
英语口语8000句 9-6 随意谈话:询问情况常用口语句子(MP3)

 昵称40360181 2017-02-25


◎结果怎么样? How'd things turn out?
*turn out... “结果是……”。
= How'd things turn out? (结果怎么样?)
They turned out to be miserable. (结果很惨。)
= How was it?
= How did it go?
= How did it turn out?
= How did it end up?

◎长话短说…… To make a long story short,...

◎你就简明扼要地说吧。 Just tell me the story in a nutshell.
*nutshell “坚果的壳”,in a nutshell是惯用语,“简明扼要地说,总结性地说”。
= Give it to me in a nutshell.

◎告诉我详细情况。 Let me know the circumstances.
= Let me know the situation.

◎轻而易举。 A piece of cake.
How was the test? (你考试考得怎么样?)
= A piece of cake. (简直轻而易举。)
= It was a piece of cake.
= It was very easy.
= It was a snap.
= It was no problem (at all).
= It was as easy as 1,2,3.
= It was as easy as A,B,C.

◎到现在为止还好。 So far, so good.
How's your cooking going? (你做饭做得怎么样了?)
= Up till now, no problems.

◎马马虎虎。 So-so.
How's school? (你们学校怎么样?)
= So-so. (马马虎虎。)

◎事情)就是这样。 That's about it.

◎没什么了不起的。 It was nothing.
Wow! How'd you do that? (哇!你怎么做出来的?)
= It was no big deal.

◎这很简单。 There's nothing to it.
Can you help me E-mail? (你能教我用一下E-mail(电子邮件)吗?)
= It's a piece of cake. (这轻而易举。)
= Nothing complicated about it. (这没什么复杂的。)

◎啊,真灵! It worked!
And if you plug this in... (然后你插上插头……)
It worked! (啊,亮了!)
= It did the job!

◎还需再加把劲。 It needs work.
What about the new computer system? (那个新的计算机系统怎么样?)
= It needs work. (还需改进。)
= It needs more work.
= It needs some work.

◎就差那么一点儿。 Almost.
= I thought it was a home run. (我以为是个本垒打呢。)

◎越来越不好。 Going from bad to worse.
How's married life? (婚后生活怎么样?)
= Getting increasingly worse.
= Getting worse and worse (all the time).

◎他一举成名。He made it big.
*make it big “在社会上取得了成功”。
= He became very successful.
= He is a big success.

◎问题解决了。 We're set.
They just fixed the car. (他刚把车修好。)
We're set. (我们准备好了。)
= Let's get going. (那我们走吧。)
= Our problem's solved.
= We're ready.
= We're okay.

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