 universal and lifelong art education
群众喜闻乐见的艺术形式 artistic forms popular among the general public
群众性文化娱乐活动 mass cultural and recreational activities
三维动画片   three-dimensional /3D  animation
三一律 ( 一个情节 ,一个地点 一个时间) the three unities 
山水写生   naturalistic landscape
少不更事的青涩时代 salad days
深化艺术表演团体改革 deepen the reform of arts and performing groups
深远的意境 far-reaching prospects
石洞壁画 cave painting
时尚牺牲者 fashion victim
视觉艺术家 visual artist
视频艺术 video art
收视率 television/audience rating
首演;首映 ( screen ) debut/premiere
首支单曲 debut single
书院建筑 buildings of classical learning academies
思想和手法完美结合  perfect harmony between mind and hand
思想性、艺术性、观赏性三统一  uniformity of ideologica artistic and ornamental features
四大名旦 four great dan actors in Beijing Opera
酸性爵士乐 Acid Jazz
探险剧 adventure film
唐三彩   tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang  Dynasty
特镜头写 close-up/special shot 
提倡多样化 encourage  diversity
天籁之声 freaks of nature 
通俗文学 light literature
通俗艺术 popular art
同步叙述 simultaneous narrative
透视画法 foreshortened  figure
玩票族 amateur stage fever 
文化周 culture week 
文人风格 literati style
文学艺术遗产 legacy in literature and art
文艺理论专题研究 special topics on theories of literature and arts
文艺宣传 literary and art publicity
舞台艺术 stage art
细腻 fine and smooth 
夏纳电影节 Cannes Film Festival
现代音乐剧 modern movie musical
乡村音乐 country music  
相声   cross-talk
肖像绘画 portrait painting
小品 witty skits
写生画 drawing from nature  
谢幕 curtain call  
新文学运动 New Literature Movement
形象艺术 graphic arts
宣传片,为电影做广告的简短影片 movie trailer
宣纸   xuan paper - high quality rice paper good for traditional painting and calligraphy
巡回演出 road show
亚洲艺术节 the Asia Arts Festival
演艺业 show business
演职人员 cast member
业余歌手演唱会 talent show
一票难求 hard-to-get ticket  
一线明星 an A-lister
艺高胆大 super skill engenders bravery
艺术创造 artistic creation
艺术殿堂 treasure-house
艺术服务大众   arts for the general public
艺术鉴赏力   artistic appreciation
艺术理念和创作手段 artistic ideas and creative methods
艺术魅力 artistic appeal
艺术人资源 human resources in arts
艺术事业繁荣发展 prosperity and development of arts
艺术水准 aesthetic value of works of  art 
艺术性   artistry /artistic  quality
艺术造诣 artistic attainments
艺术总监 art director  
译制片 dubbed film  
音乐电视 music TV ( MTV)
音乐节 musical festival 
音乐剧 musical  comedy  
音像市场 audio-video tape market
隐藏曲目 hidden track
影评家 film critic 
优秀民间艺术 outstanding folk art
园林景区 garden landscape
原唱艺术家 original artist
运笔自如 consum mate handling of the brush stroke
韵味 lingering charm
造型艺术 plastic arts
长篇连续剧 long-running television series
长时间起立鼓掌 standing ovation
真人秀 reality show
制片协调员 production coordinator
中国国粹 Chinese national treasure
中国结 Chinese knot
中国水墨画 Chinese ink painting
中国水印版艺术  China Water mark Graphic Art
中华艺术瑰宝 treasure of Chinese Arts
终身成就奖 Honorary Oscar
重视对术教育的指导和支持 emphasize guidance to and support of arts education
主打曲目 title track 
主体建筑 chief architectural complex
专题片 television special
赚钱的副业 a profitable sideline
装饰性图画 decorative schemes  
最后一笔 finishing touch 
最佳艺术指导 best art direction  
尊重文化艺术发展规律  respect the laws of arts and cultural  development
北京四合院  Beijing’s courtyard house/Beijing’s four-section rectangular compound
表演艺术  visual and performing arts
藏书票  ex-libris
出场费  performance fee
促进艺术交流  promote artistic exchange
当代文艺思潮  contemporary literary and artistic trend
帝王威仪的象征  a symbol of imperial dignity
电视选秀  talent show
发扬国粹  carry forward the quintessence of Chinese culture
符合文艺发展内在规律  consistent with the inherent laws of the development of arts
高雅艺术  refined and elegant art
工艺美术师  industrial artist
鼓励艺术创新  encourage artistic innovation
贯彻党的文艺方针政策  implement the Party’s literary and artistic principles and policies
瑰丽多彩  colorful patterns
汉赋  poetry in the Han Dynasty
