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英语口语8000句 9-6 随意谈话:询问情况常用口语句子(MP3)Just tell me the story in a nutshell.(你考试考得怎么样?) = A piece of cake. (简直轻而易举。) = It was a piece of cake. = It was very easy. = It was a snap. = It was no problem (at all). = It was as easy as 1,2,3. = It was as easy as A,B,C.(那个新的计算机系统怎么样?...
英语口语8000句 9-7 随意谈话:附和别人常用口语句子(MP3)= That''s it exactly.◎是吗? Oh, yeah? *比较随便的说法。◎是吗? Is that so? = Really? = Oh, really? = Oh, do you? = Oh, you do? = Oh, you like it? (哦,你喜欢吗?) = Oh, thank you. (哦,谢谢。) It''s nice, isn''t it? (是不是特棒呀?)◎然后呢? ...
英语口语8000句 9-9 随意谈话:催促别人说话常用口语句子(MP3)I''d like to hear the story.(你听说我旅行的事了吗?) Not yet. I''d like to hear the story. (没呢。I want to talk about it now.Let''s talk about it later. (那事我们以后再谈吧。) = I want to talk about it now. (我想现在谈。)Shoot!*动词shoo...
英语口语8000句 9-10 随意谈话:转换话题常用口语句子(MP3)◎我们换个话题吧! Let''s change the subject. Okay, okay, I''ll pay you back next week... (好吧,好吧,下星期我还你钱……) = Let''s talk about something else. = Let''s talk about something different. = I''d rather talk about ...
英语口语8000句 9-11 随意谈话:做决定常用口语句子(MP3)I''ve decided.(你能跳过那条河吗?) I''ll take a chance. (碰碰运气看。) = I''ll take a gamble. = I''ll go for it. (我大胆试一试。) = I''ll give it a try. (试试看。)It''s getting late. (已经这么晚了。) Let''s fini...
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