

 葳蕤 2017-02-12



A woman is not necessarily pretty but should be wise enough 


A pretty woman shows her external attractive appearance

But a clever lady has the beauty of behavior

A woman is not necessarily pretty but should be wise enough




A wise woman can hit the spot with proper behaviors 

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A wise woman can hit the spot (使人满足;恰到好处) with proper behaviors as she actually knows there being a fine line between coquetry and trouble-making. 


A capricious and self-willed woman is actually a trouble maker. So never will a wise woman make it too hot for (刁难,搞得某人难受 )her husband in public, nor shall she lose her temper to put her husband into an embarrassing situation due to her loss of temper. She knows how to act gracefully to do her husband proud, and she will not absolutely suffer from injustice from her husband, and she will take him to task (责备;批评;找麻烦) while the door is closed. 


A smart woman knows the exact time to play the woman and is wise enough to act properly, and can also hold good sense of property (把握好分寸) in any circumstances. 



A wise woman knows what words are believable 

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IQ of a smart lady is always above the average and she can never act impetuously on the occasion of using the reason. 


She knows promises made randomly are nothing but the beautiful whispers of love when she is in love up to her ears, and knows “you will be loved and supported for all daily necessities” is just nonsense randomly uttered by a man. Everyone can speak sugared words, which can be merrily heard but shall not be taken to heart. . 


She knows only when a woman makes herself more charming and attractive can she rest assured that her man can not turn against her; as long as a woman has the good sense with the strong financial capacity, she can be more confident in having the final say and spending money for what she likes even in case of alienation of mutual affection, she can not be forced into a dilemma. 


A smart lady can take the man’s romantic talks at face value and make an immediate distinction between what can be fully believed and what can only be taken with a grain of salt. 


A wise woman never asks for trouble

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Even in ancient times, it stands to reason that an sick person could he went to the doctor, so it does not make sense to go to the doctor without illness, and it is true of worries, so a wise woman never asks for trouble. 


She would rather wait patiently for his husband by reading her favorite book than nervously suspect why he is so late back home. She would rather calm down and earnestly do what she should do and have a good time than keep herself indoors and repeatedly ponder over the irrelevant words of others. She is more willing to go out and look around to try to keep herself in a happy mood. 


A wise woman has her own ways and mental capacities in coping with intricacies and can keep the trifles in daily life out of mind as it can disturb her and impair her good mood. 



A wise woman knows how to love herself tenderly 

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A wise woman is fully aware of the value of life, so she can live for herself. 


She places a high premium on her health and beauty, unwilling to be a housewife to pass the time all day long by cooking meals, nor will she be a dowdy lady with her complaints are heard everywhere. She can jog, go to the gym or have regular meals even in a bad mood; she can get herself up very attractively even when she is snowed under (忙得不可开交) to make herself high-spirited not for others.


She can find her soul. She will not easily give up her loved job, friendship, hobbies no matter who she decides to tie the knot. No matter how deeply she loves someone, she will never give up her self-esteem. She will not split hairs(斤斤计较; 钻牛角) or go to extremes when there is no love lost between her and her loved one.


A wise woman has her own way in doing things and is fond of enjoying the views to her heart’s content (尽情地), never overdoing things or swallowing insults so that she can fully control her life as expected. 


It doesn't matter a woman is not so pretty but is to be wise enough. A smart lady can not only enjoy a warm and happy life but also lives a life at its best. Such a woman is loved wherever she goes! 


Wish all of us could be such a wise and happy woman.  



★  中文来源:时光相机

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