

 我行我素1968 2017-03-18
时间:15-04-08 点击:129

野生动物与有爱的明星饲养员让真人秀节目《奇妙的朋友》广受追捧,与此同时,它却引发了动物保护者的质疑和抵制 是保护, 还是伤害?来看各家观点!
Wonderful Friends, a 3-month-long reality show on Hunan TV, came to an end on March 28th. But the debate it aroused is far from dying out.
The weekly show features interactions between animals and six celebrities working as zookeepers in Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou. The show is a programming success for Hunan TV.
"People are more interested in TV shows with celebrities than in documentaries," animal protection expert Deng Xuejian told Netease News. "The program is a good way to get people closer to animals."
动物保护专家邓学建在接受网易新闻采访时表示, 较之纪录片,人们更喜欢看有名人参与的电视真人秀。这档节目有助于人与动物建立更加亲密的关系。
However, animal welfare advocates say that is exactly what should be avoided.

"It is hugely misleading to the public about the needs and welfare of captive animals," Dave Neale of Animals Asia, an advocacy group based in Hong Kong, said in a statement.
戴夫尼尔来自总部位于香港的亚洲动物基金,他在一则声明中表示: 这档节目严重误导大众,让他们对圈养动物的需求与救助产生误解。
In one scene, celebrities took two baby chimps out and competed to buy the best clothes for them. One of the two chimps suddenly became restless and bit Myolie Wu, one of the star zookeepers.
In another scene a baby chimp was placed near its father to demonstrate that the older animal would treat the infant as a stranger. The baby becomes distressed and the chimp's father appears anxious and throws a rock at the TV crew.
The TV company created "stressful and harmful situations" to provoke entertaining storylines, said the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums.
世界动物园和水族馆联合会认为,节目方为了制造娱乐性的故事情节,将动物置于 有巨大压力和有害的场景 之中。

Despite the criticism, Animals Asia founder and CEO Jill Robinson has witnessed a significant rise in the number of Chinese citizens showing concern for animal welfare.
"When I first began working in the country from 1985 there was one welfare group in Beijing and now there are over 100 spread across every province," Robinson said on the website of Animals Asia. "Today, we work with them to give a voice to wild and companion animals and provide a convincing argument as to why they should no longer be exploited as entertainment, 'medicine' or food."
她在亚洲动物基金网站上写道, 1985年,我刚来到中国工作时,只有北京一家动物保护组织,而现在全国的动物保护组织已经超过100个,覆盖了全国各省。我们现在与这些组织一道努力,为野生动物及宠物发声,告诉人们为何不应将其作为娱乐的对象、 药材 或是食物。
But a lack of knowledge about animals' habits and needs may lead to some wrongs.
"Many people may think getting cuddly is an expression of love. What they don t realize is wild animals need space," Xie Yan, a zoologist and China director of the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society, told The New York Times. "Putting clothes on chimps is not as adorable as you may think from the animals' point of view."
解焱是总部位于在纽约的国际野生生物保护学会的动物学家与中国项目主任,他在接受《纽约时报》的采访时说: 很多人觉得爱抚是爱的表达,但他们不知道野生动物更需要空间。人们觉得给猩猩穿上衣服很可爱,但是在动物眼中却是另一回事。

Better leave them alone
Teaching chimps to dress could harm their health because it may raise their body temperature and also mentally confuse them.
In the world, it's a common practice to use celebrities to focus public attention on wildlife protection. Yao Ming, for example, traveled to Africa last year to shoot a documentary for WildAid highlighting the problem of elephant and rhinoceros poaching.
But in Yao's case, human observers kept their distance, according to The New York Times.
The debate has also gotten young people thinking. "Who doesn't want to make friends with those cute animals who melt your heart? But after that sentiment, we should put ourselves in their shoes: Is this love what they need?" said Liu Yi, a 19-year-old animal medicine student at Qingdao Agricultural University.
这一争论也引起了年轻人的思考。今年19岁的刘祎是青岛农业大学动物医学专业的学生,她说: 谁不想和那些萌到心都化了的动物做朋友?但是在动心之后,我们也应该站在动物的角度想想,这真的是它们需要的爱么?
重点解析 Key Phrases/Words
1. dying out 衰灭消失,衰止
2. captive adj. 被俘的,被监禁的,圈养的
3. restless adj. 焦躁不安的,不耐烦的
4. rhinocero n. 犀牛,脸皮和犀牛皮一样厚
5. sentiment n. 感情,情绪
6. put oneself in someone's shoes 设身处地为他人想一下,替他人着想
(文章文本 来源21英语)

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