弘扬主旋律  highlight the central theme of the times
华丽臻美  gorgeous attire
皇家园林  imperial gardens
建立重点艺术科研基地  establish key artistic and scientific research bases
解放艺术生产力  liberate art productivity
京剧票友  amateur performers of Peking Opera
京韵大鼓  story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment
精巧的雕刻  exquisite carving
精湛的艺术表演  superb artistry
景泰蓝  cloisonne
开拓社会艺术教育  develop art education for the general public
空前盛世时期  a period of unprecedented brilliance
乐府诗  folk-song-styled verse
灵巧飘逸  agile and elegant
流传于民间  popular in the countryside
马戏表演艺术  circus art
朦胧诗  misty poetry
民间工艺  folk art
名嘴 popular TV presenter
南北中轴线对称  north-and-south-middle-axis symmetry
能工巧匠  skilful craftsman; master artisan
年画 traditional Chinese Spring Festival paintings
浓厚的昆曲艺术传统  a strong tradition of the Kunqu Opera
培养创新  develop originality
培养社会需要的各类艺术人才  foster various artistic talent to meet social needs
盆景艺术  bonsai art
全国性的文艺机构  national cultural and artistic institutions
全民及终身的艺术教育  universal and lifelong art education
群众性文化娱乐活动  mass cultural and recreational activities
三维动画片  three-dimensional/3D animation
山水写生  naturalistic landscape
深化艺术表演团体改革  deepen the reform of arts and performing groups
深远的意境  far-reaching prospects
书院建筑  buildings of classical learning academies
思想和手法完美结合  perfect harmony between mind and hand
思想性、艺术性、观赏性三统一  uniformity of ideological, artistic and ornamental features
四大名旦  four great dan actors in Beijing Opera
他的画的特点是笔力沉着,色彩鲜明。 His paintings are characterized by steady strokes and bright colors.
唐三彩  tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty
提倡多样化  encourage diversity
通俗艺术  popular art
玩票族  amateur stage fever
文人风格  literati style
文学艺术遗产  legacy in literature and art
文艺理论专题研究  special topics on theories of literature and arts
文艺宣传 literary and art publicity
舞台艺术  stage art
细腻  fine and smooth
相声  cross-talk
小品  witty skits
新文学运动  New Literature Movement
宣纸  xuan paper – high-quality rice paper good for traditional painting and calligraph
艺高胆大  superb skill engenders bravery
艺术创造  artistic creation
艺术殿堂  treasure-house
艺术服务大众  arts for the general public
艺术鉴赏力  artistic appreciation
艺术理念和创作手段  artistic ideas and creative methods
艺术魅力  artistic appeal
艺术人才资源  human resources in arts
艺术事业繁荣发展  prosperity and development of arts
艺术水准  aesthetic value of works of art
艺术性 artistry/artistic quality
艺术造诣  artistic attainments
优秀民间艺术  outstanding folk art
园林景区  garden landscape
运笔自如  consummate handling of the brushstroke
韵味  lingering charm
中国国粹  Chinese national treasure
中国结  Chinese knot
中国水墨画  Chinese ink painting
中国水印版画艺术  China Watermark Graphic Art
中华艺术瑰宝  treasure of Chinese Arts
重视对艺术教育的指导和支持  emphasize guidance to and support of arts education
主体建筑  chief architectural complex
尊重文化艺术发展规律  respect the laws of arts and cultural development
版画 engraving  
贝雕画 shell carving picture 
彩塑 painted sculpture 
瓷器 porcelain; china 
刺绣 embroidery 
雕刻 carving 
宫灯 palace lantern 
国画 Chinese painting 
剪纸 paper-cut  
景德镇瓷 Jingdezhen porcelain 
景泰蓝 cloisonné enamel 
蜡染 batik  
卖秸画 straw patchwork  
木/石/竹刻 wood/stone/bamboo carving 
木刻画 wood engraving 
泥人儿 clay figure 
皮影 shadow puppet 
漆画 lacquer painting 
漆器 lacquer ware  
双面绣 two-sided embroidery  
水墨画 Chinese brush drawing  ink and wash painting 
檀香扇 sandalwood fan  
唐三彩 Tang tri-colored pottery 
陶器 pottery  earthenware 
图章 seal  
拓碑 making rubbings from inscriptions , pictures , etc . on stone tablets  
拓片 rubbing  
微雕 miniature engraving 
象牙雕刻 ivory carving 
宜兴陶 Yixing pottery 
艺术及工艺   Arts and Crafts
摆放   layout
保健餐 health food  
刀功   slicing technique
德国城 Germantown  
点心   pastries
防腐剂 preservative  

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